Saturday, June 27, 2009

"Perfect Pushups" - Do they work?

I saw an ad for something called "Perfect Pushups." They claim that their product works many of the main upper body muscles. For anyone who has used this product, does it really work? Do your muscles get as big as they claim, or is it a scam? Because if it really works, I would be really interested in it. Thanks for any help!Here is their website:
everyones gimic claims to be the best thing in fitness. while it might help you some , I doubt it will get you anywhere near what you are looking for over regular pushups with good form. try them for a month solid , use them with other body weight exercises and see what works for you , sorry to say but there is no magic machine that will replace hard work and good nutrition!
im sure you could gain just as much muscle doing regular pushups they key isnt the machine but rather the amount of work you put into it, free weights will also bulk you up alot quicker than pushups
The product is suppose to help you with your form - so that your doing the pushup in a natural motion. Great for people with bad wrists.To bulk up you will just have to do it on a regular schedule
i've been thinking of getting one. they say that since the handles move in an arc motion when you do push ups, you can go down further and work my more muscles. i know it allows you to go down further, but i'm not sure if the claim that it works more muscles is true.

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