Saturday, June 27, 2009

"Skinny *****" / Vegan diet question...?

in a paper i'm writing about going vegan, it asks if the diet i chose could be for anyone, or if it is more suited for one particular group of people. the book is obviously trying to promote their diet, so they make it seem as thought this is a diet for everyone, but is there anyone who may not benefit from a vegan lifestyle? thanks = )
BS Holistic nutrition. Everyone has the ability to benefit on a vegan diet. The key is knowing how to food combine to obtain complete amino acids and necessary vitamins and minerals. However, converting to a vegan diet cannot be done over night. It can take many months or even years depending on the person. A vegan diet can be much healthier than a carnivorous one. The meats that are on the market now are pumped full of antibiotics and hormones that can lead to many health issues. Meat is also full of fat, and once it is cooked the chemical makeup changes and it can actually cause cancer. Dairy products are no longer full of the enzymes that they were once good for due to pasteurization, and the calcium that is added to the products is not chelated so only a minute percentage is actually absorbed by the body. The best way to obtain calcium is through raw dark leafy greens, as is the same with iron. The iron in meat is hemi iron and it is not absorbed by the body at all. A vegan diet can be for anyone. As long as you properly combine foods, then you can still build muscle and endurance. One of the strongest men in the world was actually a vegetarian. Remember that the body only needs 4oz of protein a day... the rest is excess. Good luck on your paper!
It seems pretty healthy to me! As long as you're getting your protein, you don't really need meat, poultry, fish, or dairy.
As long as the individual is careful to get everthing they need nutritionally there is nothing wrong with a vegan diet for anyone. The main thing with vegan diets is getting enough protein. This can be found in many vegan sources such as beans, soy products, etc. You just have to do a little research as to your particular needs depending on age, sex, etc.
(i'm a vegetarian) Actually you can go to this link: and look at the research they have done involving vegan/diets. a lot of people think that they have to eat lots of beans and protein supplements to mantain a healthy body being vegetarian, but it says in that kit that we get plenty of protein from our everyday veggies. its really interesting stuff. enjoy =]

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