Saturday, June 27, 2009


can you tell me how fast you saw results? like example:week?
2 weeks?something like that please...oh...and i know some of you are going to tell me NOT to use them.but i want to let you know that i am in good control over these pills...and i am young enough to handle the energy it gives me...and also...i am only taking 1 pill in the morning..and that gives me the energy i need throughout the day when i want to go and excersize...(spose to take 2...but i have a feeling that, that is what caused alot of the people to go to the hostpital) so i am being very careful with these pills and making sure i dont go overboard...and after my diet i plan on getting off the pills and i am goin to start with changing my eating habits so that i dont gain it all back..
I started to notice results in 2 weeks. I took 1-2 caps 3 x day. I lost 35 lbs in 4 mos. Many people cannot handle the shakes or jumpiness ephedra causes, and it certainly can cause heart palpitations. I never had an adverse reaction like that.
I've seen people go into seizures really quickly from taking pills with ephedra. Chest pain is another 'result' that happens quite often. If that's the kind of results you're looking for...go for it! Dead isn't very sexy...but at least you'll be thin.
You would be wise to trust me on this: save your money. For starters, you will see dramatic results from proper dieting and exercise regimen, which is the most significant factor in in any serious game plan. If you didn't take the pill, you would realize practically the same results doing that alone. The reason you might - and I say, might - do better is because of the energy those pills will give you (at first).One of the primary active ingredients in most is caffeine. It will provide a false energy (false, meaning not derived from a food source). No matter what anyone says, coffee, tea, and other methods of ingesting caffeine will deliver the same result. Plus many, including myself, feel a burning hunger sensation from the concentrated caffeine.The other ingredients play a very minor role and basically serve as hype to cause people to view it as some magic concoction - some magic pill - that will cause people to lose fat. The ones that do work second to caffeine simply do the same thing that the caffeine does: provide energy. Basically all diet pills are just another fly-by-night product that will come and go just like all of the other "fat burners" and false gadgets marketed throughout the decades. They are all gone...but they were supposed to be the greatest thing, proven to work!It is practically false advertising that they refer to such supplements as "fat burners," especially since it is impossible to burn a calorie without expenditure. A calorie is energy, just like gasoline. And like gasoline, you need to transfer it to energy to get rid of it. They help you burn fat only because they give you more energy, causing you to move about more, and be more motivated to become more intense during your workout. Save your money and drink coffee to get the same effect, or in my opinion, a much better one. For starters, you can limit the amount of caffeine you ingest to a much greater to degree than with a highly concentrated pill. You will also avoid other effects, including the shakes that these pills can give (like those times when you drink too much Coke or coffee). If you hate coffee, buy a cheaper form of caffeine pill.Good Luck with your goals!

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