Tuesday, October 13, 2009

After having my daughter almost 3 years ago, i still cant lose the weight!?

Im 22 years old and i had my daughter almost 3 years ago. Im not a big person but i am alot bigger than what i was before i had her. The hardest part about losing the weight is i absolutely HATE vegetables. I tried them every single way. I just cant stand them. I only like corn, potatoes, limabeans, spinach only when its in something( i cant eat it by itself). I tried salad 300 different ways and i cant stomach it. I seem to throw it up and i dont want to be anerexic/bilemic...I just want to do this the right way. Im just looking for some advise b/c it seems the only way you can lose weight is when you eat your veggies and i cant stomach the taste of em. Please be nice tho, im very soft hearted and dont like people saying rude things even tho i know some asses out there will!! thanks for your time in advance!
girl i know what your saying I'm a mother of three an Ive always been stick pin skinny but my son which is 7 months now had something else planned so i started working out 3 times a week i try to eat right to .Try v8 splash its good an you get veggies and fruit in one you don't have to eat salads to lose weight you just have to watch what you eat and a good work about an hour a day girl you will see the results if you stick to it that's the hard part. GOOD LUCK
Eat less. Exercise more.
Have tried talking to your doctor about weigh loss management and a exercise program that might fit your life style and dietary needs.
I'm trying to lose weight too and it's sooo hard. My aunt is using a weight loss product and it's really working for her. I'm gonna try it and I recommend you try it too. Check their website at
http://www.mesayyes.info , my aunt got a free trial and paid only 6.95$ shipping and handling.

After having 4 children, how fat is too fat??

I have 4 children, all under age 5. I am 5'2" and weigh 145 pounds.
Some days I feel very fat, some days I feel good about myself.
Should I relax just because I'm a mother??
If some days you feel good about yourself and other days you dont, could it be on the days you dont, something else might be tugging at you? For example, could you sometimes enter the world of not feeling good about yourself because you're no longer working and making a place in the world of work? Did things not go well that day? A mom of 4 little ones under five tells me you've been having babies for the last 5 years.
To weight 145 is terrific. At some point, your body will adjust and before you know, you'll get on those scales and be truly amazed at what you've accomplished. You have a lot goin' on, girl, so just hang in there. in no time, you'll want to go anywhere and everywhere because you're gonna look like a million. Just hang in there.
stop having children! this world is overpopulated enough!!
Too fat is when people cant tell your pregnant.
relax, you're basically fine. sure you could lose a few pounds but those kids will keep you busy
it all depends on what is healthy for your height as well as how you feel. yes, you're a mother, you've had four children, your body isn't going to the be same as it was before and that's something you just have to except.
im a little under 5'2" and weigh about the same as you. i've had no kids and just like you somedays im fat and sometimes im confortable. Yes. Relax. But not too much.
but you know 'so wat'? Be who you wanna be. :) %26 enjoy ur kids.
You are only 145 after 4 kids? Thank your lucky stars you dont weigh 245. Relax...
You're fine! My mom had 5 kids %26 she weighs 130, she got lucky. You could loose about 5 pounds but you're NOT fat.

After exercising, how many mins./hr(s) should i rest before i take a bath?

after exercising, how many mins./hr(s) should i rest before i take a bath? and when is the best time of a day to exercise? in the morning or at the end of the day?
i dont think it matters when you shower/bath. the warm water should relax and somewhat massage your body, which is a good thing. i would assume its similar to stretching after a workout, which many people recommend. i usually excercise in late afternoon when im awake and my body is stretched from whatever ive been doing all day, but it all depends on what works best for you and your schedule.
i think taking a nice cool shower after a workout is refreshing and i workout like in the morning cause then i know that i wont put it till the end of the day and not do it at all
hope i helped 鈾?

After exercise, splashing cold water on face, will it reduce the calories that are being burnt?

After I am done exercising and my face is burning and sweaty from the work out, if I splash cold water on my face many times to cool down; will it reduce the amount of calories being burnt because I cooled down so quickly? (not shower, just cold water on my face).
No. Cooling down doesn't necessarily mean physically cooling down heat-wise, it means allowing your muscles and body to rest and slow down after a work-out.
No it won't because water has NO calories.
The heat you are emitting is the body's way of cooling you off during exercise.
It does not affect the conversion of fat to energy.
no it wont, period.
No. As long as you worked out in your target heart rate zone (60%-80% of your max heart rate - take 220 minus your age to find your max heart rate) you are burning calories.

After boiling the egg does it loose proteins?

maybe a little, but not much. How else are you going to eat an egg besides it being cooked.
Eggs are actually quite nutritious. They are not just fat (yolk) and protein (white). In fact, they contain a wide array of essential vitamins and minerals. Here is what's in an egg...
A: good for the skin and growth.
D: strengthens bones by raising calcium absorption.
E: protects cells from oxidation.
B1: helps properly release energy from carbohydrates.
B2: helps release energy from protein and fat.
B6: promotes the metabolism of protein.
B12: an essential vitamin in the formation of nerve fibers and blood cells.Minerals
Iron: essential in the creation of red blood cells.
Zinc: good for enzyme stability and essential in sexual maturation.
Calcium: most important mineral in the strengthening of bones and teeth.
Iodine: controls thyroid hormones.
Selenium: like vitamin E, it protects cells from oxidation.
best type of protein If that wasn't enough, egg whites contain the purest form of protein found in whole-foods. It is so high that nutritionists use them as the standard when comparing other whole-food proteins. Their "biological value" -- a measurement used to determine how efficiently a protein is used for growth -- is 93.7. Milk, fish, beef, and rice respectively have a bio value of 84.5, 76, 74.3, and 64.
The higher the value, the better the protein is absorbed. This is why many bodybuilders include eggs in their diet. When a person eats beef, for instance, all of the protein is not necessarily absorbed and used to rebuild tissue. Protein is a complex substance, which is why bodybuilding protein supplement makers are constantly trying to refine the quality of their product and why some protein shake brands boast that their protein is made from egg whites. Having said that, each large egg contains 6.3 grams of protein.
how to eat eggs Experts advise that despite being low in saturated fat, one should not eat more than two eggs a day on a low-fat diet. Egg yolk is mainly fat, so even though it doesn't raise blood cholesterol levels, it can cause other problems if abused.
Contaminated eggs kill up to 5000 individuals each year. One egg in 10,000 is contaminated with salmonella, so you should never eat undercooked eggs, make eggnog on your own or mimic Rocky by swallowing them raw. The proper way to cook eggs depends on the type of food served. The American Egg Board advises that grills should never be set higher than 250F. Anything above that will leave the interior raw while burning the outside. If an egg has runny parts, it means it is still not cooked properly.
mmm, mmm, eggs So now you know the truth about the incredible, edible egg. Once a foe, now a friend, this mighty whole-food contains many great nutrients and isn't as bad as people once thought. A great source of protein and easy to prepare, eggs are nature's golden food... if you don't eat too much of them, that is.
Well, the proteins, I forget the term(!).
It's like congeal. The protein strands unravel (or loosen) and just stretch out just a bit. Before the heating, the protein strands were all twisted up together. After boiling, the strands stretch out and lose their conformation (shape). That is why the white changes its consistency, and the yellow of the egg, too.
The egg is still nutritious, unless you boil it way too long.

After blood pressure is stable on medicine how long do you have to stay on a very low salt diet (2000 mg daily

I have been on medicine(Norvasc) and a low salt diet (less than 2grams per day). for four months now. I am really skinny and I feel like my diet is way too restricted, any advice...I really want to enjoy eating out a little more too
To keep it stable, you'll want to stay on a moderately low salt diet. Everybody has days where they overdo it, just don't do it daily, and keep taking your meds.
Well, since you clearly don't trust your doctor enough to ask him / her, I'll tell you that you can go back to the high salt foods now. Once you're stabilized you can start to slack off and slip back into old habits, as long as yo stay on the medication. The meds are a bit like body armor that way.

After a work out, how long can one stay in a steam bath or sauna without doing harm with one's health?

and is it safe to go to sauna and/or steam bath after a work out? let's say 5x a week?
Recommended at no more than 20 minutes. But that often, I would only do 15. Be sure to fully hydrate yourself before AND after!
Well, I know you arent sup to stay in a hot tub for more than 15 minutes, so its probably along those lines.
No more than 15 - 20 minutes and make sure to stay hydrated.
Also, don't forget to stretch.