Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Achieving optimum definition this week (details inside)?

On Saturday I have an event coming up in which I am required to wear an unbuttoned shirt on. I am perfectly fine with my body as is, but I'd like maximum muscle definition.On Monday I worked my Abdominals, Tuesday I did very minor back and bicep work, Wednesday was rest day, Today (Thursday) I did some tricep and chest work.Tomorrow I an debating if I should do another Abdominal day, because the over training might take away from some gains. I'd like an experts advice on the situation please.(Note: before you ask where's legs, I did squats and stuff on saturday)
do a bit of everything, light weight and many reps. dont get too sore. If u want absolute maximum definition after that use some of that fake tanning stuff, that washes off but looks real.it really helps.
Absolutely! You can do abs..you've only done abs 1x this week.abs can be done 3x a week. You could do a nice ab session and then sat before your event another quick chest session for your unbottoned shirt.
I also recommend a solarium session for extra definition.
Good luck!

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