Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Abs Abs Abs?

I've been working out for almost 2 months now on my mid-section but still have only obtained my top 4 abs that are barely noticeable. Does anybody know good exercises for those hard to get lower abs? Or how to make them more noticeable?
Most of the exercises below are designed to work all of your abdominal muscles, not just the visible "six-pack" rectus abdominus, but also your deep abs (transversus abdominus), obliques, and even your lower back. By strenthening all of these muscles, which wrap around the lower torso like a girdle, you'll get a lean, defined middle that looks good and works even better.Have fun!
Abbs is one of the main things i work out...honestly doing 3 sets of 100 crunches is not gonna do the trick...When you do a crunch your leg muscles are helping...so next time you do a crunch lift ure legs up and cross/lock them together that way the MAIN way you're doing a crunch is by contracting ure abbs ...you can also do that with a weight on your chest. Then go for side abbs lay on one side hands touching each ear and move upward till your elbow almost touches your boob but a little outside of it. You can also lay upside down on an inclined bench and do sit ups ...personally i do 2 sets of 50 crunch 50 side crunch (left) 50 side crunch (right)
abs are not like a thing that grows over a short time
its also base on what u eat too
the best way i say is the classic sit up
and then about 20 push ups
just do at least 60 a day for like a year
this will do it
trust me i got my abs that way
also reduce the amount of fatty foods like fast food
try sticking to like types of meat and grain
also dairy
i'm not say this is what u always should eat
but it will help if u generaly eat this type of stuff
one more thing if u have fat on ur stomach then get rid of it
gaaa one last and final thing to say
it also depends on the type of body u have some people take longer to acquire abs then others, some just cant
but what i said should help
good luck getting those abs

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