Tuesday, October 13, 2009

About the "Curves for Women" Program of Working Out...?

Does anyone know anything about Curves workout centers and if those machines really make a difference? They aren't "free weight" based, but hydrolic, and work with your own body's weight resistance. How hard you can "push" and "pull" the bars on the various machines is the muscle builder, I suppose... do these work? Do they take longer than free weights? And can you work out daily with these machines as opposed to only being able to work out every OTHER day with free weights? Anyone know?
I worked out at curves for about 1 year. My body defintely looked better but after 1 year and following a good diet I only lost 12 pounds. I needed to loss about 100. Dont' know why other people I worked out with lost much more. I down 2 dress sizes and that was nice but they emphasize they fitness level a work out produces not neccesarily the weight loss. They equipment was great. You stay about 30 per piece of equipment and there were 12 equipment stations plus 12 jogging stations. You do circuit training and complete 2 circuits. total 30 minutes. I liked the hydraulic based-equipment because you could work at your pace and strength. For example I would count how many thigh presses I could do in 30 seconds. I started out doing like 15 and by the end of the year I was up to 28. Doesn't sound like alot but the faster you move the more pressure builds up in the hydraulic pistons that move the equipment. Basically , the explanation provided was that if i started out with 5 pounds of lift by the time I was done with that piece of equipment I was up to 10 pounds plus. Which means that I did not have to go out and buy a complete set of weights and as I moved up in strength had alot of weights laying around that I would not use again. Recommended free weight for a woman is usually 5 Lbs. to start and gradually move up to 10--15-- etc. until you feel youv'e reached the maximum amount you can lift. Curves does recommend every other day for their work out. Your muscles need a day for recovery and the also recommend a day of cardio on your in between days. Don't know if I helped much but it just isn't a good idea to do weights every day any. It just causes muscle strain and the possiblity of injury.
I go to Curves. Hydraulic machines are better than weights because the machine will offer as much resistence as you can tolerate and then do the same for me.
My sister loves curves, because it's all women. And you go at your own pace she says it was the best because she never overdid it or hurt herself and also enjoyed not seeing perfectly toned and skinny women looking at her while she was pouring sweat. She's in fabulous shape but not tiny but healthy and thats what counts. Health and happiness above all else. Pearl I recommend it.

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