Tuesday, October 13, 2009

About treadmill?

hi i am over-weight..dats why i wanna buy treadmill because the charges for gym here r really high..but i am afraid my friends say u can't have that set up for exercise at home ..u can't make that kind of tempo...its useless to have treadmill at home..she said she bought that..didnt use it and now she is drying her clothes over there...what should i do:( bcz i know i am a bit lazy and may be if i buy that i wud use it for sometime and then may not because of my laziness..i lack will-power..how should i manage this?
Don't listen to other people's treadmill failures, buy yourself a treadmill %26 use it faithfully each day. I had one when I lived up north %26 couldn't go walking in the local walking park during the winter. I walked on it twice a day because I enjoyed it so much. It was my time! I put on my headset, (love my music) started out slowly, then increased the speed gradually. When I was done, I slowed it back down %26 walked it for about ten minutes. I'd hop off the treadmill, sit down, %26 sip some water. I got into a walking routine %26 I wasn't going to give up. You have to be determined to start a walking regime or it won't work. I was a bit lazy too but I'm not anymore. I live where it never snows now, so I walk outside for three to four miles daily. To get motivated, tell yourself you CAN %26 WILL do it.
Put the treadmill besides the tv, so you can multi-task on the same time, it'll be easier and more fun than running all day, when you can watch tv too! :)
start by going for walks outside around the block. if you can do that consistenly for a month, then buy a treadmill - otherwise you really will waste the money. If you get a treadmill, use it whilst watching tv. If you do it everynight at the same time, it will be easy as long as you do it!
Don't be afraid to do something good for yourself! There are so many worse things you could buy. While it's true it could sit and collect clothes, it's also true that you could get in the habit of using it everyday and lose weight like I did. Don't let fear stop you; you won't succeed unless you give it a try.Good luck!
Hi. I have a treadmill and I use it here in my home. you have to tell yourself that you are "going to get on it once a day"
you have to start out slow. my Doctor told me 5 min. for a bit and then go higher. don't hurt yourself and just jump on there and start running.
I lack will power too, but when u get to a very fat point you will realize its easier to just do it and quit procrastinating and putting it off and half a$s doing everything because if you dont do it like you need to it won't work.I tend to buy alot of exersise equiptment, I have a perfectly good treadmill out on the back porch, probably with alot of **** on top of it. I hate walking and I hardly use it..However, I do have a"recumbent" exersise bike that I really use alot.. it doesnt make me tired like walking does and im able to sit back, unlike normal exersise bikes. You can sit back and relax while you do it.. Just look up.. Recumbent Air Bikes and they arent too expensive either..
You have the right idea. And you are right about most people buy them and don't use them after a while. If there were a good solution to laziness, that wouldn't happen so much.
Put the treadmill where you can watch TV. That helps.
Be sure and set yourself a set of goals. Long term, that helps.
The hard part is starting each time. You can try setting a set time each day. And start easy, so you won't dread starting.
dont listen to other people i have a treadmill in my house and i use it everday... put it by the tv.. thats what i did and it reallly helps cause i can get a great workout and still watch tv..
hope that helped 鈾?

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