Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Addiction to going to the gym?

It's been 2 weeks and I've not gone to the days for two days (not in a row). I've going for an hour and doing cardio. I've noticed I'm getting lightheaded and last time I was shaking a bit. I read that you're only supposed to do 30mins when first starting. My goal is to lose alot of weight quickly... Is doing more at a longer pace speed up my weightloss, or making it worse?
It is speeding up your weight loss but it making your health worse.
this reminds me of the episode of full house where DJ Tanner wanted to diet but was not drinking any water or eating anything and got light headed while doing cardio at the gym
Hi, if you are really looking to lose weight quickly, you may want to look at this website.www.weightlosshalloffame.net ( Click on Hall Of Famers to see people's results )There are 2 programs you can use, a 9 Day Program or a 30 Day Program. Also, just so you know these products are all natural and they will improve your health and help you lose unhealthy fat quickly. IT IS NOT A DIET.If you would like more information, here is a website you can look at.www.swhelan.isagenix.com
Hope this helps you.P.S. I did a 9 Day Program and lost 9 pounds and I felt great.Good Luck !

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