Tuesday, October 13, 2009

About weight lifting.?

I am trying to increase my strenght and the are different opinions out there. Is it better to do lower reps with heavy weights like 3 to 5 reps, or is it better to do sets of 8 to 10 reps. this might seem like a small difference to most but there is a big difference. Plus how many sets should i do of either/or?
If your main goal is pure strength (ala powerlifting), keep the reps under 6 and your weight over 85% of your 1 rep max. If you are keeping the reps this low, you can do 5-7 sets per lift. If you're going the 8-10 rep route (more size building, but still building strength), keep your sets at 3-4.
You can actually increase strength both ways. Strength and hypertrophy gains occur when the muscle is exposed to a workload it is not used to, either through volume (reps/sets) or weight.
It is better to do more sets of reps instead of more weight, because adding more weight , can hurt your joints, and if you are strengthing, then more reps and sets are the smart way to go.

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