Tuesday, October 13, 2009

About how much?

time will it take if i eat corn flakes in the morning and bfore workout i workout at 6 and how long will it take me to lose weight my body burns around 2000 calories a day by itself and i workout on the treadill and burn 500 - 700 caloires so i burn total of 2600 in a day and eat about 600 so how long will this take please tell me
well every 3,500 calories your body burns that is a pound of fat so if you burn 2,000 calories more each day than your body requires then that is 14,000 per week so you will lose just over 4 pound per week doing this! (more in the first week as your body loses excess water.)
everyone is different. not sure what corn flakes has to do with anything.
ugh wth. dude. u need to eat atleast 1500 calories a day or u'll end up in the hospital.
well obviously if u've been doing this for a week and havent lost any weight it's not working.
one day only

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