Tuesday, October 13, 2009

After having my daughter almost 3 years ago, i still cant lose the weight!?

Im 22 years old and i had my daughter almost 3 years ago. Im not a big person but i am alot bigger than what i was before i had her. The hardest part about losing the weight is i absolutely HATE vegetables. I tried them every single way. I just cant stand them. I only like corn, potatoes, limabeans, spinach only when its in something( i cant eat it by itself). I tried salad 300 different ways and i cant stomach it. I seem to throw it up and i dont want to be anerexic/bilemic...I just want to do this the right way. Im just looking for some advise b/c it seems the only way you can lose weight is when you eat your veggies and i cant stomach the taste of em. Please be nice tho, im very soft hearted and dont like people saying rude things even tho i know some asses out there will!! thanks for your time in advance!
girl i know what your saying I'm a mother of three an Ive always been stick pin skinny but my son which is 7 months now had something else planned so i started working out 3 times a week i try to eat right to .Try v8 splash its good an you get veggies and fruit in one you don't have to eat salads to lose weight you just have to watch what you eat and a good work about an hour a day girl you will see the results if you stick to it that's the hard part. GOOD LUCK
Eat less. Exercise more.
Have tried talking to your doctor about weigh loss management and a exercise program that might fit your life style and dietary needs.
I'm trying to lose weight too and it's sooo hard. My aunt is using a weight loss product and it's really working for her. I'm gonna try it and I recommend you try it too. Check their website at
http://www.mesayyes.info , my aunt got a free trial and paid only 6.95$ shipping and handling.

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