Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Adolescent Weight lifting?

I am 14 years old, im in very good shape, and have a good strength base, ive already been liftin weights, runnin, jump rope, pretty much everything i work out about 2.5 hours a day, not strait of course. but i was wonderin.liftin weights, power clean, squat, bench, and olympic lifts arent gonna ruin my joints r they, ive got pretty sound technique.but its not like i lift weights all day jus bout 30-45 mins, 4 times a week...this isnt gonna halt my growing is it?
Good start man!! I didn't start lifting until I was 16. Don't overtrain (by lifting the same muscles too often per week) You should lift the same muscles about 2-3 times a week (like 24-48 hrs. of recovery time). Make sure you use the right technique (especially with squats
seen too many people screw that exercise too much). Also Don't focus on putting much weight, You will build if you are disciplined enough (which it sounds like you are) and eat right. I don't think lifting it will stunt your growth and from what I heard people who frequently exercise generally have a lesser chance of injury than people who just casually do it. you seem to have a sound foundation, also don't focus on machines too much, it seems like dumbbells and barbells work better. Just make sure to put a proper amount of weight and right technique plus are you going for muscle power (low reps high weight - - ideal for a football player) or muscle endurance (high reps, low weight -- for a cross country runner)?This is mostly my personal knowledge and experience try to look up for many second opinions ( can't take a chance).
But overall it seems like you know what your doing.
keep it up!
No it wont. guys mature at different rates but mostly the rule is wait until after you are ten yrs old to lift.
LIfting heavy is fine if you do it correctly and it will strengthen you, not tear you up.
I lifted early with deadlifts and squats and eneded up the tallest one in my whole family of uncles and cousins too.
Just dont go too heavy. consistent workouts over time is more important,
Dont listen to people who have no facts but have heard somewhere that it stunts your growth. They dont know anything.
Lift and eat right and you will be fine., oh get good rest too.,
Iam 15 years old and I do pretty much the same thing becouse Iam on the football team. The aerobic exercises wont effect your growth but weight training with heavy weights will effect you. You have to left light weights, becouse your muscles well more likely to show more and vans will show if you left light weights. Trust me, i've tride it and iam ripped as hell. But heavy weights may lead to growth stops.(stuned growth). But our joints as teenagers are very good. They will repair fast if they take impact. But once you get old (30+) your joints will go wronge. So i encourge you to keep doing aerobic exercises and lefting light weights.
At 14 your body is probably grown enough so your growth won't be stunted. If you ever feel like you are really tired and can't lift anymore during a workout, stop. Because the last thing you want is to get hurt. Also, if you don't have proper technique, you will increase your chance of injury. I started lifting at 13 and I am fine. Good luck!
not that i know of i am 16 and i have been lifting and doing basic workouts and i have not had any problems and i have been doing it for 3 years as long as u don't take to much supplements u should be good i workout for 2 hours 4 times a week i bench 250 and squat 310

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