Tuesday, October 13, 2009

After having 4 children, how fat is too fat??

I have 4 children, all under age 5. I am 5'2" and weigh 145 pounds.
Some days I feel very fat, some days I feel good about myself.
Should I relax just because I'm a mother??
If some days you feel good about yourself and other days you dont, could it be on the days you dont, something else might be tugging at you? For example, could you sometimes enter the world of not feeling good about yourself because you're no longer working and making a place in the world of work? Did things not go well that day? A mom of 4 little ones under five tells me you've been having babies for the last 5 years.
To weight 145 is terrific. At some point, your body will adjust and before you know, you'll get on those scales and be truly amazed at what you've accomplished. You have a lot goin' on, girl, so just hang in there. in no time, you'll want to go anywhere and everywhere because you're gonna look like a million. Just hang in there.
stop having children! this world is overpopulated enough!!
Too fat is when people cant tell your pregnant.
relax, you're basically fine. sure you could lose a few pounds but those kids will keep you busy
it all depends on what is healthy for your height as well as how you feel. yes, you're a mother, you've had four children, your body isn't going to the be same as it was before and that's something you just have to except.
im a little under 5'2" and weigh about the same as you. i've had no kids and just like you somedays im fat and sometimes im confortable. Yes. Relax. But not too much.
but you know 'so wat'? Be who you wanna be. :) %26 enjoy ur kids.
You are only 145 after 4 kids? Thank your lucky stars you dont weigh 245. Relax...
You're fine! My mom had 5 kids %26 she weighs 130, she got lucky. You could loose about 5 pounds but you're NOT fat.

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