Tuesday, October 13, 2009

After exercise, splashing cold water on face, will it reduce the calories that are being burnt?

After I am done exercising and my face is burning and sweaty from the work out, if I splash cold water on my face many times to cool down; will it reduce the amount of calories being burnt because I cooled down so quickly? (not shower, just cold water on my face).
No. Cooling down doesn't necessarily mean physically cooling down heat-wise, it means allowing your muscles and body to rest and slow down after a work-out.
No it won't because water has NO calories.
The heat you are emitting is the body's way of cooling you off during exercise.
It does not affect the conversion of fat to energy.
no it wont, period.
No. As long as you worked out in your target heart rate zone (60%-80% of your max heart rate - take 220 minus your age to find your max heart rate) you are burning calories.

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