Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Advice? Please?

Ok I have a six pack. Hidden under a layer of fat. I need to know how to get the fat off so I just have my six pack. Can you give me some advice or workouts on how to lose the fat? Anything will help thanks! Oh and other info if you need it is I am 5'6 and 122 pounds, skinny, 12 years old. And please don't say don't worry about my weight cuz I am 12. everyone thinks i am 17 so I am mature enough to lose some weight.
5'6" and 122 is not that bad, but you could trim up. Need to eat light calorie foods and do regular exercise, that you help. In exercise curlz are the best for tightening your abs.
cardio, cardio, cardio. Treadmill running, elliptical, etc.
guys have six packs not girls thats just wrong

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