Tuesday, October 13, 2009

After blood pressure is stable on medicine how long do you have to stay on a very low salt diet (2000 mg daily

I have been on medicine(Norvasc) and a low salt diet (less than 2grams per day). for four months now. I am really skinny and I feel like my diet is way too restricted, any advice...I really want to enjoy eating out a little more too
To keep it stable, you'll want to stay on a moderately low salt diet. Everybody has days where they overdo it, just don't do it daily, and keep taking your meds.
Well, since you clearly don't trust your doctor enough to ask him / her, I'll tell you that you can go back to the high salt foods now. Once you're stabilized you can start to slack off and slip back into old habits, as long as yo stay on the medication. The meds are a bit like body armor that way.

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