Tuesday, October 13, 2009

About Atkins Diet (weight didn't goes down !)?

I have started Atkins 4 weeks ago,I didn't eat rice or any carbohydrates (25g under).But my weight didn't goes down.I am a student and I work infront the computer all day long.Is it means Atkins Diet also need excerise too??Help me.!If i go to Gym 3 times a week,everyday 1 hour and do Atkins Diet,can i lose 25pounds before the middle of Augest ??
Atkins stated in his book "If you are not exercising, you are not doing Atkins".Have you read the book? If not, it's quite possible that you are not doing Atkins properly.As mentioned above, it's also possible that you are eating a lot of hidden carbs, especially if you are eating a lot of processed foods.Unless you are extremely obese (ie more than 100 pounds to lose) it is unlikely that you will lose 25 pounds in just over a month. But you should be lighter than when you started, and healthier too.It's also possible that you're shrinking, even though the weight is not changing. Have you measured yourself?When you don't have a lot of weight to lose, the loss can be very slow.
yes u must a least work out three times a week. but you don't have to go to the gym. you could work out in the house. buy a jump rope and do crutches that should work .
The atkins diet is not good for you. When you start the atkins diet you'll be losing fat and muscle mass, however, the minute you come off the diet you'll gain all of the weight back, but all of it will come back as fat, so all in all, you're less healthy than you were before hand. Try a simple diet plan of your own. 1.) Drink lots of water
2.) Eat all the fruits and veggies you want
3.) Cut out junk food, fast food, greasy food, and regular pop/soda.
4.) Continue to exercise even if just from home - crunches, bicycle kicks, run in place, walk/bike/jog around the block, swim for 30 minutes, hold 5 pound weights while walking up the stairs.I know this sounds weird because so many people rave about the amount of weight they lose on the Atkins Diet, but honestly, it comes back double what you lost the minute you stop the diet. Do you really want to have to diet all of your life to keep that trim figure?? Hope this helps. Good Luck! :=-)
look for hidden carbs in your food. Packaged, processed food is no good for you. Lots of marinades and salad dressings contain hidden sugar. Stick to lean meat and veggies, so called "raw foods" that you eat in as close to a natural form as you can. Keep away from the refined starches and sugars and you'll do fine

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