Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Advice on weight loss!?

Please help me! i need to lose weight! i was so healthy then i became unhealthy because... grr food. i want to go back to my old weight, which i had 6 months ago (not the weight when i was 80 pounds cuz thats just scary.) and that means i have to lose about 25 pounds. i was hoping to be in shape by school time.. september 4th. so i need exercises (that do not involve running/jogging or going to a gym since i have limited times) that will tone my abs, thighs, arms, yeah just my body overall (like get rid of fat though not make body builder muscles lol) and a diet like a specific one please. also, i heard cardio was good for losing weight... what are cardio exercises? can i have like a whole list of them? Okay... so this is what i need--1) specific diet to go on
2) exercises that don't involve running, jogging or going to a gym
3) a whole big list of cardio exercisesand how long approx. will it take to lose 25 pounds?
Here's my briefest answer:1) Cut 1,000 calories from your daily requirements to lose 2 pounds a week. (calculate your calorie requirements at a website--google search). So to lose 25 pounds it will take you ~12.5 weeks. Sometimes it's just easier to watch your caloric intake than to go on a specific, boring diet.
2) Try dancing or biking as good cardio workouts, but running is the quickest calorie-burner. And getting into the habit of running is a good lifetime goal.
3) Any activity that raises your heart rate for at least 20 mintues can be considered cardio.
Learning to eat well and exercise is the only solution to long-term weight loss. We offer the following tips to help you lose weight to look better, feel better, and live a healthier life. Check out http://use-weightloss.blogspot.com/... for all info regarding weight loss.
losing weight according to a well working plan is not a huge problem ,there's that site i subscribed in for 2 months now and the results are really showing ,here is the link, http://overweight-professional.co.nr... hope it helps you as well as it helped me.
OK, i may not provide you with a list of cardio exercises but i can give you a specific diet and you can lose up to 8 pounds in a week, i tried it before graduating high school, boy i dropped pounds after that! anyways here's the diet i will first start with what you'll need:Kashi Cereal (get it from your local super Market,cereal isle)
Fruits: any types of fruits you like
Low fat milk or Silk milk (unless ur lactose intolerant)Replace your regular breakfast and lunch with a bowl of kashi with lowfat milk, and two fruitsThird meal would be dinner, your dinner will be anything you regularly have. Its a short diet i know but it works wonders!
since this diet keeps you full (while losing weight) you wont need snacks in between time. But if you do crave try something in lowfat, like yogurt, jello, or some crackers.If you continue this diet you drop more than 25 pounds before school starts IF you start now!

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