Tuesday, October 13, 2009

About how many calories do you burn from jogging at a moderate pace for 25 minutes?

If you're going about 5 mph, which is a moderate pace, you'll cover 2 miles in 24 minutes and burn about 300 calories. You burn about 150 calories per mile, maybe slightly more if you run a little faster, but it's really not significantly more. You'll also burn a little more if you're heavier and a little less if you're lighter. But 150 calories per mile is easy to calculate in your head and is pretty accurate no matter speed or weight.Here are some caluclators that can help you with how far, how fast, or how long it will take to cover your distance...
about 185 im guessing.
maybe up to 250, but none from fat as your liver has enough glycogen for 20-30 min of exercise. Unless you are watching your carb intake.

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