Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Addict masturbate is bad may be or not?

when im child im very healthy my teachers call me im potato like but when i come in six standard i start doing masturbating and doing it till i pass 12th i do maximum masturbating 2 times a days when i know that it is bad for one's health now im 52 kg i think so it is becoz of mastubating and i also loss the strength becoz of my health i loss my confidence and feel shy to talk to any girl now i not doing masturbating more then year can i once again able to get that strength and health
Do not feel guilty now.Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
you should do it 3 or 4 times a day for maximum health

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