Tuesday, October 13, 2009

About anorexia...?

When you start eating normaly, but your metabolism slows down so that you weigh more that you did before you were anorexic, should you allow this to happen? Because your body needs the same amount of food as before? Or should you lower your calorie intake to match your metabolism?
DO NOT LOWER YOUR CAlORIE INTAke. yes, that is supose to happen.
All i can say is eat alot and it is much better to be fat and have diabeatise
It's normal. Just keep eating like you are now, don't lower the calorie intake. Drink a lot of water or exercise to keep your metabolism up. It'll be ok.
don't lower your calories, your body needs fuel...eat right and exercise and eventually the metabolism should get back to a more "normal" state... 4 - 6 small meals a day keeps the metabolism burning at a higher rate for longer, than the typical 3 meals a day.also, the more muscle you have, the faster the metabolism, and of course exercise bumps it up for a while as well.
Do NOT lower your caloric intake. You need the extra calories to gain back some healthy weight. Initially, you may put on several pounds, but your body will adjust and your metabolism will start to speed up to burn the excess calories. You just need to be patient and let your body adjust.

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