Tuesday, October 13, 2009

About weight loss please help?

i am jogging (3kms) and brisk walking(3kms) continuosly that means i jog and walk 6 kms daily, do 100 situps , 30 dips , and i am taking 2200 calories daily i want to know that whether i will be able to loose some weight till 14th october say 15 kgs by this schedule and diet intake. my height is 6 feet and weight is 115 kgs currently .. (yeah i am obese)
That seems good, it sounds like you should lose a decent amount of weight doing that. If you follow that until mid October then that should get you down to somewhere around 95kg if you keep at it good. Also make sure you follow a healthy diet as well, without a proper diet almost all exercise is for nothing. Also I'd recommend for you something that has worked for me and for a lot of other people: swimming. Believe it or not swimming will actually kickstart your metabolism and will really let you lose weight. In fact it'll make you lose so much weight that if you start it I'd recommend you actually increase (yes, increase) your caloric intake, that's how powerful it is and that's how much energy your body needs to replace. But I'd also cut back on the running a bit if you decide to get into swimming, you never want to overstress your body. And a few last words of wisdom: don't resort to diet pills! The pills that don't work just try to get over people's psychological blocks for their weight problems (they're a fully marketed placebo) and the pills that do work make you extremely skinny even if you're really overweight and will cause more problems like increased risks of heart disease, stroke, infection and can stunt bone growth. The pills that work aren't anything to be messed around with unless a doctor specifically gives them to you for a medication but even in that case you may be subject to a double-blind placebo test where the real thing will be distributed along with something that is proven to not work (placebo) where both you and your doctor won't notice the difference.
I don't know what you eat - but if you want a really good food plan for weight loss read "Skinny Bi tch"
if ur fat and can't lose weight it might be cuz u got it from ur family and u can't get rid of it.
how many pounds is a kg? if i know that, i might be able to help haha
If you eat more healthier foods and more veggies than meat. It will help.
Only for 5 days. take a 1-2 day break. on that Break you can eat whatever you like. but after your break you must start again. Continue until your happy. It does work. It worked for my aunt.
3 kms is only almost 2 miles, I would start out and 3 kms and within a week or so try to run 4.5 kms, that's factoring in your cools off period too. Your cardio is very crucial for losing weight. Also if you are able to get to a swiming pool, swimming is really good for toning your body and shedding the lbs or kgs in your case =) Make sure you stop drinking soda if you are, also something that I know helps is no carb's after five or six o'clock (at night)As long as you take out the bad foods; bring in the good foods; and excersice, you will for sure lose fat!Good Luck!!
Yes it is do-able but you will have to be motivated. Start running more of the 6kms and walking less. The situps and dips are great, you should add in some other exercises also: pushups, leglifts, weight training,etc. I would also try and drop the calories to about 1800-2000 per day. These need to be good calories from healthy foods. If you get into heavy weight training more towards 2000 calories. Remember muscle weighs more than fat so you may lose 15kgs of fat but only show 12 or 13kgs on the scale.

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