Tuesday, October 13, 2009

About how many lbs will i lose in a week doing this?

ok i am eating more healthy foods now and eating less, i am doing about 2 1/2 hours of cardio a day, different varieties of cardio, biking, walking, dancing, wii sports, cleaning, ddr, and more. if i do this everyday, about how many pounds a week do you think i will lose, i am eating about 1200 calories a day.
please help
Well I would guess you could lose 2-3 lbs from the dieting and exercise. This would probably be weight in fat. However, you may also lose water weight due to the amount of cardio and heat (water weight leaves your body in the form of sweat) so you may be able to lose a few pounds here too.I don't think you'll be able to lose more than 4-5 lbs but getting rid of the water weight will reduce bloating that we often don't even notice because we're used to it so your tummy will look flatter.Don't forget to stay hydrated though! Good Luck!
Aim for 2-3 pounds per week. If you hit 1 pound, it's still a pound.
That really just depends on your metabolism.Its hard to answer that one.
Wait one week and then tell US !
I'm not sure about how many lbs you'll loose but i did almos the same thing as you and I lost about 15-20lbs in one month. I was a waitress before and i used to walk around about 4-5 hrs a day. So that's where i got some cardio especially when we were busy. At home i would do about 1hr of cardio (Latteral Thigh Trainer)and 30min to 1hr of abdomial work.
ABout the food.OMG i totally cut off all the fat and most of the carbs. No fired food or junk food, no carbonated drinks and very easy on the juice. Lots of water, lots of fruit, veggies especially the leafy greens and a good portion 4-5 oz of protine. Try to grill, broil or bake your protine. It really worked for me but everyone is different.
Try it and keep us posted!
Remember only do what your body can handle.

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