Tuesday, October 13, 2009

About what height do u think ill be??

height:about 5`6
shoe size:10 %26 101/2
look at your parents. That's the fairest representation of your future stats. If your parents are short, you probably will be unless you have some dormant tall genes (and you' d have to ask a geneticist about all that) It also depends on when you take your spurts.but if you're twelve, that tall already, you'll be most likely taller before you finish growing. And your shoe size indicates to me that you'll be exceptionally tall.
It all depends on your parents height. If your mom and dad are tall (6'3'' and 5'10'') then more than likely I would say about 5'9''--6'0''. My sister was about that height when she was 12. If your parents are short (5'11'' and 5'6'') the you would be around 5'9'' stretching it. Women are normally the height they're going to be at 15 or so. Keep track of how much you've grown over a 3 month period. Do the math and that would be the approximate height.
look at your parents. That's the fairest representation of your future stats. If your parents are short, you probably will be unless you have some dormant tall genes (and you' d have to ask a geneticist about all that) It also depends on when you take your spurts.but if you're twelve, that tall already, you'll be most likely taller before you finish growing. And your shoe size indicates to me that you'll be exceptionally tall. Is that 10-101/2 American sizing? That is extremely large. My friend is six-two and she takes a size ten shoe.

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