Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Abs training?

I want to have abs like my friends at the gym and I started my workout for a year, but all my daily training didn't come up with any results even though i walk a lot and i'm not overweight ( 5'8 and 160 lbs). When i asked my friend they advised me to lose 8 kg because the said that the fat may has covered the muscles. What should i do??
You need to go on a low-fat diet, increase your cardio workout and continue your weight lifting. You can't "spot reduce," so kicking up the intensity of your ab workout will do nothing.If you're able, I HIGHLY recommend the Body for Life program. Go to www.bodyforlife.com to see the results you CAN achieve in 90 days.Look into the HIIT (high intensity inverval training) method of cardio. It's a better workout and guaranteed to trim the fat IF you stick to a good diet.
work on ab crunches for 30 min a day for like 3 weeks and ull have rock hard abs!
lots of abs work out. lot lot lots to lose the fat.
basically your friend is right. You need to lose the fat that's covering your abs. I would do a lot of abdominal exercises and a healthy diet. Should see results in a month or two.
ok.what i do is do crunches on a stability ball....250 a night (trust me...you'll get used to it) lay on your back on the ball.with your feet on the ground and pull yourself up to a crunch..i did 20,750 crunches so far....in about 3 months time.and my abs are showing now..so try that.stability balls arent expensive.just look in the work out/training section of any store.im pretty sure they have them
First of all genetics play a huge role when it comes body types, especially muscle structure. Not everyone is going to be able to gain a ripped stomach and even though you may not be overweight, your abdominals will still not ever look like your friends. That's not to say they won't look good though! The best way to get a good formed stomach is to do a lot of cardio exercise and eat a healthy balanced diet. I know, I know - You have probably heard that over and over and over. But seriously, it's not rocket science. Most people think you need to do a ton of abdominal excercises and well you do to build and form muscle but that will not take care of the layer of fat that most have covering their abs. You should only be training your abs about 2 to 3 times a week. Also, instead of doing crunches and ab exercises, switch it up and try doing some pilates or yoga. Those are great ways to tone your whole body and give you more of a variety so that you don't reach what is called workout boredom (in simple terms just means when your body is used to a certain workout).Good luck!
Michelle, CPT

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