Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Abs help...//ab lounge?

Im 14 and in athletics at school this last fall they had us do a lot of crunches. I had a belly at the beginning, but now its odd. the crunches have flattened the top third(ish) section of my abs, but the bottom 2/3rds is still "round".
any specific exercises that mainly work the lower abs?ive also been looking into the ab lounge. ive been reading the feedback here and it seems to be very extreme answers "it rocks!" or "its horrible!!'
opinions? worth money?
if so--
# of sets?
sets of ___?
how often a week?
when do results show?thanks.
It is ONLY worth the money if it is the only way to get you to work on your abs! Otherwise, save your cash. Women have a very difficult time with the lower abs due to the way we store fat and our harmones. Try ab exercises that encourage you to pull your pelvis and your rib cage together to engage a fuller range of motion and muscle - basic crunch while pulling bent legs in at the same time. Pilates is fantastic for fully engaging your abs and your core! Also, if you are workig your abs hard, be sure to work your back as well or you will have muscle imbalance that can lead to injury, back pain, etc. Cheers...
PS - Hubby bought an Ab Lounge and using the exercise ball or doing pilates is WAY more challenging than that!
the Ab lounge is great maintenance - not start up, to help with lower abs try hanging leg raises, or lie on your back place your hands under you butt and keep legs together and rotate them in a large circle for 1 min then go opposite direction for another minute. then while still on your back have someone stand over you, hold their ankles and lift your legs together up to them and have them push them down, don't let them hit the ground, have them push in all directions - give 1 week of this and you will start noticing lower abs quickly. good luck
Just keep doing crunches and leg lifts DO NOT get an ab lounge it is a waste of money I did it 4 6 months and I saw NO results!Hope this helps!

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