Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Abs Excercises?

What are sum very good ab excercises that really work or a website with a workout plan without any stuff,i only got myself,a excercise ball,treadmill,and thats it,plzzz
http://beauty.expertvillage.com/videos/a...Hopefully this one will work just fine it has the step by step video using your excercise ball in the routine as well. Good luck
Crunches, leg lifts, and put your legs straight up in the air and do sit ups. Fifty each.
Leg raises and sit ups are pretty much the core exercises. You do not really need any equipment, although a sit up bench only cost about 25 quid in the UK, I guess 30-50 USD. These can help as you support your legs to allow you to concentrate on the abs, and you can also do weighted situps by holding a weight to your chest.To take it one step further, get a pair of inversion boots, and somewhere solid to hang them, and do inverted sit ups.
Check out this website for ab excercises. It even has a animated picture for each exercise. I have used this site for ab excercises and the are effective. http://www.shapefit.com/abs-exercises-to...

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