Tuesday, October 13, 2009

After having my daughter almost 3 years ago, i still cant lose the weight!?

Im 22 years old and i had my daughter almost 3 years ago. Im not a big person but i am alot bigger than what i was before i had her. The hardest part about losing the weight is i absolutely HATE vegetables. I tried them every single way. I just cant stand them. I only like corn, potatoes, limabeans, spinach only when its in something( i cant eat it by itself). I tried salad 300 different ways and i cant stomach it. I seem to throw it up and i dont want to be anerexic/bilemic...I just want to do this the right way. Im just looking for some advise b/c it seems the only way you can lose weight is when you eat your veggies and i cant stomach the taste of em. Please be nice tho, im very soft hearted and dont like people saying rude things even tho i know some asses out there will!! thanks for your time in advance!
girl i know what your saying I'm a mother of three an Ive always been stick pin skinny but my son which is 7 months now had something else planned so i started working out 3 times a week i try to eat right to .Try v8 splash its good an you get veggies and fruit in one you don't have to eat salads to lose weight you just have to watch what you eat and a good work about an hour a day girl you will see the results if you stick to it that's the hard part. GOOD LUCK
Eat less. Exercise more.
Have tried talking to your doctor about weigh loss management and a exercise program that might fit your life style and dietary needs.
I'm trying to lose weight too and it's sooo hard. My aunt is using a weight loss product and it's really working for her. I'm gonna try it and I recommend you try it too. Check their website at
http://www.mesayyes.info , my aunt got a free trial and paid only 6.95$ shipping and handling.

After having 4 children, how fat is too fat??

I have 4 children, all under age 5. I am 5'2" and weigh 145 pounds.
Some days I feel very fat, some days I feel good about myself.
Should I relax just because I'm a mother??
If some days you feel good about yourself and other days you dont, could it be on the days you dont, something else might be tugging at you? For example, could you sometimes enter the world of not feeling good about yourself because you're no longer working and making a place in the world of work? Did things not go well that day? A mom of 4 little ones under five tells me you've been having babies for the last 5 years.
To weight 145 is terrific. At some point, your body will adjust and before you know, you'll get on those scales and be truly amazed at what you've accomplished. You have a lot goin' on, girl, so just hang in there. in no time, you'll want to go anywhere and everywhere because you're gonna look like a million. Just hang in there.
stop having children! this world is overpopulated enough!!
Too fat is when people cant tell your pregnant.
relax, you're basically fine. sure you could lose a few pounds but those kids will keep you busy
it all depends on what is healthy for your height as well as how you feel. yes, you're a mother, you've had four children, your body isn't going to the be same as it was before and that's something you just have to except.
im a little under 5'2" and weigh about the same as you. i've had no kids and just like you somedays im fat and sometimes im confortable. Yes. Relax. But not too much.
but you know 'so wat'? Be who you wanna be. :) %26 enjoy ur kids.
You are only 145 after 4 kids? Thank your lucky stars you dont weigh 245. Relax...
You're fine! My mom had 5 kids %26 she weighs 130, she got lucky. You could loose about 5 pounds but you're NOT fat.

After exercising, how many mins./hr(s) should i rest before i take a bath?

after exercising, how many mins./hr(s) should i rest before i take a bath? and when is the best time of a day to exercise? in the morning or at the end of the day?
i dont think it matters when you shower/bath. the warm water should relax and somewhat massage your body, which is a good thing. i would assume its similar to stretching after a workout, which many people recommend. i usually excercise in late afternoon when im awake and my body is stretched from whatever ive been doing all day, but it all depends on what works best for you and your schedule.
i think taking a nice cool shower after a workout is refreshing and i workout like in the morning cause then i know that i wont put it till the end of the day and not do it at all
hope i helped 鈾?

After exercise, splashing cold water on face, will it reduce the calories that are being burnt?

After I am done exercising and my face is burning and sweaty from the work out, if I splash cold water on my face many times to cool down; will it reduce the amount of calories being burnt because I cooled down so quickly? (not shower, just cold water on my face).
No. Cooling down doesn't necessarily mean physically cooling down heat-wise, it means allowing your muscles and body to rest and slow down after a work-out.
No it won't because water has NO calories.
The heat you are emitting is the body's way of cooling you off during exercise.
It does not affect the conversion of fat to energy.
no it wont, period.
No. As long as you worked out in your target heart rate zone (60%-80% of your max heart rate - take 220 minus your age to find your max heart rate) you are burning calories.

After boiling the egg does it loose proteins?

maybe a little, but not much. How else are you going to eat an egg besides it being cooked.
Eggs are actually quite nutritious. They are not just fat (yolk) and protein (white). In fact, they contain a wide array of essential vitamins and minerals. Here is what's in an egg...
A: good for the skin and growth.
D: strengthens bones by raising calcium absorption.
E: protects cells from oxidation.
B1: helps properly release energy from carbohydrates.
B2: helps release energy from protein and fat.
B6: promotes the metabolism of protein.
B12: an essential vitamin in the formation of nerve fibers and blood cells.Minerals
Iron: essential in the creation of red blood cells.
Zinc: good for enzyme stability and essential in sexual maturation.
Calcium: most important mineral in the strengthening of bones and teeth.
Iodine: controls thyroid hormones.
Selenium: like vitamin E, it protects cells from oxidation.
best type of protein If that wasn't enough, egg whites contain the purest form of protein found in whole-foods. It is so high that nutritionists use them as the standard when comparing other whole-food proteins. Their "biological value" -- a measurement used to determine how efficiently a protein is used for growth -- is 93.7. Milk, fish, beef, and rice respectively have a bio value of 84.5, 76, 74.3, and 64.
The higher the value, the better the protein is absorbed. This is why many bodybuilders include eggs in their diet. When a person eats beef, for instance, all of the protein is not necessarily absorbed and used to rebuild tissue. Protein is a complex substance, which is why bodybuilding protein supplement makers are constantly trying to refine the quality of their product and why some protein shake brands boast that their protein is made from egg whites. Having said that, each large egg contains 6.3 grams of protein.
how to eat eggs Experts advise that despite being low in saturated fat, one should not eat more than two eggs a day on a low-fat diet. Egg yolk is mainly fat, so even though it doesn't raise blood cholesterol levels, it can cause other problems if abused.
Contaminated eggs kill up to 5000 individuals each year. One egg in 10,000 is contaminated with salmonella, so you should never eat undercooked eggs, make eggnog on your own or mimic Rocky by swallowing them raw. The proper way to cook eggs depends on the type of food served. The American Egg Board advises that grills should never be set higher than 250F. Anything above that will leave the interior raw while burning the outside. If an egg has runny parts, it means it is still not cooked properly.
mmm, mmm, eggs So now you know the truth about the incredible, edible egg. Once a foe, now a friend, this mighty whole-food contains many great nutrients and isn't as bad as people once thought. A great source of protein and easy to prepare, eggs are nature's golden food... if you don't eat too much of them, that is.
Well, the proteins, I forget the term(!).
It's like congeal. The protein strands unravel (or loosen) and just stretch out just a bit. Before the heating, the protein strands were all twisted up together. After boiling, the strands stretch out and lose their conformation (shape). That is why the white changes its consistency, and the yellow of the egg, too.
The egg is still nutritious, unless you boil it way too long.

After blood pressure is stable on medicine how long do you have to stay on a very low salt diet (2000 mg daily

I have been on medicine(Norvasc) and a low salt diet (less than 2grams per day). for four months now. I am really skinny and I feel like my diet is way too restricted, any advice...I really want to enjoy eating out a little more too
To keep it stable, you'll want to stay on a moderately low salt diet. Everybody has days where they overdo it, just don't do it daily, and keep taking your meds.
Well, since you clearly don't trust your doctor enough to ask him / her, I'll tell you that you can go back to the high salt foods now. Once you're stabilized you can start to slack off and slip back into old habits, as long as yo stay on the medication. The meds are a bit like body armor that way.

After a work out, how long can one stay in a steam bath or sauna without doing harm with one's health?

and is it safe to go to sauna and/or steam bath after a work out? let's say 5x a week?
Recommended at no more than 20 minutes. But that often, I would only do 15. Be sure to fully hydrate yourself before AND after!
Well, I know you arent sup to stay in a hot tub for more than 15 minutes, so its probably along those lines.
No more than 15 - 20 minutes and make sure to stay hydrated.
Also, don't forget to stretch.

After 40 weight loss is hard enough - how to tell them to let me do what works for me?

I've tried the dieting but no matter what I did, I was unable to lose weight - and keep it off. I have found that if I only eat one moderate meal a day, I can lose. I've lost 40 pounds so far - which is awesome for me and it has stayed off. The people around me are freaking because they don't think I am eating enough and am starving myself. But I take breaks from this so my body doesn't go into starvation mode - where I eat what I want for a few weeks. I know it isn't the healthiest way but having the extra weight wasn't healthy either. How do I make them listen?
Although I've never had a weight problem myself, I've been around enough close friends who've struggled with obesity all their lives to really relate to your ongoing anguish. A roller-coaster weight problem can be a VERY tricky and frustrating ordeal. Worst yet, there is currently a cruel joke being played on you by Nature when you actually see RESULTS (I mean 40 lbs. that's nothing to sneeze at) for your potentially dangerous behavior - and results, as you know, usually speak louder than anything else to an otherwise discouraged lifetime dieter. Moreover, I also agree with you, carrying all that extra weight might eventually lead to some serious medical conditions (e.g. diabetes, heart disease, depression, etc.) Having said all that, I also (despondently) assure you that if you continue on the reckless weight loss path that you are currently on, the following “niceties among others” can and most likely WILL happen as well:1-You WILL eventually end up gaining all that lost weight back and then some;
2-You WILL start losing muscle mass/tissue which at your age (or any age for that matter) is NOT the smartest way to go about a long-term sustained weight loss program;
3-You WILL considerably increase your chances of coming down with a serious illness due to a weakened immune system.
So what then, you ask, should I do now that this crazy strategy has been the only way that I have ever been able to lose weight? What other option do I have?The good news is: You DO have another option and it is MUCH healthier and in many ways easier to stick to than what you are doing right now. It is called: Behavioral Modification. But it takes courage and dedication. There are even Organized Support Groups that you can join (for FREE) if group encouragement is a motivating factor for you. The weight loss equation, as I’m certain you are already aware of, is very straightforward. To lose weight you must take in fewer calories than you burn. That means eating right and exercising. It does NOT mean starving yourself to death. And I cannot possibly overemphasis the importance of exercise. Here is a basic game plan (to start with) see if you can make it work for you:Look up on the height vs. weight charts (there are zillions of them on the Internet) what your ideal weight should be (go with the upper limit instead of the lower one, at least to start with). Then look up (again there are zillions of calorie calculators online) how many calories you must take in to maintain that weight. Now make sure those calories come from decent sources that consist of the basic food groups, but ABOVE ALL make sure to spread those calories into 6 different unequal daily portions (take in more calories during the daytime than at night). Here is another very important tip: It takes roughly 20 minutes for your brain to get the satisfied/full signal from your stomach. If you have the urge to binge, just tell yourself I’m gonna give it 20-30 minutes and it WILL pass. Now combine that with drinking plenty of (mineral) water throughout the day and at least 5 days of 45-60 minutes of aerobic exercise per week (treadmill, bicycle, and/or swimming are my favorites, later on you can add some light muscle toning exercises as well) and you will SOON see some great improvements. This way you will gain a lot more energy and positive disposition, while losing FAT and preserving your long-term health. GOOD LUCK and hope it works out for you!
You're looking at it from a biased perspective; they're looking at it from the perspective they care about what is healthy for you.You ARE starving yourself if you are eating only one small meal a day. You can lie to yourself all you want, but that doesn't change the reality that your body needs more than that.Go talk to a nutritionist or a doctor. Tell them the same thing, and if THEY agree with you, then get the proof from them. If they don't, will they all be wrong, too?
Do you realize eating that way may allow you to lose weight, but it's gonna be a lot of the wrong weight? Super restrictive diets like this tend to lead to significant muscle tissue loss. So when you are over 40, that's one of the worst types of tissue to lose. Your body is already slowly losing this tissue as you get older. It will end up leading to more significant health problems in the next 10 years or so. I agree with them, and any health professional worth a salt will as well. You are heading down a dangerous path.

Advice? Please?

Ok I have a six pack. Hidden under a layer of fat. I need to know how to get the fat off so I just have my six pack. Can you give me some advice or workouts on how to lose the fat? Anything will help thanks! Oh and other info if you need it is I am 5'6 and 122 pounds, skinny, 12 years old. And please don't say don't worry about my weight cuz I am 12. everyone thinks i am 17 so I am mature enough to lose some weight.
5'6" and 122 is not that bad, but you could trim up. Need to eat light calorie foods and do regular exercise, that you help. In exercise curlz are the best for tightening your abs.
cardio, cardio, cardio. Treadmill running, elliptical, etc.
guys have six packs not girls thats just wrong

Advice on weight loss!?

Please help me! i need to lose weight! i was so healthy then i became unhealthy because... grr food. i want to go back to my old weight, which i had 6 months ago (not the weight when i was 80 pounds cuz thats just scary.) and that means i have to lose about 25 pounds. i was hoping to be in shape by school time.. september 4th. so i need exercises (that do not involve running/jogging or going to a gym since i have limited times) that will tone my abs, thighs, arms, yeah just my body overall (like get rid of fat though not make body builder muscles lol) and a diet like a specific one please. also, i heard cardio was good for losing weight... what are cardio exercises? can i have like a whole list of them? Okay... so this is what i need--1) specific diet to go on
2) exercises that don't involve running, jogging or going to a gym
3) a whole big list of cardio exercisesand how long approx. will it take to lose 25 pounds?
Here's my briefest answer:1) Cut 1,000 calories from your daily requirements to lose 2 pounds a week. (calculate your calorie requirements at a website--google search). So to lose 25 pounds it will take you ~12.5 weeks. Sometimes it's just easier to watch your caloric intake than to go on a specific, boring diet.
2) Try dancing or biking as good cardio workouts, but running is the quickest calorie-burner. And getting into the habit of running is a good lifetime goal.
3) Any activity that raises your heart rate for at least 20 mintues can be considered cardio.
Learning to eat well and exercise is the only solution to long-term weight loss. We offer the following tips to help you lose weight to look better, feel better, and live a healthier life. Check out http://use-weightloss.blogspot.com/... for all info regarding weight loss.
losing weight according to a well working plan is not a huge problem ,there's that site i subscribed in for 2 months now and the results are really showing ,here is the link, http://overweight-professional.co.nr... hope it helps you as well as it helped me.
OK, i may not provide you with a list of cardio exercises but i can give you a specific diet and you can lose up to 8 pounds in a week, i tried it before graduating high school, boy i dropped pounds after that! anyways here's the diet i will first start with what you'll need:Kashi Cereal (get it from your local super Market,cereal isle)
Fruits: any types of fruits you like
Low fat milk or Silk milk (unless ur lactose intolerant)Replace your regular breakfast and lunch with a bowl of kashi with lowfat milk, and two fruitsThird meal would be dinner, your dinner will be anything you regularly have. Its a short diet i know but it works wonders!
since this diet keeps you full (while losing weight) you wont need snacks in between time. But if you do crave try something in lowfat, like yogurt, jello, or some crackers.If you continue this diet you drop more than 25 pounds before school starts IF you start now!

Advice for hardgainers...?

I'm trying to gain a bit more mass here...I'm 5'10" and fluctuate around 160-170lbs. my goal was always about 190-200lbs..i have tried every "miracle" product made by GNC, etc...all to no avail. B/c of some health issues, i can not have peanuts, peanut butter, multivitamins and some other stuff too... Is there anyone out there who knows a better way to gain some good mass? that is-withOUT a ton of supplements (illegal or legal). i refuse to go bankrupt on supplements that make me sick. Some more info on me-I have been routinely lifting for about 4-5 years, lowest weight being about 150 and highest about 185. I lift heavy about 4 times a week. I eat about 1500 cal/day and drink plenty of water. if anyone feels they have something to contribute (that i may not have heard a thousand times already) feel free to answer.. thanx in advance people.. and if anyone feels like talking at length about this, drop me a line/leave me an email address..
yOU ARE NOT EATING NEARLY ENOUGH FOOD. 1500 calories at a bodyweight of 170? That's called a low-calorie diet. It would be a miracle if you gained any muscle, especially if you've been eating that way for a while. . .I would bump that up to AT LEAST 2400 if you are serious about gaining muscle, lots of protein (160 grams or more), complex carbs and healthy fats. Maybe more if you have a fast metabolism. Go to t-nation.com. They have all the info. you will ever need.

Adolescent Weight lifting?

I am 14 years old, im in very good shape, and have a good strength base, ive already been liftin weights, runnin, jump rope, pretty much everything i work out about 2.5 hours a day, not strait of course. but i was wonderin.liftin weights, power clean, squat, bench, and olympic lifts arent gonna ruin my joints r they, ive got pretty sound technique.but its not like i lift weights all day jus bout 30-45 mins, 4 times a week...this isnt gonna halt my growing is it?
Good start man!! I didn't start lifting until I was 16. Don't overtrain (by lifting the same muscles too often per week) You should lift the same muscles about 2-3 times a week (like 24-48 hrs. of recovery time). Make sure you use the right technique (especially with squats
seen too many people screw that exercise too much). Also Don't focus on putting much weight, You will build if you are disciplined enough (which it sounds like you are) and eat right. I don't think lifting it will stunt your growth and from what I heard people who frequently exercise generally have a lesser chance of injury than people who just casually do it. you seem to have a sound foundation, also don't focus on machines too much, it seems like dumbbells and barbells work better. Just make sure to put a proper amount of weight and right technique plus are you going for muscle power (low reps high weight - - ideal for a football player) or muscle endurance (high reps, low weight -- for a cross country runner)?This is mostly my personal knowledge and experience try to look up for many second opinions ( can't take a chance).
But overall it seems like you know what your doing.
keep it up!
No it wont. guys mature at different rates but mostly the rule is wait until after you are ten yrs old to lift.
LIfting heavy is fine if you do it correctly and it will strengthen you, not tear you up.
I lifted early with deadlifts and squats and eneded up the tallest one in my whole family of uncles and cousins too.
Just dont go too heavy. consistent workouts over time is more important,
Dont listen to people who have no facts but have heard somewhere that it stunts your growth. They dont know anything.
Lift and eat right and you will be fine., oh get good rest too.,
Iam 15 years old and I do pretty much the same thing becouse Iam on the football team. The aerobic exercises wont effect your growth but weight training with heavy weights will effect you. You have to left light weights, becouse your muscles well more likely to show more and vans will show if you left light weights. Trust me, i've tride it and iam ripped as hell. But heavy weights may lead to growth stops.(stuned growth). But our joints as teenagers are very good. They will repair fast if they take impact. But once you get old (30+) your joints will go wronge. So i encourge you to keep doing aerobic exercises and lefting light weights.
At 14 your body is probably grown enough so your growth won't be stunted. If you ever feel like you are really tired and can't lift anymore during a workout, stop. Because the last thing you want is to get hurt. Also, if you don't have proper technique, you will increase your chance of injury. I started lifting at 13 and I am fine. Good luck!
not that i know of i am 16 and i have been lifting and doing basic workouts and i have not had any problems and i have been doing it for 3 years as long as u don't take to much supplements u should be good i workout for 2 hours 4 times a week i bench 250 and squat 310


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Adipex... do i qualify?

I'm 15 years old, 5'1" and weigh 140 lbs. I haven't been able to lose weight and my weight is gradually going up. I went from a size 1 to a size 9 in just months. I've heard of people being 5'4" and only weight 140 and be on it... do you think a doctor would prescribe it to me or not? Just be honest, I don't want to waste my time with a doctor.
No. A good doctor would not put a teenager on Adipex.

Adios - the weight loss pill - does it actually work?

my friend just bought some. apparently it increases your metabolism. is there any disadvantages eg when you stop taking it your metabolism will slow right down?
I've never heard of that pill, but side effects of many weight loss pills include some VERY nasty things. All of them having to do with anal leakage of various substances.
Hydroxy cut hardcore= crack cocaine.seriously that stuff works if you follow the instructions.
eat less junk
eat more healthilyspend less time sitting on your ***
spend more time doing exercise

Addiction to going to the gym?

It's been 2 weeks and I've not gone to the days for two days (not in a row). I've going for an hour and doing cardio. I've noticed I'm getting lightheaded and last time I was shaking a bit. I read that you're only supposed to do 30mins when first starting. My goal is to lose alot of weight quickly... Is doing more at a longer pace speed up my weightloss, or making it worse?
It is speeding up your weight loss but it making your health worse.
this reminds me of the episode of full house where DJ Tanner wanted to diet but was not drinking any water or eating anything and got light headed while doing cardio at the gym
Hi, if you are really looking to lose weight quickly, you may want to look at this website.www.weightlosshalloffame.net ( Click on Hall Of Famers to see people's results )There are 2 programs you can use, a 9 Day Program or a 30 Day Program. Also, just so you know these products are all natural and they will improve your health and help you lose unhealthy fat quickly. IT IS NOT A DIET.If you would like more information, here is a website you can look at.www.swhelan.isagenix.com
Hope this helps you.P.S. I did a 9 Day Program and lost 9 pounds and I felt great.Good Luck !

Addict masturbate is bad may be or not?

when im child im very healthy my teachers call me im potato like but when i come in six standard i start doing masturbating and doing it till i pass 12th i do maximum masturbating 2 times a days when i know that it is bad for one's health now im 52 kg i think so it is becoz of mastubating and i also loss the strength becoz of my health i loss my confidence and feel shy to talk to any girl now i not doing masturbating more then year can i once again able to get that strength and health
Do not feel guilty now.Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
you should do it 3 or 4 times a day for maximum health

Adderall and weight loss?

Has anyone experienced weight loss from taking adderall? It severely represses my appetite and I can barely eat while on it. Will this aid in me losing weight? I'm supposed to be taking it so that's not an issue. I am not taking it a lot now because I'm not in school, but I am wondering if I should start again since I'm looking to lose some fat.
My son was on Adderall...and it did suppress his appetite. He has since been switched to a lesser appetite suppressing medication.Since you're not hungry...make the food you do eat count. Eat healthy snacks, an apple, peanut butter sandwich, celery and carrots. They're not real big meals, but you do not want to lose weight because of the appetite suppressive side effect of Adderall...To lose fat, eat protein and exercise. Being that you're young (assuming so since you're not in school), you really do not need to be losing weight. Maintain, perhaps...but do not use that particular Adderall side effect as a diet aid...it's not healthy and your doctor can pull you off of it fast. You will be going in for weight checks every so often...and blood pressure checks...monitoring that you are in your normal range and not losing weight.Do not use it if you do not need to for concentration for school, as weight loss is not the only side effect, but elevated blood pressure, which can hurt just about every system in your body later on in life.
not eating will aid you in losing muscle first than fat. you will look like a crack head. i wouldnt take that stuff if i where you. you know its a scam right?
It means you could become malnourished and lose not fat, but muscle.
For some this does occur. There are other meds which serve the same purpose which may be better for you.
Adderall has been shown to truly aid in weight loss in studies. I believe someone is doing a study now with putting severally obese teens on the drug to help them lose weight. I am not sure how safe it is however to be used in only weight loss. It is a stimulant drug much like cocaine and it stimulates the body's mechanisms including the metabolism. If your worried about weight loss talk with your doctor. If not and you are taking it as prescribed then the weight loss may be an added bonus.

Actimel, are they good or bad?

2 mths ago my 2 kids age 4 and 7 had a very bad tummy bug and diahorra which the 4 year old went into the hospital. He had rotavirus. I was told (by my sister in law who swear by it) that i should give them actimel as it would be good for the them to prevents any more tummy bugs. Since then they keep getting the tummy bug and diahorra (3 times) By any chance would it be the actimal is making them worse?
They used to eat yogurts but i stopped that and instead they drink 1 actimal a day otherwise they eat heathly enough
There is a TINY bit of evidence that it is better than placebo, but is is difficult to justify the cost of leaving a family on it long term in the light of this minimal effect.
Its is good. A recent study was reported on TV that Actimel was being used in some hospitals to fight the deadly bugs MRSA or whatever you call it and another deadly bug and it proved to be very good in stopping people getting these bugs and it only costs the NHS 38p a day per patient instead of thousands of pounds trying to cure them
Take doc's opinion.Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
If I were you I would call the doctors surgery (rather than make an appointment) and speak to your doctor. I know that Actimel is supposed to be good but is this just for adults rather than children? Maybe their systems don't cope with it. Sorry I don't know the answer but this is what I would do if you are thinking of continuning giving them Actimel. On the other hand stop giving it to them and see what the reaction is, if it's no more tummy bugs and diahorra, then they are best off without it.

Achieving optimum definition this week (details inside)?

On Saturday I have an event coming up in which I am required to wear an unbuttoned shirt on. I am perfectly fine with my body as is, but I'd like maximum muscle definition.On Monday I worked my Abdominals, Tuesday I did very minor back and bicep work, Wednesday was rest day, Today (Thursday) I did some tricep and chest work.Tomorrow I an debating if I should do another Abdominal day, because the over training might take away from some gains. I'd like an experts advice on the situation please.(Note: before you ask where's legs, I did squats and stuff on saturday)
do a bit of everything, light weight and many reps. dont get too sore. If u want absolute maximum definition after that use some of that fake tanning stuff, that washes off but looks real.it really helps.
Absolutely! You can do abs..you've only done abs 1x this week.abs can be done 3x a week. You could do a nice ab session and then sat before your event another quick chest session for your unbottoned shirt.
I also recommend a solarium session for extra definition.
Good luck!

Abs. arm & leg muscles, and pecs?

i'm 14, and 6'3", 130 pounds, very skinny, and have no access to a gym. i can do crunches and sit ups, and push-ups. i have 5 pounds weight and can go running with friends. i have all the time in the world to do exercises, and i don't need them anytime soon, although they'd be nice by august 27th. anyway, advice would be great! thanks!
well you can do crunches, sit ups and pushups cuz they exercise you arm muscles, your abs, your leg muscles and running is the best activity to lose weight with or to help build muscles because when you run, you exercise your abs, your leg muscles and much more.
read tips on weights and workouts to help you more on this site
I masterbate for 1 hour ever day it gives me huge forearms the ladies love it
What is a pec ?
run a lot to build your stamina then go try out for bb ball.
Well, do some balance diet, eat foods of all kinds of course with the things present in the nutritions chart. I think this is first things first. Wrap it up this thing first and it follows..ok man!

Abs, Obliques, Chest and Weight Questions?

Well, at this point in my like Im only 15, I play football, Bench 180, Squat 290, Dead Lift 340 and I have a decent 40 time. But my main Problem is Apearance. I weight 158-164 Depending on What I had/Ate that day. But for some reason I cannot Loose the Fat in my Upper Chest. And the fat around my abs. Im not fat by any means...but still have the extra fat that I can't seem to get rid of. What would be the best way to Get the Love Handles, Fat around Stomach (Below belly button) and In my chest to start to go away?
eat more protein = more muscle= higher metabolism = fat loss
My field is in fashion, as a result many people ask me how they can slim down. My answer is always the same: good diet and exercise. But I found this great product which I think helps a lot in the process. I recommend you check this website
http://www.greatiguide.info , they have a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling. Good luck!
You sound like your in shape... lose the fat by running and a strict diet. For the chest try incline dumbells to get that toned.
do some cardio like running
Exactly do some cardio and you will loose the weight...
Definatly stay away from mcdonald eat 6 meals a day SMALLER meals not the traditional 3 meals a day..
you may be eater to larege of meals.
But i say cardio cardio cardio and keep up your weights but if you are ding between 6-12 repititions you will be builing muscle so i recommend 12 - 25 reps of a little lighter weight this will help you lose the weight you dont want and tone your body...

Abs training?

I want to have abs like my friends at the gym and I started my workout for a year, but all my daily training didn't come up with any results even though i walk a lot and i'm not overweight ( 5'8 and 160 lbs). When i asked my friend they advised me to lose 8 kg because the said that the fat may has covered the muscles. What should i do??
You need to go on a low-fat diet, increase your cardio workout and continue your weight lifting. You can't "spot reduce," so kicking up the intensity of your ab workout will do nothing.If you're able, I HIGHLY recommend the Body for Life program. Go to www.bodyforlife.com to see the results you CAN achieve in 90 days.Look into the HIIT (high intensity inverval training) method of cardio. It's a better workout and guaranteed to trim the fat IF you stick to a good diet.
work on ab crunches for 30 min a day for like 3 weeks and ull have rock hard abs!
lots of abs work out. lot lot lots to lose the fat.
basically your friend is right. You need to lose the fat that's covering your abs. I would do a lot of abdominal exercises and a healthy diet. Should see results in a month or two.
ok.what i do is do crunches on a stability ball....250 a night (trust me...you'll get used to it) lay on your back on the ball.with your feet on the ground and pull yourself up to a crunch..i did 20,750 crunches so far....in about 3 months time.and my abs are showing now..so try that.stability balls arent expensive.just look in the work out/training section of any store.im pretty sure they have them
First of all genetics play a huge role when it comes body types, especially muscle structure. Not everyone is going to be able to gain a ripped stomach and even though you may not be overweight, your abdominals will still not ever look like your friends. That's not to say they won't look good though! The best way to get a good formed stomach is to do a lot of cardio exercise and eat a healthy balanced diet. I know, I know - You have probably heard that over and over and over. But seriously, it's not rocket science. Most people think you need to do a ton of abdominal excercises and well you do to build and form muscle but that will not take care of the layer of fat that most have covering their abs. You should only be training your abs about 2 to 3 times a week. Also, instead of doing crunches and ab exercises, switch it up and try doing some pilates or yoga. Those are great ways to tone your whole body and give you more of a variety so that you don't reach what is called workout boredom (in simple terms just means when your body is used to a certain workout).Good luck!
Michelle, CPT

Abs question?

I no in weight lifting you have to wait a day before lifting so that your muscles can grow. but if you want to work on your abs do you do it everyday or everyother day like wieght lifting?
When you work out any muscle group, you need to rest a day. This gives the muscles time to repair appropriately. Keep in mind that when you are working out your muscles they are actually being torn; they become larger as they repair themselves. It doesn't matter if it's your arms, legs or abs, always rest a day!! And drink lots of water as your body needs water to repair. Good Luck!!
your abs are just like other muscles u work them out and then you rest and so forth. would u work out ur biscepts everyday by doing curls. of course not, unless u want to loss muscle. another thing to keep in mind is that if u use weights to train the abs u will have a bigger midsection which is good for strength training, but not for looks. so do ab work outs with out weights for best results, looks wise.

Abs help...//ab lounge?

Im 14 and in athletics at school this last fall they had us do a lot of crunches. I had a belly at the beginning, but now its odd. the crunches have flattened the top third(ish) section of my abs, but the bottom 2/3rds is still "round".
any specific exercises that mainly work the lower abs?ive also been looking into the ab lounge. ive been reading the feedback here and it seems to be very extreme answers "it rocks!" or "its horrible!!'
opinions? worth money?
if so--
# of sets?
sets of ___?
how often a week?
when do results show?thanks.
It is ONLY worth the money if it is the only way to get you to work on your abs! Otherwise, save your cash. Women have a very difficult time with the lower abs due to the way we store fat and our harmones. Try ab exercises that encourage you to pull your pelvis and your rib cage together to engage a fuller range of motion and muscle - basic crunch while pulling bent legs in at the same time. Pilates is fantastic for fully engaging your abs and your core! Also, if you are workig your abs hard, be sure to work your back as well or you will have muscle imbalance that can lead to injury, back pain, etc. Cheers...
PS - Hubby bought an Ab Lounge and using the exercise ball or doing pilates is WAY more challenging than that!
the Ab lounge is great maintenance - not start up, to help with lower abs try hanging leg raises, or lie on your back place your hands under you butt and keep legs together and rotate them in a large circle for 1 min then go opposite direction for another minute. then while still on your back have someone stand over you, hold their ankles and lift your legs together up to them and have them push them down, don't let them hit the ground, have them push in all directions - give 1 week of this and you will start noticing lower abs quickly. good luck
Just keep doing crunches and leg lifts DO NOT get an ab lounge it is a waste of money I did it 4 6 months and I saw NO results!Hope this helps!

Abs Help Plz???

I am 5'4 and weigh 125, i have a little fat on me,when i suck my stomach in, i could feel my abs ,but i want to lose some weight so my abs can be visible,could someone plz tell me what excercises should i do for my abs, and how could i lose weight fast,,with some excercise,at home ,not in a gym,i got a bike and a treadmill,, plz help me,gimme some excercises,by tha way im a boy
The Treadmill May Work. Try Doing Sit Ups And Crunches You Get Them In No Time
Get an exercise ball, they are the best "at home" ab exercise you can to. Not to mention there are variations for core exercise, love handles, etc. It also comes with a book to show you what to do. You can get these really cheap now too.

Abs Excercises?

What are sum very good ab excercises that really work or a website with a workout plan without any stuff,i only got myself,a excercise ball,treadmill,and thats it,plzzz
http://beauty.expertvillage.com/videos/a...Hopefully this one will work just fine it has the step by step video using your excercise ball in the routine as well. Good luck
Crunches, leg lifts, and put your legs straight up in the air and do sit ups. Fifty each.
Leg raises and sit ups are pretty much the core exercises. You do not really need any equipment, although a sit up bench only cost about 25 quid in the UK, I guess 30-50 USD. These can help as you support your legs to allow you to concentrate on the abs, and you can also do weighted situps by holding a weight to your chest.To take it one step further, get a pair of inversion boots, and somewhere solid to hang them, and do inverted sit ups.
Check out this website for ab excercises. It even has a animated picture for each exercise. I have used this site for ab excercises and the are effective. http://www.shapefit.com/abs-exercises-to...

Abs crunch ball question??

i have a soccer ball whch i dont really use and was wondering if it could be used in place of a abs cruch ball...the one thats exactly the same size as a soccer ball.
Why not...
Also try Swiss Ball.. It helps big time..
Try it out and see if it works. No harm in trying.Good luck!

Abs Abs Abs?

I've been working out for almost 2 months now on my mid-section but still have only obtained my top 4 abs that are barely noticeable. Does anybody know good exercises for those hard to get lower abs? Or how to make them more noticeable?
Most of the exercises below are designed to work all of your abdominal muscles, not just the visible "six-pack" rectus abdominus, but also your deep abs (transversus abdominus), obliques, and even your lower back. By strenthening all of these muscles, which wrap around the lower torso like a girdle, you'll get a lean, defined middle that looks good and works even better.Have fun!
Abbs is one of the main things i work out...honestly doing 3 sets of 100 crunches is not gonna do the trick...When you do a crunch your leg muscles are helping...so next time you do a crunch lift ure legs up and cross/lock them together that way the MAIN way you're doing a crunch is by contracting ure abbs ...you can also do that with a weight on your chest. Then go for side abbs lay on one side hands touching each ear and move upward till your elbow almost touches your boob but a little outside of it. You can also lay upside down on an inclined bench and do sit ups ...personally i do 2 sets of 50 crunch 50 side crunch (left) 50 side crunch (right)
abs are not like a thing that grows over a short time
its also base on what u eat too
the best way i say is the classic sit up
and then about 20 push ups
just do at least 60 a day for like a year
this will do it
trust me i got my abs that way
also reduce the amount of fatty foods like fast food
try sticking to like types of meat and grain
also dairy
i'm not say this is what u always should eat
but it will help if u generaly eat this type of stuff
one more thing if u have fat on ur stomach then get rid of it
gaaa one last and final thing to say
it also depends on the type of body u have some people take longer to acquire abs then others, some just cant
but what i said should help
good luck getting those abs

About what height do u think ill be??

height:about 5`6
shoe size:10 %26 101/2
look at your parents. That's the fairest representation of your future stats. If your parents are short, you probably will be unless you have some dormant tall genes (and you' d have to ask a geneticist about all that) It also depends on when you take your spurts.but if you're twelve, that tall already, you'll be most likely taller before you finish growing. And your shoe size indicates to me that you'll be exceptionally tall.
It all depends on your parents height. If your mom and dad are tall (6'3'' and 5'10'') then more than likely I would say about 5'9''--6'0''. My sister was about that height when she was 12. If your parents are short (5'11'' and 5'6'') the you would be around 5'9'' stretching it. Women are normally the height they're going to be at 15 or so. Keep track of how much you've grown over a 3 month period. Do the math and that would be the approximate height.
look at your parents. That's the fairest representation of your future stats. If your parents are short, you probably will be unless you have some dormant tall genes (and you' d have to ask a geneticist about all that) It also depends on when you take your spurts.but if you're twelve, that tall already, you'll be most likely taller before you finish growing. And your shoe size indicates to me that you'll be exceptionally tall. Is that 10-101/2 American sizing? That is extremely large. My friend is six-two and she takes a size ten shoe.

About weight loss please help?

i am jogging (3kms) and brisk walking(3kms) continuosly that means i jog and walk 6 kms daily, do 100 situps , 30 dips , and i am taking 2200 calories daily i want to know that whether i will be able to loose some weight till 14th october say 15 kgs by this schedule and diet intake. my height is 6 feet and weight is 115 kgs currently .. (yeah i am obese)
That seems good, it sounds like you should lose a decent amount of weight doing that. If you follow that until mid October then that should get you down to somewhere around 95kg if you keep at it good. Also make sure you follow a healthy diet as well, without a proper diet almost all exercise is for nothing. Also I'd recommend for you something that has worked for me and for a lot of other people: swimming. Believe it or not swimming will actually kickstart your metabolism and will really let you lose weight. In fact it'll make you lose so much weight that if you start it I'd recommend you actually increase (yes, increase) your caloric intake, that's how powerful it is and that's how much energy your body needs to replace. But I'd also cut back on the running a bit if you decide to get into swimming, you never want to overstress your body. And a few last words of wisdom: don't resort to diet pills! The pills that don't work just try to get over people's psychological blocks for their weight problems (they're a fully marketed placebo) and the pills that do work make you extremely skinny even if you're really overweight and will cause more problems like increased risks of heart disease, stroke, infection and can stunt bone growth. The pills that work aren't anything to be messed around with unless a doctor specifically gives them to you for a medication but even in that case you may be subject to a double-blind placebo test where the real thing will be distributed along with something that is proven to not work (placebo) where both you and your doctor won't notice the difference.
I don't know what you eat - but if you want a really good food plan for weight loss read "Skinny Bi tch"
if ur fat and can't lose weight it might be cuz u got it from ur family and u can't get rid of it.
how many pounds is a kg? if i know that, i might be able to help haha
If you eat more healthier foods and more veggies than meat. It will help.
Only for 5 days. take a 1-2 day break. on that Break you can eat whatever you like. but after your break you must start again. Continue until your happy. It does work. It worked for my aunt.
3 kms is only almost 2 miles, I would start out and 3 kms and within a week or so try to run 4.5 kms, that's factoring in your cools off period too. Your cardio is very crucial for losing weight. Also if you are able to get to a swiming pool, swimming is really good for toning your body and shedding the lbs or kgs in your case =) Make sure you stop drinking soda if you are, also something that I know helps is no carb's after five or six o'clock (at night)As long as you take out the bad foods; bring in the good foods; and excersice, you will for sure lose fat!Good Luck!!
Yes it is do-able but you will have to be motivated. Start running more of the 6kms and walking less. The situps and dips are great, you should add in some other exercises also: pushups, leglifts, weight training,etc. I would also try and drop the calories to about 1800-2000 per day. These need to be good calories from healthy foods. If you get into heavy weight training more towards 2000 calories. Remember muscle weighs more than fat so you may lose 15kgs of fat but only show 12 or 13kgs on the scale.

About weight lifting.?

I am trying to increase my strenght and the are different opinions out there. Is it better to do lower reps with heavy weights like 3 to 5 reps, or is it better to do sets of 8 to 10 reps. this might seem like a small difference to most but there is a big difference. Plus how many sets should i do of either/or?
If your main goal is pure strength (ala powerlifting), keep the reps under 6 and your weight over 85% of your 1 rep max. If you are keeping the reps this low, you can do 5-7 sets per lift. If you're going the 8-10 rep route (more size building, but still building strength), keep your sets at 3-4.
You can actually increase strength both ways. Strength and hypertrophy gains occur when the muscle is exposed to a workload it is not used to, either through volume (reps/sets) or weight.
It is better to do more sets of reps instead of more weight, because adding more weight , can hurt your joints, and if you are strengthing, then more reps and sets are the smart way to go.

About treadmill?

hi i am over-weight..dats why i wanna buy treadmill because the charges for gym here r really high..but i am afraid my friends say u can't have that set up for exercise at home ..u can't make that kind of tempo...its useless to have treadmill at home..she said she bought that..didnt use it and now she is drying her clothes over there...what should i do:( bcz i know i am a bit lazy and may be if i buy that i wud use it for sometime and then may not because of my laziness..i lack will-power..how should i manage this?
Don't listen to other people's treadmill failures, buy yourself a treadmill %26 use it faithfully each day. I had one when I lived up north %26 couldn't go walking in the local walking park during the winter. I walked on it twice a day because I enjoyed it so much. It was my time! I put on my headset, (love my music) started out slowly, then increased the speed gradually. When I was done, I slowed it back down %26 walked it for about ten minutes. I'd hop off the treadmill, sit down, %26 sip some water. I got into a walking routine %26 I wasn't going to give up. You have to be determined to start a walking regime or it won't work. I was a bit lazy too but I'm not anymore. I live where it never snows now, so I walk outside for three to four miles daily. To get motivated, tell yourself you CAN %26 WILL do it.
Put the treadmill besides the tv, so you can multi-task on the same time, it'll be easier and more fun than running all day, when you can watch tv too! :)
start by going for walks outside around the block. if you can do that consistenly for a month, then buy a treadmill - otherwise you really will waste the money. If you get a treadmill, use it whilst watching tv. If you do it everynight at the same time, it will be easy as long as you do it!
Don't be afraid to do something good for yourself! There are so many worse things you could buy. While it's true it could sit and collect clothes, it's also true that you could get in the habit of using it everyday and lose weight like I did. Don't let fear stop you; you won't succeed unless you give it a try.Good luck!
Hi. I have a treadmill and I use it here in my home. you have to tell yourself that you are "going to get on it once a day"
you have to start out slow. my Doctor told me 5 min. for a bit and then go higher. don't hurt yourself and just jump on there and start running.
I lack will power too, but when u get to a very fat point you will realize its easier to just do it and quit procrastinating and putting it off and half a$s doing everything because if you dont do it like you need to it won't work.I tend to buy alot of exersise equiptment, I have a perfectly good treadmill out on the back porch, probably with alot of **** on top of it. I hate walking and I hardly use it..However, I do have a"recumbent" exersise bike that I really use alot.. it doesnt make me tired like walking does and im able to sit back, unlike normal exersise bikes. You can sit back and relax while you do it.. Just look up.. Recumbent Air Bikes and they arent too expensive either..
You have the right idea. And you are right about most people buy them and don't use them after a while. If there were a good solution to laziness, that wouldn't happen so much.
Put the treadmill where you can watch TV. That helps.
Be sure and set yourself a set of goals. Long term, that helps.
The hard part is starting each time. You can try setting a set time each day. And start easy, so you won't dread starting.
dont listen to other people i have a treadmill in my house and i use it everday... put it by the tv.. thats what i did and it reallly helps cause i can get a great workout and still watch tv..
hope that helped 鈾?

About the deit websites?

somebody gave me a few websites regarding the weight they were very helpful but i lost them, if this person is reading this mesg plzz can u send them again that would be great.
idk if it was me but I remember giving someone some,

About the "Curves for Women" Program of Working Out...?

Does anyone know anything about Curves workout centers and if those machines really make a difference? They aren't "free weight" based, but hydrolic, and work with your own body's weight resistance. How hard you can "push" and "pull" the bars on the various machines is the muscle builder, I suppose... do these work? Do they take longer than free weights? And can you work out daily with these machines as opposed to only being able to work out every OTHER day with free weights? Anyone know?
I worked out at curves for about 1 year. My body defintely looked better but after 1 year and following a good diet I only lost 12 pounds. I needed to loss about 100. Dont' know why other people I worked out with lost much more. I down 2 dress sizes and that was nice but they emphasize they fitness level a work out produces not neccesarily the weight loss. They equipment was great. You stay about 30 per piece of equipment and there were 12 equipment stations plus 12 jogging stations. You do circuit training and complete 2 circuits. total 30 minutes. I liked the hydraulic based-equipment because you could work at your pace and strength. For example I would count how many thigh presses I could do in 30 seconds. I started out doing like 15 and by the end of the year I was up to 28. Doesn't sound like alot but the faster you move the more pressure builds up in the hydraulic pistons that move the equipment. Basically , the explanation provided was that if i started out with 5 pounds of lift by the time I was done with that piece of equipment I was up to 10 pounds plus. Which means that I did not have to go out and buy a complete set of weights and as I moved up in strength had alot of weights laying around that I would not use again. Recommended free weight for a woman is usually 5 Lbs. to start and gradually move up to 10--15-- etc. until you feel youv'e reached the maximum amount you can lift. Curves does recommend every other day for their work out. Your muscles need a day for recovery and the also recommend a day of cardio on your in between days. Don't know if I helped much but it just isn't a good idea to do weights every day any. It just causes muscle strain and the possiblity of injury.
I go to Curves. Hydraulic machines are better than weights because the machine will offer as much resistence as you can tolerate and then do the same for me.
My sister loves curves, because it's all women. And you go at your own pace she says it was the best because she never overdid it or hurt herself and also enjoyed not seeing perfectly toned and skinny women looking at her while she was pouring sweat. She's in fabulous shape but not tiny but healthy and thats what counts. Health and happiness above all else. Pearl I recommend it.

About how much?

time will it take if i eat corn flakes in the morning and bfore workout i workout at 6 and how long will it take me to lose weight my body burns around 2000 calories a day by itself and i workout on the treadill and burn 500 - 700 caloires so i burn total of 2600 in a day and eat about 600 so how long will this take please tell me
well every 3,500 calories your body burns that is a pound of fat so if you burn 2,000 calories more each day than your body requires then that is 14,000 per week so you will lose just over 4 pound per week doing this! (more in the first week as your body loses excess water.)
everyone is different. not sure what corn flakes has to do with anything.
ugh wth. dude. u need to eat atleast 1500 calories a day or u'll end up in the hospital.
well obviously if u've been doing this for a week and havent lost any weight it's not working.
one day only

About how much calories dose a hot dog have?

It all depends on which kind of hot dog. If it is a turkey dog, it is lower around 100 calories. If it is a regular hot dog, around 150-200 with most from fat. If it is a ball park frank it is around 200. It all depends, try going to www.calorieking.com Hope I helped!
way more than you need
I'm sure exactly how many calories a hot dog has, but it's 80% fat and that should be enough not to eat it, but I do anyways! Lol
over 200 calories each depending on what kind you eat.
The ones in my freezer have 110.

About how many lbs will i lose in a week doing this?

ok i am eating more healthy foods now and eating less, i am doing about 2 1/2 hours of cardio a day, different varieties of cardio, biking, walking, dancing, wii sports, cleaning, ddr, and more. if i do this everyday, about how many pounds a week do you think i will lose, i am eating about 1200 calories a day.
please help
Well I would guess you could lose 2-3 lbs from the dieting and exercise. This would probably be weight in fat. However, you may also lose water weight due to the amount of cardio and heat (water weight leaves your body in the form of sweat) so you may be able to lose a few pounds here too.I don't think you'll be able to lose more than 4-5 lbs but getting rid of the water weight will reduce bloating that we often don't even notice because we're used to it so your tummy will look flatter.Don't forget to stay hydrated though! Good Luck!
Aim for 2-3 pounds per week. If you hit 1 pound, it's still a pound.
That really just depends on your metabolism.Its hard to answer that one.
Wait one week and then tell US !
I'm not sure about how many lbs you'll loose but i did almos the same thing as you and I lost about 15-20lbs in one month. I was a waitress before and i used to walk around about 4-5 hrs a day. So that's where i got some cardio especially when we were busy. At home i would do about 1hr of cardio (Latteral Thigh Trainer)and 30min to 1hr of abdomial work.
ABout the food.OMG i totally cut off all the fat and most of the carbs. No fired food or junk food, no carbonated drinks and very easy on the juice. Lots of water, lots of fruit, veggies especially the leafy greens and a good portion 4-5 oz of protine. Try to grill, broil or bake your protine. It really worked for me but everyone is different.
Try it and keep us posted!
Remember only do what your body can handle.

About how many calories do you burn from jogging at a moderate pace for 25 minutes?

If you're going about 5 mph, which is a moderate pace, you'll cover 2 miles in 24 minutes and burn about 300 calories. You burn about 150 calories per mile, maybe slightly more if you run a little faster, but it's really not significantly more. You'll also burn a little more if you're heavier and a little less if you're lighter. But 150 calories per mile is easy to calculate in your head and is pretty accurate no matter speed or weight.Here are some caluclators that can help you with how far, how fast, or how long it will take to cover your distance...
about 185 im guessing.
maybe up to 250, but none from fat as your liver has enough glycogen for 20-30 min of exercise. Unless you are watching your carb intake.

About how long does it take for weight gainer to start working?

What are you using? I tried a weight gainer from GNC in the past. It sucked. I found a much better way to gain the weight which includes proper nutrition and the right supplements. If you want to gain weight, you will need to eat A LOT. So if that weight gainer is a substitute for other meals you are not going to see any results. Also, if you've changed your level of physical activity, an increase in caloric intake could be canceled out.

About Curves?

How much does it cost monthly?
I've been reading up on it and people say the workout routines aren't challenging enough?
Would you recommed going here or somewhere else?
if you are willing to spend money on CURVES, then you might as well be willing to buy your own exercise equipment and workout at home becuase i tried CURVES and for the money they dont do much... the advertising was more of a workout than the actual event..
Everyone I have spoken to about Curves swears by it... I am just waiting for my membership at the other ladies only place to expire b4 I join Curves... And no I wouldnt recommend the other one... WHere r u located
I don't recommend Curves.
I go to fernwood and is very challenging.
And gives great results.

About Atkins Diet (weight didn't goes down !)?

I have started Atkins 4 weeks ago,I didn't eat rice or any carbohydrates (25g under).But my weight didn't goes down.I am a student and I work infront the computer all day long.Is it means Atkins Diet also need excerise too??Help me.!If i go to Gym 3 times a week,everyday 1 hour and do Atkins Diet,can i lose 25pounds before the middle of Augest ??
Atkins stated in his book "If you are not exercising, you are not doing Atkins".Have you read the book? If not, it's quite possible that you are not doing Atkins properly.As mentioned above, it's also possible that you are eating a lot of hidden carbs, especially if you are eating a lot of processed foods.Unless you are extremely obese (ie more than 100 pounds to lose) it is unlikely that you will lose 25 pounds in just over a month. But you should be lighter than when you started, and healthier too.It's also possible that you're shrinking, even though the weight is not changing. Have you measured yourself?When you don't have a lot of weight to lose, the loss can be very slow.
yes u must a least work out three times a week. but you don't have to go to the gym. you could work out in the house. buy a jump rope and do crutches that should work .
The atkins diet is not good for you. When you start the atkins diet you'll be losing fat and muscle mass, however, the minute you come off the diet you'll gain all of the weight back, but all of it will come back as fat, so all in all, you're less healthy than you were before hand. Try a simple diet plan of your own. 1.) Drink lots of water
2.) Eat all the fruits and veggies you want
3.) Cut out junk food, fast food, greasy food, and regular pop/soda.
4.) Continue to exercise even if just from home - crunches, bicycle kicks, run in place, walk/bike/jog around the block, swim for 30 minutes, hold 5 pound weights while walking up the stairs.I know this sounds weird because so many people rave about the amount of weight they lose on the Atkins Diet, but honestly, it comes back double what you lost the minute you stop the diet. Do you really want to have to diet all of your life to keep that trim figure?? Hope this helps. Good Luck! :=-)
look for hidden carbs in your food. Packaged, processed food is no good for you. Lots of marinades and salad dressings contain hidden sugar. Stick to lean meat and veggies, so called "raw foods" that you eat in as close to a natural form as you can. Keep away from the refined starches and sugars and you'll do fine

About anorexia...?

When you start eating normaly, but your metabolism slows down so that you weigh more that you did before you were anorexic, should you allow this to happen? Because your body needs the same amount of food as before? Or should you lower your calorie intake to match your metabolism?
DO NOT LOWER YOUR CAlORIE INTAke. yes, that is supose to happen.
All i can say is eat alot and it is much better to be fat and have diabeatise
It's normal. Just keep eating like you are now, don't lower the calorie intake. Drink a lot of water or exercise to keep your metabolism up. It'll be ok.
don't lower your calories, your body needs fuel...eat right and exercise and eventually the metabolism should get back to a more "normal" state... 4 - 6 small meals a day keeps the metabolism burning at a higher rate for longer, than the typical 3 meals a day.also, the more muscle you have, the faster the metabolism, and of course exercise bumps it up for a while as well.
Do NOT lower your caloric intake. You need the extra calories to gain back some healthy weight. Initially, you may put on several pounds, but your body will adjust and your metabolism will start to speed up to burn the excess calories. You just need to be patient and let your body adjust.

About 162 about 5'7 13 yrs. old trying to lose weight and get in shape?

Ok I'm looking to lose some weight and get in shape for football when school starts in August like I sorta was last year. I'm thinking of running about a mile a day and doing pushups and situps and maybe lift weights. Is this enough for about a month and a half to get in good shape?
That sounds like a good idea. I don't think you need to loose weight really, but to get you in shape that sounds like a good idea. But if you live where I do, do it when it's really early in the morning or later in the evening because it's so HOT!
Remember the water and GOOD LUCK!
Good answer here...http://www.associatedcontent.com/article...

Abdominal bloat?

What are some foods, or natural ways to reduce abdominal bloating? I know eating yogurt daily and drinking hot lemon water in the morning will help, anything else?
Avoid chewing gum and drinking carbonated beverages. Eat slowly and drink plenty of water throughout the day. The bacteria in Activia yogurt also help with digestive problems.
I would think dairy products would help: lowfat / fat-free milk %26 cheese, and yogurt. Don't eat alot of sodium: condensed soups, beef jerky, ham.

Abdominal Area?

How do you strengthen your abdominal area? I've been doing crunches lately and some regular sit ups. What else can I do to stregthen it?
there are so many ab exercises. the bicycle, the obliqes crunches, (side crunches) there are a lot of workout videos.. but here is a 10 most effective ab exercise site