Saturday, August 8, 2009

Ab workout to tone?

Im in a good weight and eat healthy allready. I feel ready to start toning my stomach since I dont have all that ugly fat anymore. My problem is that I have no clue of any workout that I can fallow, please help me if you are good at this. by the way I do cardio, lift weight, and toned every where, I was just not a ab person,lol. thanks
heres what i find really helps.
do 25 normal crunches.
do 25 crunches lying completely flat and just lifting your torso
do 25 crunches with your legs raised
do 25 crunches with all of your weight on one side of your body
the same on teh other side
do 25 crunches with one ankle resting on the opposite knee and twist your torso to the other side.
then the same on teh other side
lift your lets up for 25 seconds(a few inches off the floor)
do a V-Sit for 30 seconds.
Do this every other day and i promise you'll see results. Also you can try a pilates video because that focuses on your core, however you would hve to designate 20-45 minutes, but its really great!
you can also try the plank where you are in a push up position resting on your forearms and just hold that position for 30 seconds the first day and every other day try to keep increasing it until eventually you're up to 5 minutes. good luck!
Be sure to do exercises that work the full range of your abs. Such as leg raises for the lower, crunches for the middle and upper. Decline situps are also really good. has many workout routines and articles, just remember that now you are building muscle and you must give your abs time to recover after each session so that they can be hit hard again.
Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
no se q decis, pero te pegaria una cogida......

Ab Workout Question...?

Is it better to do as many ab exercises as you can threw out tha day
or do only a couple of sets a day
I work out my abs twice a day every other day.500 reps of 3 different ab exercises (totalling 1000 reps in all). I do one set on my own at home, and the other set at the gym.
Just don't do it too much in one day. Muscles need to be relaxed. Well, I think you should do some sets regularly and the most important thing is increasing the intensity. That's it!
Arnold cannot lift 100 kilograms for the first time too!

AB Chair vs AB Lounge?

I want to supplement my cardio cycling with this product and curious if anyone ever used the AB Chair by Rite Life?They seem to be similar to the frequently advertised AB lounge but just curious if it is sturdy.Thanks
the only differnce between the 2 is the lounger comes with pedals for leg exercises they both work the same tho..the lounger is cheaper and has more
No idea. Have a look at both the products.Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.

A weight question?

why is it my weight goes up a little bit after 20 min of weight lifting.i was 190 when i started this morning after i was done i was 192.Whats up?
Stop looking at it minute by minute.Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
It's probably just the scale or your weight distribution or something. The best way to use a scale is to weigh yourself once a day, at the same time every day. Then, pay attention to the differences from day to day, not hour to hour. Weight fluctuates throughout the day, for all sorts of reasons.
Did you drink water during your workout? How reliable is your scale?

A very serious question!!!!!!?

this girl in my school is anorexic and i know about it and she is also bulimic
what can i do to help her???? she isnt even fat!!!!!!!!!!
Most eating disorders are not really about weight, there are deeper issues under the surface. Here are some links that give some indepth infomation on how to help loved ones with an eating disorder: are more on google but those looked to be some of the better ones. You may also want to tell her parents and help with an intervention. Above all be there for her, she will need a great deal of support to start the recovery process. What ever you do I believe that you have taken the first big step with helping her recover by wanting to help her. Good luck to you!
Best think you can do is tell her parents. So they can get her therapy.
you can't be anorexic and bulemic at the same time. If she's starving she's anorexic, if she eats then throws it up, she's bulemic. If you really want to help, talk to her family and arrange an intervention so she can get some help at a clinic.
You need to tell a school counselor right away. If you know the girl as a friend, you should also talk to her parents.The girl may get mad at you, but don't let it bother you. You're paying that price in order to do what's right.
Well, do you know her well, or is she just a girl at school? People with eating disorders try to keep them very very secret, so if you don't know her well, you might just drive her away. Also, if you don't know her, you're assuming that what you've heard is true, and whether or not the rumor is true, it's just going to make things worse. But if you are really worried then I suggest that you talk to your school nurse or counselor, and then they can take it from there. If you know her well, it would still be a good idea to speak to the school nurse/counselor. But you can also talk to her privately, and let her know that you're worried about her. Even if she brushes you off or gets angry, just tell her that as a true friend you want the best for her. If she is in denial and truly does have an eating disorder, as you've mentioned, don't threaten her or force her to eat (well, don't do that anyway, but you know what I mean). but be very kind and gentle about it and encourage her to eat. You may also need to talk with her parents if they don't already know. It is good that you are concerned. Too many people either don't notice or think that eating disorders are a good way to lose weight, when in reality they pose serious health risks, and even death sometimes.

A vegetarian diet... It's so hard, Any suggestions?

The weird thing is whenever I eat meat, I'm more sluggish or tired, I don't know why, but it's just really hard on my stomach to handle when I eat it on a daily basis... I asked myself questions like, why is my stomach hurting so much? Is eating meat everyday causing this?So I did a little research online on becoming vegetarian... blah.. blah.. blah. Anyways, the thing is when I was eating more fruit, beans, soymilk, cheese, and seaweed everyday, I just noticed something changed in my body... I'm like a new person whenever I eat a vegetarian diet everyday... I'm not moody or depressed at all, I feel more energetic physically and mentally.I just hope I can stick to this diet, but it's hard... not so easy because I grew up eating meat all my life, but I'm trying to change.Anyone facing a similar situation?
I'm actually not facing a similar situation, but I've been vegetarian before for moral reasons (I still refuse to eat anything not free range) and yeah, it is hard at first. But it gets much easier. The thing that helped me when I first started was having a lot of eggs. Buy free range organic eggs and drink lots of organic RSBT-free milk so that you still get those animal proteins in your diet to keep that part of you satisfied. Also, there are many vitamins that can only be found in meat, eggs, and milk, so you don't want to miss out. Continue eating healthily and cut down slowly on dairy and eggs as you go and switch to soymilk and scrambled tofu. Also, to get motivated I suggest trying out delicious vegetarian entree recipes to see how good it can be! Nuts can make any dish amazingly hearty.
Well, I dont suggest the vegan way... your body needs protein...
And if you dont have it, you will lose alot of muscle can take protein and vitamin B supplements to recoop that... but its still hard...You can basically eat anything but meat...Have you checked with the doctor?
Maybe you have an ulcer or something...
Hmmm...well, I'm a vegan and I freaking love it. I couldn't imagine going back. Congratulations, by the way, for taking control of your diet and your life. I'm glad you're feeling better, but I admit, it was really hard at first. I had to re-learn everything about eating and habits...pretty much like food amnesia, lol.If you have a Trader Joe's in your area, you have to go. It's so easy to be vegetarian/vegan if you can shop there, and cheaper than being a meat eater anywhere. I feed my family of 3 for about 175$ a month, and we eat well.If not, look around your town and find your local whole food store. Look for brands like Morningstar Farms, Boca, Tofutti (my fave) Double Rainbow, Amy's, Smart Dogs, Silk...all of these things will make you forget that you're not a meat eater. Good luck!
don't go on any diet at all thats not healthy. simply eat a wide variety of foods. eat a lot of vegetables and fruits but eat meat and fish every once in a while. the reason you get tired and depessed when you eat meat is because your body has a hard time digesting it and because you probably didn't eat enough vegetables and fuits before which have a lot of vitamins, minerals and nutrients which help every part of your body. that is one of the "myths" of the vegetarian diet. humans are not vegetarians, they are omnivors so eat like a human. humans eat a lot of vegetables and fruits and a little meat and fish so do that and you will feel great.
I never really liked meat that much but here is some stuff i eatr that is vegetarian.I like eating cheese sandwhichs which is just sourdoughbread,jack cheese, lettuce, and tomato. It has high protein.Salads, salsa, chips, fruit smoothies from Jamba Juice, chips, cookies, and protein bars are good.Try Tofu some people like it others dont.
Good Luck
I am glad that you found a healthy diet for yourself. If you really miss meat, fish or poultry, eating a very small amount should not cause problems. Try to look up new recipes and try them at least once a week. I have been vegetarian %26lt;ovo-lacto%26gt; since 1970. I had some really bad feelings about eating flesh from the time I was about six. My reasons for my diet may be different from yours. My daughters have been vegan for 8 or 9 years now. They are both excellent cooks.Eat well and prosper!
omg yes i am facing the exact same situation! well, what i did to start out was this: if i had a choice between meat and vegetables (or something vegetarian) like at a restaurant i would get the vegetable one. instead of ribs or something i would get a salad. just force yourself to order the salad over the ribs. after you haven't had meet for about a week or so, it should prolly become a LOT easier to eat veggies instead of meat. after you dont have meat for a while the thought of it seems gross.after you can get yourself to make the better decisions at restaurants etc you can do the same @ home by only buying vegetarian approved items like esparagus, salad stuff, etc. if you live w/ ppl who arent a vegetarian you need them to help you. like if u still live at home and your parents make ur meals, have them make something that you can eat. it may take a little extra work, but then u should learn to make it yourself so you dont put the burden on anyone else.usually for most ppl after they dont have meat for a while they dont really want it or crave it so i just suggest for a week or longer until you dont crave meat just force yourself to make the right decisions.make sure you get enough protein in your diet! dont cut out dairy or beans because you need protein to function properly.well, hope this helps!! good luck w/ ur vegetarianness!! lol.::*sARaH*::.

A stone age diet please?

mammoth, n. american camel, dodo birds, dead saber-toothall extinct sadly
sorry we only sell potatoes
Water, meat, sex.
Only things that could be hunted or gathered in your area. So say goodbye to most of your current diet.
just eat veggies and fruits all day + water ofcourse !
A stone age diet would have been seasonal, although meat would have been available all year round which they would have hunted for.
They were known as hunter/gatherers.
Seasonal fruits and berries/nuts would have been eaten, also grains, some roots and the meat would have come in the form of rabbit, deer, buffalo/bison, mammoth and possibly wild boar.
That would have been about it but all in all a very healthy and balanced diet.
The proof that it was a healthy and successful diet is in the fact that we are here today.
Water and meat. And the occasional vegetable!

A sin tax on fast food?

What do you think about this idea?
It comes down to this. I don't want to pay more income tax, property tax, sales tax, etc. Yet, the country's infrastructure is falling apart and we have no way to pay for it. Maybe you are on to something here. I could live with sin taxing bad food. Now all we need to do is build more casinos and all will be perfect. Always double down on 11!
Its a horrible Idea
yeah fast food it bad for you
but it is a godsend on long roadtrips
why not? they sin tax cigarettes and alcohol .. fast food may not be as bad (i mean they do have salads) ... but it sure isn't great for you either.
Never heard of it. But fast food is getting better, and its a choice, so, no.
hell yeah!!
Dont you think that the damn goverment already taxes us far to bloody much without finding another excuse for them to take our hard earned money!
No. If you need taxes then just be straight forward about collecting it instead of playing games.
If a new fast food restaurant had healthy fast food (i.e. Tokyo Joe's), would you have a sin tax on that too? Even if the fast food is unhealthy, living in a democracy means that people should have a choice on what foods they eat (good or bad).
If you don't eat to much. You don't get any??
Who's telling me what a sin constitutes? If tax is needed for an item alright. Just don't assume that it's considered a "SIN" by me. Too many damn taxes anyway. It's a sin I tell ya.
Bad idea. The reason its constitutional to sin tax cigarettes and alcohol is because those are both luxuries than no one needs. Food, however, is a need for survival and there are many people who already can't afford anything but fast food (which is why its so popular). Sin taxing fast food increases the risks of people going hungry.

A simple exercise that works out stomach and lovehandles areas?

i need help figuring out how to flatten my stomach and at least minimize my lovehandles with a simple exercise that i can do either at home or with the machines at my gym. i just want to know if the treadmill, elipticals, etc. will do anything or if i have to do different things. i'm really quite clueless in this area. thanks!
Best is crunches- look them up online for pictures and how to do them correctly- you do not want to hurt your back if you do them incorrectly. Also go out to your local mart type store (Wal, K-mart, Target etc) and pick up a silly fun workout video that specifically says for abs and tummy. Nothing for the pro's just fun looking. Dance type videos are fun, cardio striptease is way fun! Try it once a week, make sure the video looks fun otherwise it will just collect dust.
Make sure you are eating healthy too, exercise will make you tight and firm and sexy, but only if you are taking care to eat healthy.
Best of luck!
sit ups for the stomach and love handles don't know
Try turbo jam. Hip hop is so fun, and most of all makes you feel sexy!
Run outside and sweat, also limit portion size. If you eat enough for 2 people you will be the size of two people. That ratio holds true for all portion sizes.
sit ups!
wedge you feet under a sofa or the end of the bed and do 100 everynightstart doind 25 at first or something and work your way upive been doing them and i notice the difference
for love handles strecthe yo body 4rm side 2 side, left 2 right
You can do belly crunches and the bicycle!!!
Lying Flat On You Back With Legs Straight Out An dHands Straight Down To You Side Palms Facing The Floor Lift You Legs Only Using Your Lower Body Up And Down In reps Of 10 With A 1 min Pause In Between It Really works I Do Them And I learned Them From Fit TV On Direct TV Sattelite
for love handles try swaying your hips from side to side but fast.
tummy.. cruncheslove handles.. crunches while twisting (or situps.. left elbow touches right knee.. down.. up again right elbow touches left knee)
Are you from Cuba? I lived many years in Habana. Anyway, the best exercise that I have ever found for this is simply "crunches". In fact, do them till it hurts, take a day off and then do them again.
Viva La Habana, Viva Cuba
this is simple, and it works for me: lay on the ground on your back, with your knees to one side on the ground, so you're a bit twisted. do some crunches like that, and then switch your knees to the other side. works on abs and obliques. have funn!!
Cardio, Cardio, Cardio! Good Luck!
I bought a pilates dvd that has all different areas of workouts and the very first one is for the stomach and it works every part of the stomach and its not hard. It has Pilates for Abs , hips and thighs , strength(includs small hand weights), pilates burn, and pilates for flexibility. Each one is 10 mins long and not hard to do. It actually works.
There is a type of crunches that is extremely helpful for all regions of abs and somwhat for the back/lovehandles. It's a v-shaped situp. You dont need any equipment, just floor space!Start lying on your back with your knees up and feet on the ground, evenly placed. This is just your basic situp starting position. Your hands should be about at your heels if they are on the ground as well. That is just to make sure your legs are at the right distance. Then put your hands behind your head. You're ready!What you do to begin the exercise is lift both your legs and head (including shoulders!) off the ground at once. Imagine you are going up from the ground and forming somewhat of a V-shape. you can do this with your legs bent (you can do more repetititions this way, i like it better) or with your legs straight to make a true "V" which will work your lower abs more.It looks like this: with 3 sets of 25 crunches each, working up to 100 a day! You can vary the type of crunches but make sure you're doing at least 100 a day and are feeling the burn.
allright u should def. jog and do cardio 3 times a week and there is this exercise that goes somn like this:lay down on ur back with knees bent and feet on floor, then take one leg and rest the foot on the knee, so it kinda looks like ur just relaxing, then put your arms behind your head, and have your elbow touch your knee thats pointing out, kinda like opposites you know...ummm...i dont know how to describe this, but.umm...okay how about this, lay down flat on the floor, then with your legs make like a 4...just what it looks like, one leg over the other like a number 4.arms behind your head, kinda like you're in the field enjoying nature or somn, then bend the straight leg as if ur were looking at it from the side it would look like this: ^ . and then bring the left elbow to the right knee, then switch legs and bring the right elbow to the left knee...u know...lemme know if this makes sense lol
KEEP doing those machines that you have, but add in stomach exercises...Crunches, side crunches (where you lift one elbow to your opposite knee), and leg lifts will help (where you lie flat, and lift your legs, without moving your upper body off the ground, to straight up in the air.)Also, but more advanced are bicycle lift your legs with knees bent at a 90 angle, then raise your elbows to meet your stationary knees,,,,,don't move your knees, move your torso. DONT cheat and bring your knees in to you closer, that is not targeting what you need to do..Do as many as you can, then build up to doing sets of 100 or so. Hopefully those tips flatten your tum out...A great cardio workout means doing AT LEAST 20 minutes per day, 3 times per week. That is you on those machines for that long, PLUS do the stomach work, and you should see a difference.
Pilates classes 4x per week, you can go to a class at a gym or the YMCA. Or you can go to ROSS dress for less and get DVD's cheap there. Maybe ebay.
This one works really quickly for me - kind of a modified plank/dolphin yoga pose. Get into a "push-up" position but rest on your forearms instead of your hands. Tighten your abdominals and hold for 30 seconds. Do 5 sets.

A reverse food diet..?

I read in a mag the other day that beyonce knowles done a diet called the reverse food diet (something like that (and no, its not about throwing up)) :oP
Anyway, she said she has a big meal for breakfast, a healthy lunch, and cereal in the evening instead of a dinner.
What do you think of this? Do you think its do-able? has anyone done it? did it help you lose weight? did it affect your body? was it bad?Any help on it at all would be helpful. Thanks.
This is the same concept as eating like a king for breakfast, a prince for lunch and a pauper for dinner. When you are breaking a fast, you should eat as much as you can. Your body needs the extra food following such a lengthy period of non eating. Lunch should and could easily be smaller. Dinner can be even smaller but I ouwld never end the day with cereal. This will cause your insulin to rise a bit and you will be to hungry by the time your fast is over. Dinner should be a protein. So it would have been a better choice to end the day with a piece of cheese and strawberries or half a chicken breast and a small green leafy sald. I would pitch the cereal.
Yes, it would work just fine. Cereal is really good for you if you have it with milk!
I have not done it personally, but alot of people do it by using cereals like special K with 2% milk. It seems like it may work since the amount of food eaten at each meal is the key any way. Just be sure to incorporate healthy nutritious snacks.
the only healthy diet is a balanced one. you might look at her and go whoa shes skiny but she also works out constantly, and bounces around on stage for hours at a time. my advice is 3 meals and 3 snacks a day (about every 2-2.5 hours). exercise will help loose weight as well as knowing how many calories you need.
saw this on a tv programme being tested by someone. they said it is possible to lose some weight but it was a difficult way of eating to keep up long term.
breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dine like a pauper. it works just fine as long as you get all your nutrients. it makes sense to get most of your calories at the start of the day when you're more likely to burn them off.
I have heard that this does work.The reason is that if you eat a big meal late at night your body will not use up all the calories and will make them into fat. However, if you have your big meal at lunchtime you will burn it all up

A question on fats?

when trying to gain wieght should you consume lots of fats, thats what i hear, is it true, will eating these fats make you fat?
If you eat too many staturated fats what happens? What should you eat alot of to gain wieght? Any ideas on how to gain wieght?
Check out the link for more info. are good fats and bad fats.

Bad Fats
Saturated fat is the main dietary cause of high blood cholesterol. Saturated fat is found mostly in foods from animals and some plants. Foods from animals include beef, beef fat, veal, lamb, pork, lard, poultry fat, butter, cream, milk, cheeses and other dairy products made from whole and 2 percent milk. All of these foods also contain dietary cholesterol. Foods from plants that contain saturated fat include coconut, coconut oil, palm oil and palm kernel oil (often called tropical oils), and cocoa butter.Trans-fatty Acids and Hydrogenated Fats
Unsaturated fatty acids can be in one of two shapes — "cis" and "trans." These terms refer to the physical positioning of hydrogen atoms around the carbon chain. The cis form is more common than the trans form. Trans-fatty acids (TFA) are found in small amounts in various animal products such as beef, pork, lamb and the butterfat in butter and milk.TFA are also formed during the process of hydrogenation, making margarine, shortening, cooking oils and the foods made from them a major source of TFA in the American diet. Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils provide about three-fourths of the TFA in the U.S. diet. The trans fat content of foods is printed on the package of the Nutrition Facts label. Keep trans fat intake to less than 1 percent of total calories. For example, if you need 2,000 calories a day, you should consume less than 2 grams of trans fat.Trans-fatty acids are also formed during the process of hydrogenation. "Hydrogenate" means to add hydrogen. When unsaturated fatty acids are hydrogenated, some of the hydrogen atoms are added on opposite sides of the molecule to the already attached hydrogen. Cis double bonds convert to trans double bonds, and the fatty acids become saturated.
Good FatsPolyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are the two unsaturated fats. They're found mainly in many fish, nuts, seeds and oils from plants. Some examples of foods that contain these fats include salmon, trout, herring, avocados, olives, walnuts and liquid vegetable oils such as soybean, corn, safflower, canola, olive and sunflower.Both polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats may help lower your blood cholesterol level when you use them in place of saturated and trans fats in your diet. But a moderate intake of all types of fat is best. Keep total fat intake between 25 and 35 percent of calories, with most fats coming from sources of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids such as fish, nuts and vegetable oils. 1. Fat
At every meal, you must eat an adequate amount of good fats. Good fats include Omega-3 EPA/DHA concentrates and monounsaturated fats like extra virgin olive oil, almonds, and natural peanut butter. Bad fats include trans fatty acids found in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and Arachidonic Acid (AA) found in fatty red meats and egg yolks.

2. Protein
To keep your insulin levels in the Zone at every meal, you must always consume adequate amounts of low-fat protein (about the size of the palm of your hand or about 3 ounces for most females and 4 ounces for most males). A typical snack contains 1 ounce of protein for both women and men. The best protein sources are skinless chicken, fish, turkey, lean cuts of meat, low-fat dairy products, egg whites, protein powder and soy meat substitutes.

3. Carbohydrates
In addition to good fats and protein, you must also eat carbohydrates at every meal and snack. However, not all carbohydrates have the same effect on insulin levels. Starches (like pasta, potatoes and bread), grains and rice elevate insulin levels too much, whereas, most vegetables and fruits do not spike insulin levels (a few exceptions are corn, peas, bananas and dried fruits). While this doesn’t mean you have to completely eliminate starches, grains and rice from your diet, you must eat much smaller quantities of them compared to your intake of vegetables and fruits.

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.
The Zone 1-2-3 Method makes it simple to determine the fat, protein and carbohydrate content of every meal and snack. For every gram of fat you consume you need to eat twice as many grams of protein and 3 times that amount in grams of carbohydrates.
Meals for Females
At each meal consume approximately:
10 grams of fat
20 grams of protein (2x the fat grams)
30 grams of carbohydrate (3x the fat grams)Snacks for Females
At each snack consume approximately:
3 grams of fat
6 grams of protein (2x the fat grams)
9 grams of carbohydrate (3x the fat grams)Meals for Males
At each meal consume approximately:
15 grams of fat
30 grams of protein (2x the fat grams)
45 grams of carbohydrate (3x the fat grams)Snacks for Males
At each snack consume approximately:
3 grams of fat
6 grams of protein (2x the fat grams)
9 grams of carbohydrate (3x the fat grams)
The 1-2-3 method is an easy way to make sure you get the right balance of fat, protein and carbohydrates to “turn on” a fat-burning metabolism and satisfy hunger at the same time. Remember, the above numbers are approximate. So don’t worry about being 100% precise. Hunger control between meals and how your clothes fit are your best barometers for success.

Eat a Zone meal or snack within one hour after waking. To keep your insulin levels in the Zone so you are burning stored fat instead of accumulating it, eat every 4 to 6 hours after a meal or 2 to 2½ hours after a snack (including one at bedtime), whether you are hungry or not.Liquid
Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day.

A question from a soldier.?

I have been in iraq for 10 months now. I have been very busy, but now i find time to hit the gym. I've lost 50 pounds since we've been here and I wasnt fat to start with. 5 months untill we come home and I want to get the muscle back by then. Even more if possable. I need dietary suggestions. Please let me know what a good supliment would be for quick lean muscle growth.
They make Sports Vitamins for men, just for that.
My friend gains weight from beer and hot wings
My guess would be eat a lot of protein. Protein adds to muscle growth.

A question for slim ladies!?

So, what do you do to stay so slim?My slim friends just seem stay slim without any efforts. They just seem to have smaller appetite than me.
The only time I was ever able to stay slim without a strict exercise routine was when I didn't eat sugar. I didn't eat much meat, either. I ate a lot of broccoli, pasta, and rice. When I starting eating sugar again I started gaining a lot of weight and had to start exercising often. Even with exercise, I still can't stay as slim as I did when I didn't eat sugar. I'd like to stop eating it again but it's really hard to cut it out of my diet when I've been so busy. I think a lot of it depends on your metabolism. I have skinny friends who eat a lot of junk food and in large amounts, and I have average and chubby friends who exercise regularly and have healthier diets than my slim friends who have to struggle with their weight. Sucks, doesn't it?
its just they have a much faster metabolism than most people, so it looks like they don't have to do much to stay skinny.
Well i just eat normal but i try not to eat too much and i exercise daily. Sometimes i eat really fatting foods but then i run to burn it off. I pretty much just act normal and i dont gain anything.
i don;t dfo anything. I just am taht way. I think its impossible for me to gain weight cuz i never do no matter what i eat :)
I eat smaller portions
I eat good tasty but healthy foods and snacksi only eat meals every 6 hours as compared to 4 hoursfor the most part, it's probably just my metabolismand i cut off most fast foods except Chic-Fil-A which serves delicious chicken sandwiches as opposed to beef sandwiches and unhealty fries
Some people just have faster metabolisms. However, there are a few things you could do that might help. First off, stay active! Little everyday active things help to burn calories. Also, eat more frequent meals. When you eat every few hours, it keeps your metabolism working... otherwise it slows down. Just make sure that the meals you eat are healthy and smaller. I try to to eat until I'm not hungry anymore rather than when I am full. You'll notice a difference, and then you're hungry for a healthy snack within a few hours. If you are easily tempted by snacks and treats, don't buy them! Find healthy snacks that you enjoy, and if that's all there is to choose from, you'll pick a healthy snack every time. Good luck!
I watch what I eat and its very hard but I try not to over eat no matter what I 'm eating and I work out a lot. Some of the work out stuff are things I just enjoy, cycling, swimming and even just work around the yard.
Ask Ophra. She seems to have a tendency to gain weight, but looking OK .
In most cases is genetic, and you can work with it, but don't obsess about it: you are the way you are supposed to be, from that pimple next to the nose to the weight or the nails. Just make sure you shine with what you've got! Accept yourself and care for the whole YOU.
Some of my best friends have extra body fat, the more, the funner the person is actually. Good freinds will not care about weight, just stay healthy:)
well im slim and i have a fast metabolism. i aslo exersise a lot. i really dont put any effort in it.

A question for people who have only drinked weightloss shakes and no food for weight loss.?

Am planning on drinking three shakes a day and my height is 5'10 and my weight is 180 and am 19.
How much would I lose doing this for a month? And what should be my goal weight? Someone told me 125 should but I want other opinions too.
don't do that! it is very bad!! follow a sensible diet and take a Multi-vitamin everyday. also, about your ? for losing 100lbs in a month. WHY?? you want to weigh 80 pounds? that is crazy. not many grown women weigh that much! the ones that do are like 4'11''- 5'2'' and some of them look malnurishhed (very bad thing). you should only want to lose 30-40lbs and 50 AT THE MOST. anyway, keep your head up
You're not supposed to drink 3 shakes a day. I have done two different diets where I drank 2 shakes a day and then a meal. The meal would consist of lean protein and some veggies. I also drank a lot of water, and had fruit if I was hungry and needed a snack. I lost around 10-15 lbs/month. You are also very tall and I would think that 125 might be too light for you. Accoring to a height weight chart if you have a small frame 132-145 would be the range for you. Check this out for more info

A Question for Overweight People?

I'm not asking this to tease you or make fun, I just want to know if being overweight hurts physically? I'm not talking about those who are maybe 20-30 lbs overweight but 50 lbs or more. When I see someone who is very overweight, it doesn't make me sick or anything but it looks to me like it hurts. Seriously, Im not trying to be a jerk but I can't really just ask someone on the street "Does it hurt?"
hm. i used to be overweight.
i still am.
i was 5'8 like..
and i was about 15.
i lost like 50 lbs though..
and im still trying.
it does hurt.
it hurts your back..
alot of running and such
also hurts.
normal activities are alot
harder to do.
you get tired quick..
it does hurt..
not to forget to mention
emotional hurt.
hope this helps鈾bbihaha. yeah!
i had large breasts.
but i lost like 50 pounds
and i still have large breasts.
hehe. %26lt;3
That's a good question, I'm not overweight so I can't answer but it does look like it would hurt.
i can not answer this questin but i stared it because i've wondered the same thing.. and i'm not making fun either.. like i guess it would be like asking the extremely skinning people when you can see their bones if it hurts..
Being overweight generally doesn't hurt. Some don't realize their weight issues. However, fatigue is one comment noted by a number of doctors with their overweight patients. The excess fat can prevent the heart from properly functioning. As well, the weight creates circulation issues. Back to you question: weight generally doesn't hurt. If it hurts their is something usually more than weight afflicting the person.
It is not comfortable and it can cause some pain in your feet, hips, and knees (from carrying the extra weight around), it also causes backaches. When I was extremely overweight (by 70 pounds) I had trouble moving, sleeping, and always had headaches. Being fat was horrible.
It can cause physical problems that are painful. Obese people often have knee and foot problems.
People with large breasts sometimes have back problems as a result.
Large thighs can result in rashes from rubbing together while walking.
Large breasts can hurt the chest if they are not reigned in with a bra.
Yes, being overweight can be very uncomfortable and sometimes painful. You experience a lot of back, leg and foot pain. You can have trouble breathing. Also if you do not wear loose clothing your can experience some discomfort around your abdomen and other areas of your body.
i m not obese, but overweight....yes it does hurt socially, mentally and emotionally
as far as being hurt physically is concerned i dont think so that it does...
the only matter is that one should feel healthy otherwise little weight on higher side is not bad
I understand that you are curious if being overweight hurts. I can only answer for me. It does not hurt. I am not overweight because I eat a lot or because I am lazy. I am overweight from many conditions that I have been recently finding out about. I have something called insulin ressitance which is caused by the poly cystic ovarian disease I have. This also causes me to have high triglycerides (sp). So being overweight is sometimes caused by things other then being a big eater and being lazy. I have had to completely change the way I eat and I work out a lot harder now also. There is nothing that can be done to loose weight the easy way for me. I did consider gastric bypass, but to me that is just cheating. I want to do it the hard way so that I can take pride in the fact that I could loose weight on my own. Since December I have lost 50 pounds and I have every intention to loose about 75 more. I hope this answers your question.

A question for FILIPINOS only?

ok heres my question my sister really wants to lose some weight and she thinks dancing the songs: otso otso and spaghetti pababa (and other songs that make you move) everyday makes you lose some weight. Do you think thats a good idea? and can you give her some good tips to make her lose weight? please and thank you ^^
Hi, yes any dancing is considered exercise and can therefore help you burn calories and fat. It doesn't matter what song you like as long as you keep your feet and whole body moving. Dancing isn't the best exercise, but if that's all she will do is something she finds fun. Here's a hard one...stop eating white rice, if it wasn't for my daughter we would only eat brown rice in our home thanks to my husbands influence. Of course cutting back on fried foods (a filipino favorite) and drinking more skim milk (unless it makes you sick) are excellent ways to cut calories. She should try riding a bicycle or walking to her destinations instead of taking the jeepnee or motorcycle taxi's.

A question for exercise professionals...?

well,i am in pretty good shape %26 i love to exercise but im scared i will get too "bulky" a teenage girl i wouldnt want to have a bunch of manly muscles...i dont lift weights but i do ab-crunches %26 aerobics...will this make me bulky?i want to be fit but without bulky shape is pretty small...but u know,will i get bulky if iexercise 2 much?
Unless your are on some type of anabolic supplements or have some crazy genetics, you will not get big. Women DO NOT produce the testosterone needed for big muscles. You can lift weights, heavy even, and will not look masculine. I train a few female clients and they gain nice, shapely, toned muscle from lifting.
Crunches and aerobics do NOT build large muscles, anyway

A question about stretching.?

Well, first of all- what exactly is Yoga? Is it just stretching and breathing? I guess I should just go buy a video instead of asking the question on here...And second of all- Before I had kids, I never used to work out. I only stretched and listened to Enya (LOL) for close to an hour a day, and I had little fat and lots of muscle. Now that I've had kids and gained a little bit of fat, will stretching help me? I've tried doing Pilates and it seems to be working, but I miss my stretching! Not only was I in better shape when I stretched, but I also had a lot less stress...
Enya鈥ol, sorry. =) I have a really short attention span so yoga doesn鈥檛 work for me. Even palates can鈥檛 keep me focused.o_O I鈥檝e been doing this spastic boot camp workout for a while now and it keeps me tone. I use to stretch before I would start but I really don鈥檛 find a need for it anymore. If your just now starting back working out I would recommend stretching so you don鈥檛 strain or pull anything. Your young right? I鈥檓 sure you will lose that fat in no time.

A question about Pilates?

How often should I do pilates a week? Should I buy a dvd or should I join a pilates studio? Any suggestions to a good Pilates dvd for a beginner?
I recommend going to a Pilates least in the beginning to learn the basic form, breathing, etc. Those are very important if you want to get the most out of your efforts, which obviously you do. Some people do Pilates by video only and claim to be getting good results. I personally do not see how this is possible though. Some things are so subtle I know I would not have been able to figure it out without feedback, which you cannot get from a video.As for times per week, Joseph Pilates himself said 2-3 times is ideal. He did mean 1 hour sessions with him though, so keep that in mind if you wind up getting some 20 minute DVDs.Good luck. Pilates rocks!
We have put together a list of videos that we have tried, and you can check them out here:
I would recommend you take a beginners' class at a studio. (Most gyms employ people who have only a weekend trainers' certificate, although there are exceptions). Most classes are 8-12 sessions, once a week, and you can expect to pay $10-15 per session. For this, though, you should get personalized instruction, i.e., tailored to any 'issues' you have, such as a sore shoulder or knee.
Your body will tell you how often to do Pilates. Once a week in a good studio should be plenty, even if you do other kinds of exercise such as weightlifting or aerobics. If you get into it, you could supplement your studio sessions with DVD work. Or you could go all the way, and get into Pilates apparatus work, which is REALLY tough. Very challenging, but very rewarding. Good luck!

A little complicated, can you help?

So I tried doing yoga and had a few problems. I have weak wrists so I could only last 30 minutes into the program before they started to hurt. Also my knees are not that good and when they have us stretch with our knees straight it really hurts. What can I do about my wrists and if I stretch with my knees slightly bent is that ok?
At there is a discussion group where they can give you advice on different positions. I was really into Yoga for years but since I had a baby I haven't gone back (to class). I understand about your knees but they don't have to be straight so don't worry about that. I am sure there are other positions that would be better for your wrists too. Mine used to hurt a lot during downward dog. Also I say another post that you were looking for a good video. If you have Bright House (or Time Warner) they have an On Demand service with Yoga classes on it. Mine starts at channel 340 but I am not sure exactly which one. Good luck!
PS I was just remembering that my yoga instructor told us to keep our legs straight but just don't go down as far in the stretch. Over time you will get more flexible and it will get easier and easier. Remember, it should never hurt so if it does then ease up a bit. :)
Almost any stretching is good for you so not doing the yoga move "full out" should be find. If you are having problems with the program due to physical limitations you should ask your instructor for alternate positions. Any competent instructor should be able to give you different moves or different holding times that will still give you the benefits of yoga without the discomfort you are feeling now. If your instructor can't help you then you should find a new instructor or studio because that person may not be properly trained. Good luck!

A list of healthy foods for breakfast please?

What's healthy to eat in the morning for a guy who wants to build muscle and not gain any fat?
You can make a quick healthy smoothie1-2 servings whey powder
3/4 cup cooked oatmeal (zap in microwave or make the night before.
1 cup 1% or skim milk
1/2 cup fruit or a banana
hand full of ice cubesThe above smoothie will give you protein to help build muscle, it's high in calcium, has both vitamins and minerals, will fill you up for quite a long time and is low in fat and calories.If you prefer a sit down type of breakfast, have a serving of plain oatmeal, a piece of fruit, and a glass of skim milk with whey powder added.It really is a super healthy breakfast that will keep you long long past luch.
I found an article about your question on the answer search engine.
The link is in my source.
if you want to build muscle, the best thing is excercise. I heard it's good to eat carbs the night before you excercise, and sugary stuff and liquids the morning before. this ensures that the energy is suplied to your muscles properly, and is bein burnt off how it should be.
Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.

A healthy way to lose 9lbs in 2 weeks ?

The speed of weight lost also depends on your metabolism. People that are generally more active and lead a healthy lifestyle are more than likely to have better immune systems and a faster metabolism, which leads to faster weight loss.Honestly, there is no "magic pill" to weight loss. We would all like to believe that, but it is not true. You would have a better chance of losing weight by following a routine exercise regimen and diet, rather than crash dieting. The problem is that protein is used up in the body before fat, so people that crash diet are prone to atrophy of the muscles.
I would recommend eating a diet with lots of soluble fiber and protein, with regular exercise. Also, cutting down on your daily caloric intake would also be necessary. And if you have occasional bouts of hunger, just drink some water or fiber rich foods (it will give you the feeling that you are full). Furthermore, be sure to get enough sleep.Yep, thats it. :)
cut off your right arm!
unless youre very fat there is no way to lose more than 2lbs a week healthily
go on a "diabetic diet" go online to the diabetes association and find what would be best for you as far as carb intake goes and exercise along with it.
9lbs in 2 weeks? it depends on ur body.. exercise every morning and let your sweat drain u (not that literally)don't eat rice and don't use/take sugar. just fruit and veggies.drink green tea every after meal
Get it .
I don't know if there is a way. Just try to eat right and exercise when you get the chance.
if you really want to lose your weight don't worry.exercise daily with some hard workouts,drink fresh jucies.if you want more details visit the below website.
This depends on how much you weigh. If you are very overweight this may be possible. But otherwise not so possible. You could start by eating a healthy low fat diet of lean meats, fish, vegetables, fruit, non sugary cereals, low fat dairy products, wholemeal foods such as brown rice and pasta. Also cut back on alcohol if you drink. This will take out unhealthy amounts of saturated fat and sugar. Along with plenty of exercise you could possibly lose upto 7lbs or more.

A good work out for thighs, stomach, butt :]?

Suggestions for a working out your inner thighs, stomach/abs, and your butt?
Try doing squats. Stand up straight, then with your back straight, lower yourself into a sitting position into an invisible chair behind you. Keep your buns and stomach tight while doing this. For a little extra, hold hand weights in each hand and extend your arms forward while "sitting." Then slowly stand and bring your arms back to your side. Or if you have a barbell, hold it across your shoulders while doing the squat.
However, when exercising, it is better not to just treat one specific area. You will get better all over results if you increase your cardio by jogging, running, or joining some aerobic classes.

A good way for a guy to lose 35 pounds?

I need some expert advice on this, since I've already done a lot of research and even tried a few things that haven't worked. I need to lose 35 pounds while getting in shape. Last year I started at a local gym, and lost about 20 pounds but after a while I stopped losing weight due to the muscle I was forming. I could change my diet, but that won't get me in shape (say, for running) and might do more harm than good. What's a good workout routine to lose weight and get in shape, without building too much muscle mass (and therefore stopping the weight loss)?FYI: I'm wanting to join the Air Force and need to meet their weight requirement.
1) Start working out. Run every other morning. Do strength training on the off mornings.2) Eat sensibly. Don't pay any attention to those fad diets or low fat diets. You are a man and should eat for your body. Just cut out sugars, Eat a balanced diet of pleanty of meat, veggies, fruits and whole grains. (Note) Don't starve your self. That is counter productive and slows down your metabolism.
When I have to lose weight the Atkins Diet is what always works. I have known many people who tried it , and it works.
The good thing about it is you can eat all you want! But no starch or carbs. If you can do without potatoes, rice, bread, cereal and the like, then you might want to pick up a copy of his book.
find daily calorie intake calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours - it optimizes your metabolism)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have protein (lean meat, legumes etc) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio is the only fat burning exercise and burns fat all over your body (running, jogging, swimming, spinning, elliptical etc) 4-6 times a week for 30-50min (ideally 45min because the first 20-30min body burns carbs and only then starts burning fat), light weight training (light weights, high amount of slow reps) 2-3 times a week is enough
switch up your cardio all the time - keep your body guessing, dont let it get used to one workout routine
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, pasta etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)

A good healthy workout for a 16 year old?

I am a 16 year old female. I do not feel fat. I actually enjoy my curvy body. (I am 5'4" 133-135lbs give or take).
I have no desire to lose weight but I do want to become more of a healthier person. I was wondering what simple exercises I can do to make sure I am healthy.
I don't want anything extensive or that takes a while just something to keep me active and healthy. Personal or general advice is very much appreciated. Thank you.
I was in this same boat and I just began taking walks around the neighborhood with my dog. It is not very time consuming but it is good exercise and you get to know the neighbors. You can walk as fast or slow as you would like and it is not necessarily going to make you lose weight but it will keep you healthy and keep you from gaining weight. If you don't have a dog/pet then you can walk by yourself or have a family member or friend walk along with you for company.
Mow the lawn with a push mower, good exercise, good for the environment and you could make some extra money..
1.Set goals. You'll be better able to make a realistic weight loss plan if you know how much weight you want to lose.
2.Identify your weaknesses. Are you a bread fiend? Do you have dessert after every meal and every snack? Is McDonald's your second home? Find the weakness and throttle it. It does not own you, you are stronger and cooler than to allow some silly little craving to knock you off your path.
3.Throw away anything you know is tempting. Those cinnamon buns with 500 calories each? Gone. The ramen noodles in your cabinet? Gone. The problem is that this is not always feasible. Often times we are not the only ones in our homes and therefore the call of the food must be withstood. In this case, out of sight truly is out of mind. Put unhealthy, unfilling foods in a drawer or in a cabinet that you rarely use. Put them all together to make a particularly unappetizing sight. Don't place them all in a decorative basket out on the counter. Place them in a drawer. A drawer heaping with pastries rarely looks like anything but a drawer of fat.
4.Eat less, but eat more often. If possible, eat 4-5 meals a day. This helps your metabolism and blood sugar to stay level as well. This does require a change in your schedule. Eat less within 6 hours of your bed time. You're less likely to burn the calories closer to your bed time. It's fine to eat a large breakfast and lunch because your body will be working on burning those calories for the whole day. Large dinners are likely to go unburned and converted into fat.
5.Do not skip breakfast. If you don't have time to prepare breakfast, buy healthy breakfast bars or those smoothies on the go. It is important to eat breakfast to jump start your metabolism and give you energy for the day. Otherwise you will probably end up falling back on unhealthy foods during the day. Yogurt is also known to boost your metabolism.
6.Eat healthy snacks when you feel hungry between meal times. Healthy snacks would be things high in fiber, fruits and vegetables. Avoid high sugar and high calorie snacks. This will help you get nutrients as well as help lower your appetite so you won't overeat during meals.
7.Increase your fiber intake. Fiber acts as negative calories. It's also filling and healthy for your digestive system. Make it a part of every meal.
8.Eat slowly and chew more. Take time to enjoy your meals. This will help you to finish at the same time as others, and you'll not be tempted by a second helping. Also, chewing more will ensure you get the most out of all the food and it will be digested faster. The more you chew, the more your appetite will be satiated.
9.Drink more water every day. Stay hydrated. While you don't need 8 cups of water a day to stay hydrated, it'll make sure you're hydrated as well as cut down on your hunger levels and force you to get a little bit more exercise (trips to the sink, water cooler, water fountain, and bathroom). If you're a heavy soda drinker, permit yourself to only one diet soda per day, maximum. Just one extra soda each day can add 15 pounds. Recently, fizzy drinks, even diet ones, have been said to slow down metabolism.
10.Increase physical activity. There are two ways to reduce net caloric intake: 1) reduce the number of calories in your diet and 2) Increase the number of calories that you burn in your daily activities. Both approaches are usually necessary and healthful and both are effective in losing weight. You can pick and choose which exercise you want to do, depending on your fitness level and drive. For example: walking, jogging, using the stair stepper, using cross training machines, swimming, tennis, and basketball. Weight training (and resistance training) can help reshape your body. The more muscle you have the higher your metabolism will be.
11.Find active friends. Find people that will drag you out to do more active things. It doesn't have to be much, but any exercise even walking around the mall is better than none.
12.Don't get discouraged. After one or two weeks of initial weight loss, it is quite common for your metabolism to slow down as it adjusts to the new calorie count. Stay on course and you'll see results. In some cases, the scale will tell you your weight is barely changing, but you may be gaining muscle weight while losing fat weight. Also make sure to weigh yourself first thing in the morning to try to avoid the fluctuations in weight due to water.
13.Take all advice with a grain of salt. Everyone is going to have some tidbit of information for you. What worked for them might not work for you. Take it all in stride and work with what is getting results for you. Trying to do everything everyone says will only cause overload.
14.Eat more protein. If you choose to go this route, do not cut out all carbs. If you do so, as soon as you start eating carbs again you will regain your weight back. Instead of eating stand alone pasta, throw some meatballs or chicken in. Eat some beans, they are high in protein and very healthy for you. Increase the ammount of protein, but not by too much. The more protein you take in, the more water you should drink as well.
15.Eat less calories. The average woman should eat around 2,000 calories a day and the average male 2,500. There's many ways to reduce the calories you intake. Try not to eat frozen dinners, pizza, or from fast food joints. There's also certain drinks, such as Green Tea that are calorie reducers. Lettuce is another calorie reducer, but be careful because dressing tends to have the calories. Low fat/light vinnegette, balsomic vineger, red wine and vineger are pretty healthy dressings, but do not load it on
Well, maybe you're parents could chase you around with something everytime your bad...i mean, sure, it might make you afraid when you get over to be able to talk with people who want to share insights with you, but, then again, they've probably scared that kind of curiousity right out of you in the name of ~love~

A good health insurance plan?

I'm looking for a health insurance plan that would cover doctor visits, and possibly dental appointments. I am a 22 year old college student in school, but the school insurance doesn't cover things I need covered.
You're best bet would be to visit a local independent agent. This person knows the plans in your area and can find the best plan for your situation. They don't charge you for the service and will be there to help with any questions. Don't try to do this on the internet unless you have 3 or 4 days to compare the hundreds of plans available.Be very wary of medical discount cards. They are not regulated by the Department of Insurance nor do the people that sell them need to be licensed. This means you have little recourse when you have problems with the plan. If you are tempted by the low price and claims of “save up to 80%” be aware that very few doctors actually take these cards. It does you little good if you have to drive 4 hours to find a doctor that will accept the card. One state couldn’t find any doctors in that state that took the card and only one dentist who was on probation for unlawful activities so they banned the sale of the card. See this link for more information. Many other states are starting to ban these cards.Before signing up with any discount plan get a list of doctors. If they won’t give you a list consider it to be a scam. Call the doctors on the list to make sure they’re still taking the card (many don’t even know that they’re listed as a provider) and that they’re accepting new patients.Dental is seldom included with the health plans. If it is it is usually not very good. I'm an insurance agent and I wouldn't waste my money on dental insurance. Instead, I've got the Aetna Dental Access fee for service discount plan. They're nation wide and you can get information here: You can also look at other plans to find the best one. I like them because there is no maximum, no deductible and no waiting period, plus there is a fee schedule so you know how much a procedure would be before going to the dentist. Before signing up with any plan be sure to find a dentist first that's taking new patients and is still taking the plan.
please try this %26lt;a href=" target="_top"%26gt;help!%26lt;/a%26gt;
%26lt;img src="
This is what we use.
It includes doctor visits, dental, vision, lab, prescriptions, chiropratic, and more.

A good exercise to get rid of the lovehandles on your back by your hips?

whats a good way to get rid of the luv handles on your back right by your hips?? I know that running will slim a tummy and even help your legs...but I want to get rid of the flub on my back..and it basically comes out more on my period..thats where I hold alot of my waterweight and I HATE it! help please
Windmills but also side bends with at least a 5 lb weight in your hand. Alternate from side to side. That will help the side. The other thing that will help your back are what are called "superman" where you lay on the ground on your tummy and lift your arms and legs at the same time. Hold and then release. You can also alter this by "swimming" one arm and opposite leg up and hten alternate! Good luck!
side crunches.
Sounds dumb but toe touches (windmills) like you did in elementary school gym class. Believe it or not, it actually works better than any piece of equipment.
Do cardio, then do squats. Stand up straight, bend your kness and sit your butt weigh back. Go to for some good rear workout videos.

A good diet?

i wanna loose like 5-10 lbs. whats a good diet that is actually like, somewhat easy to stick to?
Too easy. I assume you are eating 3 meals a day. So keep the calorie amount the same as you have it now and break that into 6 or 8 meals. You eat less at each setting which promotes fat loss and you always feel energized. I found eating 8 times a day i have more energy through out the day and i am always in "go" mode. Like i dont worry about just eating and going to the gym for a tough workout, instead i just feel good all the time and go to the gym. Males should eat 11 calories per pound of body weight and females should eat 10 calories per pound of body weight. I hope this helps and good luck. Trying a little extra cardio could also get the last 5 pounds off.
I would say this is the heathliest, cheapest and best option.
1)Eat a heavier breakfast and a lighter dinner.
2)Try not to eat before bedtime because you won't have time to burn off the calories.
3)Try to workout atleast 3 times a week(sit-ups are good for the abs) Look up inside thighs routines you could do
4)Or just put some music on and dance. Try doing moves using both legs and arms at the same time to make you sweat more.
5)Get an excercise bike and ride on it about an hour everyday while watching a favorite program.
6)Don't go on pills, excercise and eating the right foods and less junk foods is the answer.
7)Just remember dieting doesn't mean you go anorexic and stop eating. Don't barf out your food everytime you eat.I did all these 7 steps and lost about 15 kilograms in 2 months(about 30 pounds) You'll also have a very athletic body and breathe better! ENJOY!
Start by trimming away all visible fat from steaks, roasts and shops. ( you can wait til the it's cook since fat seal in moisture and flavor.) Eat less beef and pork and more veal, fish and fowl, which are lower in saturated fats. Remove the skin from chicken. choose white meat over dark. Avoid sausage,frankfurters.cold cuts, which are high in fat. Poach or boil eggs instead of scrambling or frying . Cut down on baked goods, and scrutinize labels of nondairy creamers and other packaged foods for coconut oil, a highly saturated vegetable fat that clings to your arteries like glue.
The more vegetables and fruits you eat the Heather you will be and Without fat the thinner you be come ... It's not a diet it's a way of life .. Exercise is always important , walking, sports , etc .. something that you enjoy .. Go enjoy your life, Have fun ...
1. Soy is really good- I'm a vegetarian and I'm v. trim.(hmm...surprisingly,usual... vegetarians are slim,unless they have thick bones. I wonder why that is...?)2. Lay off the fatty foods- butter,cheese and cow milk. Replace theese with low-calorie cheese spreads and soy milk (don't worry,there's chocolate soy milk too!)3. Believe it or not, meat isn't too healthy for you as it seems,concluding from the latest scientific studies. Cholesteral is a problem these days,and dead and diseased cows ground into patties is one of the most popular reasons for heart burn. I would advise you to stick to fake-meat items, like soy bacon and things like that. (it's actually good;I've tasted it!!) Cut down on the steak,sausage,chicken and beef for as long as you can (hopefully more then 2 weeks), all the while excersizing,and see how your body will change.4. Fish are OK to eat- although I would advise you not to fry then longer then you should. Warming it up is necassary enough,but don't keep that stuff on the pan for any longer. Use envirement-friendly baking oil- vegetable oil is the healthiest to use.5. Drink 8 glasses of water a day. Conquer this,and you have bragging rights for 2 months ;) I know,it may seem impossible at the time,but try to drink the specified amount in water bottles,500 ML,or even 1L. You can add a lemon slice,but don't add too much juice to the stuff- it'll get more calories in it then healthy and nourishing water. 6. Absolutely no coffee or cow milk. Coffee just gets you hiper for an hour or two, it may perk you up then,but afterward you'll feel tired and flabby. Cow milk is as bad as you can get;as I sasid,better replace it with soy milk.7. Don't eat after 7:00. That's the time that my family used to use for eating supper,and that's as late as it goes. If you stick to that hour,eating mid-night snacks will be out of question. Eat at 6:00,no more at 7,and those hunger pangs will go away after a week.8. No junk food. Chips (even onion) have too much fat and calories in them to count. Corn chips,healthy as the company writes on the back of the package,aren't good in any amount. NO lollipops or sucking items. These stay on your teeth and are even worse then chocolate. Treat yourself to dark chocolate (yes,at least more then 30%) once in a while,but no milk choc or any other. Tip: If you ever have an ultra craving for ice cream that you can;t shake off,remember~sorbet is healthier then ice cream is.9. Eat only 3 meals i a day.
And No,mid-night snacks do not count as a meal. Neither do in-between-meals. No snacks between the 4 squares,and try to pass 2nds for dessert. Of course,it'd be better if you didn't eat sweets at all during the diet,and afterward you'll feel gladder then ever to return to them.10. Try to pass on 2nds in dinner,and try to eat less for your meals.11. For a tasty treat with no fat,try cereal for breakfast to replace those eggs and bacon. Or,if you want something besides corn flakes and Cap'n Crunch,eat some granola. Remember to add lots of raisins and other dried fruits! Nuts are good too. Try freezing some strawberries and blueberries- they make a yummy treat during the summer,especially when you make a smoothie! Here's my personal recipe that never fails for me or company:
Strawberry %26 Coconut Smoothie1 cup coconut (if you don't like coconut,just replace it with something else,e.g. whipped cream- it makes the smoothie thicker. Or if you want to make it more like a slushy,add crushed ice.3 cups strawberries (frozen, or fresh)2 cups buttermilk (good for diets- you can't taste it though,which is great :)1/2 cup pinapple juice, or lemon aleExtras: To give it a real zazzy taste,add 1 cup lemon ale,or lemonade. One of my favorites are gooseberries- blend them up and they taste greeeat. Want a cool look for the treat when you have guests over? All it takes is a normal glass and some colored sugar. Dampen the cup top and dip it in the colored sugar- the tip of the glass is good becuse that way you get to lick it off,and receive an awesome effect. Of course,if your guests are dieting too,it's better to just put in a lemon slice ;)

A friend of mine wants to lose 20 pounds / 10 kilos. Where can I find appropriate diets on-line?

I have lost a total of 120 pounds so far.
I lost 105 pounds in my first 6 months. Here is how I did it.
1. Every morning get up and walk for 45 minutes. You can start with less time, but you want to get up to 45 minutes, and it must be fast walk. You want your heart rate to go up. It must be in the morning, it kick starts your metabolism.
2. I cut out Red Meat, and fatty foods. Boneless skinnless chicken breast, baked, or grilled, rice and vegetables (steamed).
3. Eat half. Just eat half of what you normally eat. Put 1/2 on your plate, and put the rest away. Cook less. When you go to fast food, get salads only. Or grilled chicken. No fries, only diet soda. Or water.It will work, once you get into a routine, you will get hooked on the results, and you will keep the routine. It has been over a year for me. Also start counting your calories. Write them down. You would be amazed as to how much more aware you are of your caloric intake, if you actually write it down. We recently discovered a site that offers a great program that counts calories, as well as keeps track of everything. It allows multiple users, so everyone in the family can keep track. They offer a free 7 day trial, and so far I am very impressed with the product. Try the 7 days and see. It allows you to add the exercise that you do during the day, which increases the amount of calories you can take in. Very Cool!!
http://www.calorieking.comA sight with some really cool diet calculators and interesting calorie counting calculators is here. Check it out. out my before and after pic at my yahoo 360 page motivated, and get up and walk every day. I seriously lost all my weight starting off my day on my walk. Good LUCK!
Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.

A friend of mine had weight loss, lap band surgery and shes lost 28 lbs in 2 weeks, im

how does it make u lose 28 lbs in 2 weeks???shes not even that heavy, maybe 80 lbs?im 50 lbs over my weight /height chart and a size 9/10 in pants and m-L in shirts... can i have lap band surgery?
Just drink plenty of water and engage in good healthy diet. Plenty of protein, fruits, veggies. Keep your carbohydrates to under 20% of daily intake. Portion control is essential to dieting. Eat 5 or six smaller meals a day. An easy exercise program can be done, stretching for flexibity, cardio for endurance and fat burning, and either calastetics or weigh training for muscle tone and strength. Also remember that muscle wieghs more that fat, but it is leaner and more dense. Its important to decrease caloric intake while increasing calories burnt in a day. That is the key to losing wieght. I have dropped almost 20 lbs in the past two and half months, simply by changing a few eating habits and exercising moderately. Good luck.
Most insurance companies will not pay for lap-band surgery unless you have other health issues that are aggravated by obesity (such as diabetes or heart trouble) or are extremely overweight. Personally, I would not recommend a lap band, and I doubt that your friend was only 80 pounds overweight. You usually have to be at least 100 pounds overweight before being considered for a lap band. I have a friend who had a lap band, and basically, you have to liquify almost all your food. You can't eat much. You lose a lot of weight initially, but that slows down, and soon, she may need the band tightened in order to continue losing.
I'd stick to a diet and exercise program. Skip surgery if you can. Be Healthy.

A free diet with no sign up?

Getting married next year and me %26 my h2b would both like to lose at lease a stone rach
free diet info at
Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.

A fitness question, please help!??

Actually a couple of qs!?
I want to gain weight and become a faster sprinter as well as having greater endurance. Any ideas on what i could do? what should i eat and how do i achieve all of these goals?
any websites dedicated to specific exercises also? thanks for your time and help. HM
Take up a very physical based Martial arts.
Get small hand and ankle weights and go running. The added weight will make your muscle more endurable, also making you faster when you don't have them on cause of them being use to the extra weight.
go two your local libery and find a book named physiology of fitness by ewald e. selkurt third edition that should help you
I recommend looking in a magazine for the title "Runner's World." It's a really good magazine, and it shows you how to stretch and things. If you can't find that, it's okay. Here's what you have to do. (I run)...
1) Go to the store and get reallly good tennis shoes that fit perfect. Even if they cost more then you hope, they will last longer and make you happier anyway.
2) You should stretch out all your muscles, but specifically your legs before you go out to run. you can sit down on the couch with your legs out then just plunge forward, hold for about 30 seconds, no longer or it does weird things to your muscle memory. Then you can do standard "PE" stretches, lunges, and other things like that. When you are done with stretching out you should be much more energized.
3) You should eat before you work out. I think it's a mind of matter thing where you have more incentive, but someone might have proven somewhere along the line it's more efficient.
4)Overall, it's just great to eat healthy. And last but not least, it never hurts to get a personal trainer at the gym or at least enroll in classes at the gym. If you want to go to the gym solo, that's fine, but usually not as efficient unless you really push yourself.
Ok, let's go by parts.In order to increase your endurance while running, you need to create the fundations and learn the basics. From what you are saying, it seems that you have some experience already, so construct the way to higher endurance and speed. Running skills are often described as building a house. The Foundation of your house is what we call body conditioning. Basically it is the process where you warn your body that it will go under a different type of stress. This process is the one that takes longer, and generally when you can run 5 Ks in less than 40 mins, you have achieved this first stage.The second part are the walls of the house, or the distance. Having a healthy, balanced diet rich in grains and proteins helps you to build muscle tissue as you replace the fat in your legs. Drinking tons of water, allows you to become a more resustent runner, all of this will eventually result in more endurance (combined with your basis training).Try to also do other type of training besides running, it is good to hit the gym once in a while, and focus on your abs, as the core is the most important part of good endurance skills. Pilates, Yoga and other type of fitness activities are great too!. Finally comes speed. Once you have masteres a certain distance and can run it without further trouble, you can focus on speed!, Hill training helps as it will make your muscles stronger,. get a running group with a moderate speed pace and train with them.You just need to create a strategy, a realistic time, and support.speed, and distance are the results of your training.Btw. if you want to gain weight, consider that running burns tons of calories, so try to have a high protein diet and do weight training at the Gym.
Join your local running/athletics club, they will give you all the help you need.Intervals and wind sprints, endurance work plus focused weights sessions will all help. And keep stretching.
Training, training and training. This will require lots of power on your mind. Coming along, eating correctly, stretching and weigth lifting. To achive your goals, this is the way. To follow it, you have to decide, a coach or reading and studing about. The best magazine about running is Runner's World. There you can find serious articles about all the areas related to running, and the best indications about books. You can also try
Good luck.
Right. To gain weight and become faster you need to add muscle mass and improve your endurance, 2 separate goals.To add muscle mass you need to train hard with heavy weights, but only a few reps. Pick a weight you can only lift, curl, press etc 5 times. Then do 3 sets of 5 reps with it. After you have finished the last set of 5, drastically reduce the weight, then continue doing reps to failure. You'll find even with a light weight you'll only manage about 10, embarrassing if people are watching you only at that point!!To increase endurance, try interval training. Get a 200m circuit and break it into 50m stretches. Jog for 50m, sprint as hard as possible for 50m, jog for 50m then sprint again as fast as you can for 50m. After a week or so, increase the sprinting sections to 60m and reduce the jogging sections to 40m. Keep doing this til you find yourself sprinting the 200m as fast as you can. Then do it again for 400m.It forces the body to use oxygen more efficiently, thereby increasing endurance.For both of these training routines make sure you eat lots of carbs and get lots of protein through protein shakes.Good luck with both your goals.
Try running with a resistance parachute.This can be used fully unfurled to build explosive power (for sprinting), or partially folded to add some drag while you build endurance.A lot of trainers will tell you that because explosive power and endurance are opposites, training for each will interfere with the other. This can happen, but it depends on how narrowly you define 'endurance'. Training regimes for long-distance running and for sprinting certainly clash, but if your endurance work is not running-specific, you can improve both capabilities simultaneously. Alternating your training every three months is another popular strategy, and it can be useful in several different ways.If you are content with moderate gains in each capability, then there is less of a problem. It is only if you want the fastest possible increase of growth and speed, while also improving your stamina as quickly as possible, that the training regimes start to contradict each other.

A few questions about yoga.?

1. When is the best time to do yoga?2. What is the minimum amount of time you can do yoga for it to be effective?3. How many times a week should it be done?4. What are the best poses to do?5. What should a person do before and after yoga?
No single answer to any of your questions, so I'll just answer based on my own experiences:1. mornings I have more energy, evenings I'm already warmed-up and more flexible. I generally prefer to go around 6 PM.2. 2-3 hours a week, which isn't too much of a commitment. For a long time I just went 2x per week and still noticed big changed. Some people go 1x a week and love it.3. I go 2-3x a week now, but I don't think there is any right answer to this question. 4. Take a class and learn all the poses. Then decide which ones are most effective for you - we all have different bodies. That said, you'll spend a lot of time in mountain pose, down dog, up dog, chair, tree, and triangle. There are tons of poses, but those are some of the most basic.5. Eat a snack about 2 hours ahead of time - something with protein is good. Drink lots of water before class. Wear non-binding clothing (nothing tight on the waist, in particular). Afterwards, drink lots of water again and enjoy how good you feel!Have fun!

A few questions about p90x..?

I was thinking about getting it, but I wanted to know a few thing first. do you have to use their meal plan or can you use another like nutrisystem or weightwatchers? does it only burn fat or can you build muscle with it also.. i weigh about 195lbs and i stand @ 5'7 now and i want to keep this weight but just replace the fat with muscle.
Hey there Joel,You will receive a nutrition guide that breaks everything down for you. You'll know how many proteins, carbs, fats, fruits, etc. to eat each day. You'll feel as though you are getting a PH.D. in nutritionI'll be honest with you. When doing P90X, I don't follow the meal plan 100%, more like 75%. The important thing to remember is to eat clean...and the guide teaches you to do just that.I've documented my results at my blog listed below. So yes, you can absolutely build muscle with this program. :)Feel free to Yahoo message or email me with any P90X related questions.Best Wishes,Dennis Hardy
Independent Million Dollar Body Fitness Coach

A Diet, for loosing minimum 15 pounds.?

I need help. I need to loose at least 15 pounds, but I just need a list of foods I should eat. I do excersise, but I cant loose weight that fast, I also need a diet. I just need a list of foods that I can eat. I will put all of them together so if every one would just give me about 3 or four that would be GREAT! Thanks for all your help!
to lose weight (fat) you have to eat small meals every 2-3 hours (thats 5-6 small meals a day)- this way your body gets energy when it needs it and not have any extra left to store in fat reserves. and never go below 1200cal/day because thats how much you would need if you were in coma.
healthy foods: old fashioned oatmeal, whole wheat bread, pita, wraps, brown and wild rice, whole wheat pasta, egg whites, lean meats, fish, legumes, all fruit, all veggies (peas, potatoes and corn is not in this category), nuts, seeds, dried fruit, avocados, nut butters, rice cakes, soy crisps, Kashi cereals, milk products like yogurts, cottage cheese and milk, soy products like soy milk and tofu.
first of all, cut your meal intake by 1/2.. only eat 1/2 of what u would normally eat!1. grapes (clean out your body)
2. white meat chicken (baked)
3. any type of green vegetable- spinach is best
4. oatmeal and eggs
5. apples, bananas, you know... the fruits! lol try to avoid fried foods, alot of sugar, really greasy foods, and alot of breaded foodsAND DRINK ALOT OF WATER!!
good luck ;)
if you practice portion control and eat healthy you can eat anythingless carbs and more protein will help
An interesting fact is calorie intake. Lower it completely. Fats are better than calories. Fresh fruit, egg whites and lean meats. Celery, carrot sticks.

A diet pill that really works?

Anyone can tell about a diet pill that really worked ? Share your experince.
I have been a pharmacist for 29 years. There has never been any type of diet pill/capsule/tablet etc that works. This would include the time when amphetamines were prescribed. The only sure fire way to a leaner body is 1)less food intake 2) some exercise add these together with some real time and you will have weight loss. Habits need to be changed. And do this one at a time and take each day one at a time. Life is suppose to be enjoyable, but to often we human get inpatient. Good Luck!
Well Hoodia doesn't help! I hope that helps.
no diet pills work scientific fact
There is no magic pill to help you with a diet. They either don't work, or they have serious side effects. Take control of diet and exercise and you will see results.
there's a new diet pill called alli that is the first one to ever be approved by the FDA.
it makes you lose 50% more weight than regular dieting.
you can buy it at walgreens now.
Why is it so hard for you to exercise, I fuckn hate lazyness!!
dont eat like a pig and get some exercise?its disgusting that people are so lazy they need a pill to loose weight.
Honestly, the only real way to lose weight and keep it off is by proper nutrition and consistent exercise. I wish there was a magic pill but there really isn't!
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ 鈾櫕 鈾櫕 ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
No diet pill keeps you healthy while losing weight. A co-worker sells a formula鈥攁ll plant-based stuff you can purchase in a grocery store for practically nothing鈥攖hat works...and it makes you healthy to boot...and he goes by the honor system: if it works you send a contribution.
~~~ ~~~ 鈾櫕 鈾櫕 ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Alli i have never tried it but my friend has.she lost the most in one week than all the other diet i the only FDA approved diet pill .u can purchase them at walmart and drug stores. but u still have to exercise and eat healthy.

A couple of questions about a good work out routine. (details inside)?

I've decided to lose a little bit of fat and gain a little bit of muscle (sexXx). Is it possible to do this at the same time or will one hinder the progress of the other? I understand in order to gain muscle you have to take in a lot of calories, and doing cardio burns off calories.Based on my limited understanding of how these processes work I've developed this lifestyle plan:-Running on the tredmill for two and a half miles six days a week.
-Lifting weights every other day.
-Diet comprised of low fat, low carb, high protein foods.Anything else I should know? Should I do more cardio than that? Because I probably could. Thanks a lot.
recommendation is that you go for more of a time limit that you treadmill for... because 2.5 miles can take you around 20-25 minutes. try and go for an hour... Also you should lift everyday that you are running. remember though proper techniques will help you achieve your goals.Quality over Quanity Squeeze those muscles and isolate them... concentrate on the muscles you are working... Recommend that you work 2 types of muscles a day. like chest and tri's... etcgood luck
stay positive its also mental not just physical!

A buddy said that he lost 30lb in one month, is that dangerous to lose that much weight in one month.?

He said that it fat he is losing I think it muscle also his taken something call apple cider vingear with water three times a day. He said that it give him engery and help him in losing weight.
Yes, that is very dangerous. A person should lose about 1 to 2 pounds per week by eating healthy and drinking plenty of water. I know several people that use Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar to help remove toxins from the body, lower blood pressure, and for a facial toner. Just mix distilled water with the apple cider vinegar and throw in a stick of cinnamon for taste. The recipe is on the side of the vinegar bottle.
No way. And apple cider and water does NOT make or help you lose weight. That's a total scam. I don't believe your friend has lost anything even close to 30 lbs. When you begin a diet and exercise program, you usually lose 5-7 lbs. the first week, then you lose 2 lbs. a week after that. He may have lost 15-18 lbs.--if he is REALLY working out hard. But when you do that you have to be careful. It's hard to stick to and when you stop, the weight comes back easily---yes, he's losing mostly muscle and some fat if he is losing weight too fast.
sounds very dangerous...
That much weight loss is dangerous. Unless he is under a doctors care he should slow down. Eat good nutritious (Not too much) food and exercise. 2 pounds a week is the recommended amount to lose.

A body wrap that supposedly makes u look slimmer? please read!!?

heres the link to the spa website. its called the frappa wrappa or something...its one of the first services on the page.
anyone that knows anything about body wraps, how long would u think the results last?
you binged because you starved yourself. and because you starved yourself all you lost was water weight and muscle NOT fat and slowed down your metabolism. all you gained back is the same water weight you lost plus some fat. (deprivation makes you lose muscle and gain fat)
dont waste money falling for fake ads - there are no magic creams/patches/pills/wraps/tea... that melts fat or reduces cellulite.
all you can do is eat healthy small meals every 2-3 hours (5-6 small meals a day), drink plenty of water, consume lots of fresh, unprocessed foods, at least 5 servings of fruit and veggies a day, complex carbs, protein, cardio 4-6 days a week for average of 45min.
if you need to look thin, why dont you diet and exercise like everyone else!
You are top now in yahoo health??!! Cool...but if you stay healthy it will stay but if you over eat then no. But am waitting until they have one that takes pounds but it looks very good.
Body wraps make you look slimmer because they remove most of the excess water weight from your body. The results vary from person to person, depending on their water weight. There are certain body wraps out there that do actually speed up your metabolism. It depends on what kind of wrap you get and if it uses clay. I recommend that if you are looking to lose weight try and research the different types of body wrap clays out there. Some can be a bit pricey.
I know a lot of people who swear by these wraps. I also know from experience from someone who worked in the profession that when they would take the before and after measurements that they would lie to customer by holding the measuring tape looser before the wrap and tighter after the wrap so it looks like inches were lost. Also I have had this done myself and I do love the way my skin feels after wards. I guess what I am trying to say is if you are going for the loss of cellulite expect more than 1 treatment and be careful of the measurements. Otherwise just enjoy the pampering that you will get at the spa.
The big thing when I was growing up was to put suran wrap around your waist of course don,t do this it can be dangerous! Body wraps basically only sweat water from the tissues around your waist or where applied. So as soon as you take the wrap off you,ll look alittle slimer for a while but soon those tissues will plump you back up. The best thing to do is to do some tummy exercise and waist exercises and that will be long lasting, these areas of the body respond very quickly to exercise! Thats the good thing.
don't eat too much of fat food, and do some training.
Make some training plan, train three times a week. Try it .
I hope that it will work.

A ate 1600+ calories today . what do i do ?

i should be eating about 400 calories less than my BMR ( 1300 calories ) in order to lose weight. and today, i over ate. so what should i do ? should i go running tomorrow and should i try not to eat any more than 500 calories or something?
Yes, you should exercise more.
No, don't cut back drastically tomorrow. Cut back a little, then go back to your regular diet the next day.
Don't sweat the small stuff. We all make mistakes, slip off our diets from time to time. Just pick up and start the day right the next time - you can't erase the past!
Good luck.
I would work out today. Try to burn off enough to get you to your normal intake of calories. Drink lots of water!
Yes, you should exercise more.
No, don't cut back drastically tomorrow. Cut back a little, then go back to your regular diet the next day.
Don't sweat the small stuff. We all make mistakes, slip off our diets from time to time. Just pick up and start the day right the next time - you can't erase the past!
Good luck.
Oh wow, what a dilemma! One mistake and you will crash and burn and become obese!Honestly. If that were the case the whole world would be obese. If you really are worrying about that just run it off. You won't gain any weight because of a couple extra calories. Relax.

A 12 year old girl who wants to increase her height although it's normal.what diet n exercise do u suggest?

basketball and swimming!
No way but u cud look taller by weight control.Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
there is no way to increase your height...
eat good food.

900 - 1,000 Calories?

I am:
176 lbs
I want to be:
145 lbsSo yeah, I starve myself, then eat a lot, then starve myself, then eat a lot, etc, etc. But now I've come to this conclusion:I wake up late, late enough to not need a breakfast. When I wake up I eat lunch, today I had Ellios pizza, 6 slices, 900 - 1,000 calories I believe. I won't be having dinner as that's a lot of calories and I'm trying to lose weight fast. I know about the recommended 1,200 calories, but if I do this every day ( varying the lunch of course, but attempting to stay in the 1,000 calorie range ) how much could I potentially lose a week?
You won't lose weight by skipping breakfast and eating the wrong things. Summo wrestlers gain all the excess weight by packing all the calories in one meal.The best bet, six mini meals with a 1000 caloric intake per day. There is a book called "Eating for Life" that has a lot of really good quick and easy recipes. Have yogurt with a glass of grapefruit juice and dry wheat toast for breakfast, snack bar with a glass of water or soy, tomato basil mozzarella sandwich for lunch, fruit and nut mixture for a snack, whole wheat pasta with crushed tomatoes.. then late night snack before eight like more fruit.Drink eight glasses of water, take vitamins and exercise. The weight will peel right off. It's better to do it this way so your body doesn't start storing fat instead of eliminating it.
Six slices of pizza is way more than 1,000 calories. Try about 2,000. sorry
Not a lot. Your body will go into starvation mode and you might actually start gaining weight because of your binges. You shouldn't be lazy about weight loss. Start exercising and making an effort to eat properly!!
You could loose about 2lbs a week
That's not healthy at all! You need to eat a balanced diet. In the morning, have cereal and juice. For lunch and dinner, you make the decision of what you eat, but they need to be high in nutrients.Starving yourself doesn''t work at all.
I did that myself i wouldnt eat lunch or breakfast and i lost about 25 pounds in a month. Although that is super bad for your body it works. I would guess that you will loose about 5-10 pounds a week or more. Be carful though you can cause some really bad damage to your body. I did.
You'll gain 2-3 pounds with that sort of diet.When will people learn that starving themselves isn't going to produce weight loss? Your body is going to start burning your muscles, not your fat.Also, you're consuming a terrible amount of food. 900-1000 calories in one sitting is terrible, but to have your daily "count" in pizza? T errible!Try to become HEALTHIER, not to try to lose weight.
trust me what you are doing doesn't resemble a diet at all and i wouldn't be surprised if you gained weight. try this eat healthy foods like fruits veggies and lean meats in small portions 4-6 times a day and then you might start losing weight.
formula for that is for every 1500 cals you dont intake in a week you lose a pound. So if you normally eat lets say 2500 a day and drop it to 1200 a day you save yourself about 5 pounds a week. But statistics show that though you will be able to lose weight really quick you are going to put it right back on if you try to do it this way. Dropping 2-3 lbs is less likley to double back on you and you will be less likely to binge.