Saturday, August 8, 2009

A Diet, for loosing minimum 15 pounds.?

I need help. I need to loose at least 15 pounds, but I just need a list of foods I should eat. I do excersise, but I cant loose weight that fast, I also need a diet. I just need a list of foods that I can eat. I will put all of them together so if every one would just give me about 3 or four that would be GREAT! Thanks for all your help!
to lose weight (fat) you have to eat small meals every 2-3 hours (thats 5-6 small meals a day)- this way your body gets energy when it needs it and not have any extra left to store in fat reserves. and never go below 1200cal/day because thats how much you would need if you were in coma.
healthy foods: old fashioned oatmeal, whole wheat bread, pita, wraps, brown and wild rice, whole wheat pasta, egg whites, lean meats, fish, legumes, all fruit, all veggies (peas, potatoes and corn is not in this category), nuts, seeds, dried fruit, avocados, nut butters, rice cakes, soy crisps, Kashi cereals, milk products like yogurts, cottage cheese and milk, soy products like soy milk and tofu.
first of all, cut your meal intake by 1/2.. only eat 1/2 of what u would normally eat!1. grapes (clean out your body)
2. white meat chicken (baked)
3. any type of green vegetable- spinach is best
4. oatmeal and eggs
5. apples, bananas, you know... the fruits! lol try to avoid fried foods, alot of sugar, really greasy foods, and alot of breaded foodsAND DRINK ALOT OF WATER!!
good luck ;)
if you practice portion control and eat healthy you can eat anythingless carbs and more protein will help
An interesting fact is calorie intake. Lower it completely. Fats are better than calories. Fresh fruit, egg whites and lean meats. Celery, carrot sticks.

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