Tuesday, August 4, 2009

150 pounds 5'5.please tell me how to lose weight by the end of summer!!?

Ok i've been trying so hard. I ride my bike a lot like 60 miles a week and i've been bulimic and i'm not losing ANY weight. I'm so desperate. 2 years ago when i was a freshman i was 134 pounds and I looked good and I was a size 5, now i'm a 9 or an 11 and it's so sad. Some one please help me and tell me what I have to do to get down to 130 by the end of august. I'm so desperate someone help me now to get my 36% self confidence up!!
i replaced one meal a day with a salad, increased my fiber intake, and cut out most junk and soda.i HAAAAAAAAATE running... so I swim, which is better for your body (resistance is more evenly distibuted), stretch, drink water, drink milk milk milk, fruit, yogurt, cottage cheese!! go for walks wearing a weighted vest, eat smaller portions, cut back on carbs, cut back on tvits gonna be a lifesyle change
gooooood luck :)
My husband has lost 25 pounds on The Abs Diet. It incorporates eating healthier (whole grains, fruits %26 vegis, beans, no soda) along with exercise. It takes some effort, but has worked well for him.
Alright. ok i read something that said you burn more calories weight training than you do rideing your bike. also you should eat but only like 2000 calories a day. In that same book i read the dude said that by not eating you slow your metabolism down so you gain more wieght. so eat enough! god being belemic would suck i hate throwin up. anyway good luck to ya. as far as weight training goes theres like a billion different questions about it. If you dont have those little dumbell things then just do pushups or something
f*** biking... u need to do lots of competitive running, do stairs, and maybe some light weightlifting if u want to burn fat
Ok, calm down. Your good. You should be happy about the way you are. But if your not then I guess a change is good. 1.You can do what I do, try not to eat so much. I always had something in my hand all the time. Never healthy, just junk. DON'T EAT IT!! 2. Don't stress out too much, not good for the spirit ya know.3. If your sweating and you smell bad then that's good. Make sure to drink lots of water. Jogging helps and it's better with someone there.4. Indoor biking, or sports when it rains ro whatever. Noty as good but hey, you gotta get in shape some how.5. In the morning make a routine. like 5 jumping jacks, then 5 sit ups, then 5 laps, something. Then do more at night, and double if you feel like you can make it.6. Drink diet soda, that's if you still like soda. Eat healthy and don't over do it. Good luck, peace out.
Start by eating every 2 hrs. just something. then start walking . At first not a great distance. Eventually You will find yourself walking longer and longer. You will realize hey, I feel soo much better, You will want to continue. Your body will quit thinking in the starvation mode. I know several people that have done this and it worked.
Eat better and eat more. Reducing your calories will cause a trigger that makes your body gain weight as a self preservation measure. You have to eat at least 1500 calories/day (a bit or if exercising extensively). Also maintain fluid levels (drink lots of water) to prevent dehydration and constipation which causes bloating.Next trick, only eat healthy foods that will give you nutrition and keep your intestinal track functioning. Lots of fruits, veggies, nuts, beans and oatmeal. Only eat chicken breast or white fish (not deep fried) for meat. No chips, sandwiches or other fat filled junk. You need one glass of milk per day (1 or 2 %), but go easy on dairy products, too much fat. Find some good low fat diets online for eating ideas. Do some walking with your biking, it trains and strengthens different muscle groups. Exercise your mid-section by doing leg lifts, deep knee bends, waist rotations, etc to burn hip and mid section fat.
keep you calories at 1200 to 1400kcals do cardio 30 to 60 minutes a day.do 100 situps(crunches) a day 4 sets of 25try do incorperate strenght training too. a pair of bar bells.STOP throwing up.. as this does not help make you look better.. bulimics who do achieve weight loss(most don't) still look poor because of lack of nutrients, and toning..if you sit down for a few minutes and figure out a fexible daily plan. I would say you could be looking better than ever in a month and a half EZ...
Bulimia is making your weight loss problem worse. Your body is in starvation mode, which is slowing down your metabolism. It's recommended that eat a small, healthy meal or snack every 4 hours to speed up your metabolism. Do you drink a lot of soda? I used to drink a few a day, but now I only have soda about 2 times a week, and I lost a few pounds by doing that alone. Also, if you're doing the same work-out all the time, that might explain why you're not losing weight. I've read in fitness magazines that it's better to add variety (otherwise your body goes into "Maintenance Mode", and you will stay at your current weight, rather than losing pounds). Try adding running, walking, weight lifting or aerobics. I think that bike riding mostly helps your legs, but you should add other exercises for a more balanced work-out.
Okay, if your the snackin' type you've got to discipline yourself to only eat 3 meals a day with only nutriscious snacks if any...Drink alot of water when you get the munchies for fattening foods, instead!! Or buy yourself some of those mini red deliscious apples, to keep with you at all times, for snackin' on!! They work believe me!! And if you like steamed vegeez, get you some of as many squashes as you can get and take a good hour or so, every other day to make as much of a huge pot of these Wonderful Steamed Vegeez as possible, we're talking acorn, banana, zuccini, (eggplant 4 something else I'll tell you in a minute) but get some carrots and some broccoli, too!! And go home and get out your biggest steaming pot you've got, otherwise just use your pots that just have a lid, and only a tad of water to boil at first then drop you temperature and steam away, until nice and fork-tender!! Then have some of them with a baked potatoe a peice of either salmon baked, or some honey chicken with the baked potatoe no butter in this diet, or SALT! Because salsa already has enough salt for your neccessary need for salt.. Put some salsa on your baked potatoe instead of anything else, and have some whole grain wheat bread.. One slice with this meal.. Save some of those vegeez for lunchtime to put in the microwave for only about 40 seconds, just enough to warm them, and buy some of those honey bran muffins, and some banana's, some Dark honey, fresh garlic, skinless chicken thighs or breasts whichever you prefer!! I personally cant eat anything but the drumsticks and the thighs, are my favorite.. Get some good whole grain bran muffins, and shop every other day for your favorite fresh vegeez, and first thing in the mornings before your coffee, your going to want to eat a banana before you drink anything! Then wait about 1/2 hour or so and then have your bran muffin with your coffee or tea,,,,,,,but allow enough time for your banana to atleast digest before you have anything else to eat or drink.Then within a couple of minutes you are going to have this Wondeful Natural ENERGY, from that banana you were so patient for! And I'm talking all day long too!! Enough so, that with this whole diet, you are going to feel peaceful and energetic, and happy, happy, happy!! There is something about eating natural whole real fruit on an empty stomache that gives you natural energy! Then for lunch have another baked potatoe and salsa and some chicken, baked with a alot of honey all over it, and a tad of water in the baking pan, (I'd make a few of these chicken's for leftover's or for when your hungry in order not to eat wrong foods while your waiting for your vegeez to get steamed!! And have some more vegeez, and a slice of whole wheat bread, with no butter on it.. Oh, rub real fresh garlic all over both your salmon and your chicken, and then put the dark honey all over that chicken. and bake on 350 for about 30-45 minutes, maybe an hour, just in case it isn't done.. For the salmon, I put EVOO all over it, with some fresh parsley and fresh garlic, rub all over it, and then bake it same temperature, and take out as soon as its flakey.. You will be smellling it soon, that's when you take that out.. you might want to get some big fresh smelling salmon steaks, so you will have some left-over for the next day... And dont forget those red deliscious apples, to eat in between!! Honey, I lost 4 pant's sizes over a period of I'd say 3 months, so you will see results emediately! If you dont blow-it that is!! Dont go having ice cream when you see your friends having it, get you some deliscious watermelon, its just as sweet and way better for you, or some bing cherries, or some celery sticks!! The key here is real foods made from the earth, except for the fish and chicken and breads, and no salt or butter!! But dont forget your favorite salsa!! That will see you through those days when your feeling weak!! Then at nightime's right before you go to ly down, work out!! They say its better to work out in the mornings and do it then too when that banana kicks in believe me, you will be wanting to!! If you have a tv in your room you can work out while watching tv.. The top models do these types of excercises while lying in bed!! Okay, your lying on your back, and you put your arms straight down on lying along side your body, then put your legs straight up in the air, and start riding the bike, but up in the air, not forward, than do the sizzors, with your legs spread apart as far as you can handle it, then go back to riding the bike, take a breather.. And knees up feet a bit apart, and arms to your side, and start pushin your booty up in the air, as high as you can and pinch your booty as tight as you can, hold it for 10 seconds, and ly down then do it again as often as you can take it.. Then for your tummy, put your arms criss-cross over your chest, and pull your head half way up to your middle area, and down, but not all the way down resting and do these isometrics as often as you can handle them...Then you can also ride the bike, in the lying down position this is good for your lower tummy... And when your up and at em' in the mornings after that banana, put your feet underneath your couch and do sit-ups as much as you can, and graduate once they become easy, begin doing more each time you feel there to easy to do just the few you begin with.. The same thing with your bed work out at nighttimes, then go and just wash down in the shower, for a minute, and you'll feel revived and ready to get a good night's sleep!! And this diet will make you feel ever so peaceful so long as you dont drink coffee or tea too much especially with sugar and cream in it!! It's all about black , now, than that way you wont want to drink too much of it anymore so you cant sleep at night... Also, take water and fruit with you out the door everywhere you go, even carrots if you have too!! Good Luck hun, but I do promise you this is the healthiest diet, and soooo YUMMY too! And you want to talk about effective quick about losing those pant's sizes!! I got so skinny so fast my boss kept wondering why I kept needing smaller smocks, and when he'd see them on me, he'd be like Christy are you losing weight or something? Cuz your looking good girl !! HaHa!! I used to get so imbarrassed when he would compliment me!! So, do it, I have faith in you girl, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, with this "DELISCIOUS Diet! You wont even feel like its a diet after awhile, especially if you shrink that tummy of yours! Good Luck to you hun!! Smile, your size 5 is just around the corner!! Oh and EVOO, is Extra Virgin Olive Oil..The best healthiest oil you can use to eat with!! Yummy!
check this site they provide a program so as to lose about 9 lbs. every 11 days, and it really works, i subscribed for this program for about 2 months ago ,and it's for real it helped me alot.Here is the link http://overweight-professional.co.nr... ,hope it helps.
To successfully lose weight, you must carry out
a plan to balance your caloric intake with exercise.
Ideally, dieting should be done by eating a nutritionally
balanced, low-calorie diet and increasing physical activity.
I found useful informations at http://imfit4life.com
I work for a company that has an all natural weight lose supplement. It is called Wafer Thin. It is a three stage program that really works and naturally too. The first stage requires eating two wafers before a meal and drinking some water. Once the wafers expand inside your stomach you are going to eat less because you're almost full. The wafers are mostly just fiber. The second stage is a pill called synergize. This pill burns calories and promotes energy. It also acts as a gel and captures the fat taken in and expels it out. Last but not lest, is the chews to lose. This a wonderful supplement because it helps control your sugar cravings. When you have a urge to eat something sweet you just chew on this for 90 seconds and spit it out. Try to eat your craving and it changes the taste of it, ultimately helping you to eliminate your sugar cravings. I hope this information is useful to you. You can find it at www.itvventures.com/twalker under the shop tab at the bottom of the page.

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