Saturday, August 8, 2009

A ate 1600+ calories today . what do i do ?

i should be eating about 400 calories less than my BMR ( 1300 calories ) in order to lose weight. and today, i over ate. so what should i do ? should i go running tomorrow and should i try not to eat any more than 500 calories or something?
Yes, you should exercise more.
No, don't cut back drastically tomorrow. Cut back a little, then go back to your regular diet the next day.
Don't sweat the small stuff. We all make mistakes, slip off our diets from time to time. Just pick up and start the day right the next time - you can't erase the past!
Good luck.
I would work out today. Try to burn off enough to get you to your normal intake of calories. Drink lots of water!
Yes, you should exercise more.
No, don't cut back drastically tomorrow. Cut back a little, then go back to your regular diet the next day.
Don't sweat the small stuff. We all make mistakes, slip off our diets from time to time. Just pick up and start the day right the next time - you can't erase the past!
Good luck.
Oh wow, what a dilemma! One mistake and you will crash and burn and become obese!Honestly. If that were the case the whole world would be obese. If you really are worrying about that just run it off. You won't gain any weight because of a couple extra calories. Relax.

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