Wednesday, August 5, 2009

8 weeks to lose weight..mega help please.?

i'm not over weight...i'm just ...wanting to lose weight on my stomach and my legs.
i have 8 weeks before my holiday.
any good tips on what to do..?
i know this section is full of questions like this...
but it's easier to just ask than look..
any good excersizes that i can do AT HOME that work effectivly and fast ? [i'm aiming at sorting my stomach and legs out]
anything like that would be brilliant
thanks xxxx
You've got 8 weeks, which is a good long period of time. Don't worry. All you ned to remember is this. If it gets you sweaty and out of breath, it means you're burning lots of calories.Unfortunately you can't just lose weight in one area, you have to lose it all over. However, you cn do exercises specifically for stomach and legs to tone the existing muscles.To lose weight all over, you need cardio. Anything from jogging to swimmimg to sex to running up and down the stairs. Anything that ges you sweating is good.To tone up legs you ned to jog simple as that. To tone up stomach, do 3 lots of 30 crunches a day. eep adding 10 more crunches each week. By your holiday you will be doing 3 lots of 110, and definitely feeling the difference.Finally, diet. Any exercise burns carbohydrates before fat. If you reduce the carbs in your diet, you will burn them off and start burning fat faster. There's no need to cut carbs out altogether, but drastically reducing them means your body needs energy from other sources ie FAT!!Good luck with it. 8 weeks is long enough to see results! Hope you have a good holiday.
feet shoulder width apart place hands on the floor infront of you then squat and extend keeping hands on the floor also crunch sit ups hands behind your head and tense and relax stomach musccles also stop eating anything that contains fat eat fish rice sweet corn broccoli and as many vegetables as possible worked for me i lost 13 stone in a year on this and power wallking
need to do squats and sit ups 50 per day and eat muesli for breakfast, tuna salad for lunch and for dinner steak (grilled) or fish with rice every night no alcohol water only and no fruit after 6pm will do it i promise oh and do a bit of cycling when ever you can. you should see my body :) and i crave chocolate so much but hey its worth it.
You might think about trying this book called "The Movie Star Diet" by Steve Simmons. It helped me lose thirty pounds in 2 1/2 months when I didn't think anything would work. My goal to begin with was only 20 lbs! It has a really easy plan to follow and an excellent workout as well.
you can lose your weight as you like by simple ways .for details.please visit
cut out salt and fizzy drinks as they bloat you. swap white carbs for brown. snack on vegetables or fruit. drink lots of water (not the flavoured stuff - its choc full of calories).
do plenty of sit ups, and lots of squats. take the stairs instead of the lift when out and about. cut out alcohol (or if you dont want to give it up, stick to clear spirits - eg vodka lime and soda). not only will you feel a lot healthier, you'll start to notice a difference in a week or so. it wont produce miracles but you'll be less bloated and more toned.
if you want to do your arms, add baked bean tins to your squats - cheap but effective!
the aim really is to just be a lot more active. i do squats whils brushing my teeth. i tense my legs and butt muscles in time to the radio at work. lots of silly little things like that all add up. when walking anywhere listen to upbeat music - ypu'll find that without even thinking about it, you'll walk in time with the music which is a good work out.
and the most fun? dancing! dance around the house when getting ready to go out. dance rather than drink when you go clubbing. etc etc.
oh, and enjoy your holiday!
try to increase your level of exercise
lift small hand weight
do crunches, side obliques, I at 1st wanted to lose weight- instead I lost inches by incresing my level of activity- muscle weighs more than fat
I do hip hop (3) , core ball,(2) upper body weight training,(2) butts %26 guts. (2) walk a hour a day,(7) swim once a week,(1)
do pushups (3 sets of 13- 4 times a week)
and eat healthy {NO JUNK}
and drink 8 glasses of water per day
There are many natural recipes for weight loss.
I have some of these listed on my website.
From the homepage, click on the explore nature tab and scroll down the page until you see a link for recipes for weight loss. There are many other solutions other than what I have listed. I'm in the process of adding additional information. If you are in need of suggestions, click on the contact us and I will me more than happy to send you additional information.
There are many medicinal teas that can help but you will need the full medicinal power of the actual herbs, not store bought tea bags. My site will also give you the info needed to make your own teas, remedies, etc.
Hope this helps.
Hi, the first poster was correct, a good clean out is the best way to kick start your body into loosing weight. But you don't have to buy expensive products to achieve this at all. Start out the day with boiled water, and lemon juice. Let it cool till warm, then drink that. Drink lots of green or white teas, this has a very good anti-oxidant effect. Drink loads of water, and eat and drink anti-oxidants, such as goji berry juice, pomegranate juice, blueberries, strawberries, beetroot, and anything dark green. After you have detoxed for about 3-7 days, depending on how long you want to go for, add lots of whole foods to your diet. Porridge made with rice milk, or soya milk for breakfast in the morning is a good start to the day. Have it with some chopped banana. Brown rice is great, loads of veg, and fruit, smoothies, salmon, sushi, miso soups, etc. Everyone knows what is healthy, just stay away from fried foods, sugar, and refined, processed foods.
As for exercise, squats are great for the legs, swimming is a wonderful over all toner, and crunches are great for the stomach and abs.
**During detox, it is a good idea to use dry brushing. You can do this with a dry body brush, or a dry loofah. Using circular motions, starting from the feet, and moving your way up the body, towards the heart. After this, you can have a nice shower or bath, and use a good moisturiser. This has two really good purposes. Apart from sloughing dead skin cells, it also helps get rid of toxins stored in your lymphatic glands.
So, not only does it help you too loose a few pounds, but it gets your skin ready for tanning products, and makes it really really soft!
I hope you have a wonderful time on your holiday, and remember, apply that sun block!
To successfully lose weight, you must carry out
a plan to balance your caloric intake with exercise.
Ideally, dieting should be done by eating a nutritionally
balanced, low-calorie diet and increasing physical activity.
I found useful informations at

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