Wednesday, August 5, 2009

55 pounds to lose - Need advise on why I am not losing weight?

I am 1 month postpartum. Was on bedrest for 2 months. Pre-pregnancy weight was 135. I am now 190. I am not breast feeding so I am choosing a lower carb diet that consists of steel cut oatmeal, blueberries, almonds, cottage cheese, spinach salads, low fat cheese, chicken and limited amounts of complex carbs such as brown rice and whole wheat bread. I have cut out sugar and all white flour. Total calories are 1200-1500 per dayExercise consists of walking/jogging in 2 min intervals for 30 minutes 5x a day using walk away the pounds walk and jog video. Also, just started Kathy Smith's lift weights to lose weight 3x a week.Been doing this for 3 weeks but have not lost even a pound. Because I am so overweight I thought the pounds would melt off in the first couple of weeks and then slow down.I am already getting discouraged - Any suggestions?
Are you losing inches? and using the same scale?I'm in nearly the same boat (started at 194, also aiming for 135). I'm losing about 1/2 lb per day right now, lost 10 so far.My plan - - Eat every 2-3 hours (about 1200-1300 calories per day)- Basic veggies are free, eat as many as you want (not corn or potatoes)- No more than 30 good carbs per meal and half as many lean protein (i.e. 30 carbs / 15 protein or 20 carbs / 10 protein) The trainer told me that your body can only process 30 carbs in a 2-3 hour period, and anything over that, goes into storage (fat)- Include good fat in every meal (olive oil, pb)- Tons of water (minimum 80 oz per day)- Treadmill 5 days/week 30-60 minutes depending on how much time I have (I go in the am so nothing can get in the way)- Light weights every other dayThe one thing I wasn't prepared for, is how great I feel. My skin is healthier, I have more energy and I sleep better.Also, take your measurements. I lost alot in inches first, then the lbs came off.Balance bars are a great snack. 22 carbs to 15 protein. The best ones are the Peanut Butter, Cookie Dough and Mocha chip.Also, if you check the carbs/protein counts in your foods you will find an incredible range depending on what you pick.Hang in there!
You know you can do it.
Read tips %26 Articles on different types of Diets, Exercise Programs, Yoga,Pilate's %26 much more.All about Weight Loss, Weight Watchers, Tea Diets, easy Home Exercises to name a few
well when you go on a that you need to wait at LEAST 6 weeks before weighing yourself or you will get discouraged soooooo keep it up and wait and see what happens six weeks from now wiegh yourself if you dont see any change then get a personal trainer or ask your doctor
Awww dont get discouraged you will start to notice soon .. try to stop thinking about it .. your probably starting to stress out over it and some peopel gain weight when they stress , so stop stressing and have faith that what you are doing is good and healthy and you will loose wieght soon :) Good luck ...
Breast feeding is good for you and baby. See site below to see how meat and dairy makes you fat unless you buy the organic kind.Also cutting calories is bad and Harvard U and gov pyramid websites say not to do it. Instead eat differently. Stuff your face full of healthy carbs and fats which helps you burn fat.Someone who says that carbs and fats are bad for you is like someone saying that black people are bad people and white people are bad people.
hi Sarah. I went for years trying to lose weight and gained instead. I discovered there were two reasons for this. The first reason was i was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, so insulin resistance was a problem. You are eating healthy, so it doesn't sound like that is the case for you, but i'd definitely check with a doctor to be sure. The second reason was at times i got no exercise at all, and other times i exercised way more calories off than i consumed. My body assumed i was starving, and my metabolism slowed way down. Now i am very careful to burn no more than 1000 calories more than i consume for that day. I have joined a group on the web called, and i keep track of my calories consumed and calorites burned every day. I have lost nearly 60 lbs in the last year! The main thing is to not "diet"...rather, learn to eat healthy foods you can enjoy for the rest of your life. Sounds like you are doing that already. It's more about a healthy lifestyle and healthy choices. If i can do it, so can you! I was 308.8 lbs in July 2006.i am 250 lbs now and still losing.
1) I Run 22 Miles A Week(Mon-Fri).But 4 Starters I Might Want To Recommend 2 Miles A Day.But I Do 4.42) I Do Crunches %26 Pushups.U Will See An Improvement In Your Chest %26 Arms3) I Drink A Lot More Water.4) Now I Can See My Abs Coming In5) If All That Doesn't Work Get "LL Cool J's Platinum Workout" Book.It's Very Recomendable If U stick To It.It's Sure To Work.It Includes Good Ways On How To Diet,Stay Motivated, %26 Bronze,Silver,Platinum, %26 Diamond Levels To Workouts On(Depending On what Type Of Shape Your In)
But If U Stick To My Plan That's Also Sure To Work6)Also U Shouldn't eat Anything Fried,With Sugar Or Red Meat(Such As Cheeseburgers/Beef Or Steak7)Now If Your Going 2 Do It.It'll Work So Be Easy %26 Stay Motivated

%26 muscle weighs more than fat then if u gain weight it might be muscle

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