Saturday, August 8, 2009

900 - 1,000 Calories?

I am:
176 lbs
I want to be:
145 lbsSo yeah, I starve myself, then eat a lot, then starve myself, then eat a lot, etc, etc. But now I've come to this conclusion:I wake up late, late enough to not need a breakfast. When I wake up I eat lunch, today I had Ellios pizza, 6 slices, 900 - 1,000 calories I believe. I won't be having dinner as that's a lot of calories and I'm trying to lose weight fast. I know about the recommended 1,200 calories, but if I do this every day ( varying the lunch of course, but attempting to stay in the 1,000 calorie range ) how much could I potentially lose a week?
You won't lose weight by skipping breakfast and eating the wrong things. Summo wrestlers gain all the excess weight by packing all the calories in one meal.The best bet, six mini meals with a 1000 caloric intake per day. There is a book called "Eating for Life" that has a lot of really good quick and easy recipes. Have yogurt with a glass of grapefruit juice and dry wheat toast for breakfast, snack bar with a glass of water or soy, tomato basil mozzarella sandwich for lunch, fruit and nut mixture for a snack, whole wheat pasta with crushed tomatoes.. then late night snack before eight like more fruit.Drink eight glasses of water, take vitamins and exercise. The weight will peel right off. It's better to do it this way so your body doesn't start storing fat instead of eliminating it.
Six slices of pizza is way more than 1,000 calories. Try about 2,000. sorry
Not a lot. Your body will go into starvation mode and you might actually start gaining weight because of your binges. You shouldn't be lazy about weight loss. Start exercising and making an effort to eat properly!!
You could loose about 2lbs a week
That's not healthy at all! You need to eat a balanced diet. In the morning, have cereal and juice. For lunch and dinner, you make the decision of what you eat, but they need to be high in nutrients.Starving yourself doesn''t work at all.
I did that myself i wouldnt eat lunch or breakfast and i lost about 25 pounds in a month. Although that is super bad for your body it works. I would guess that you will loose about 5-10 pounds a week or more. Be carful though you can cause some really bad damage to your body. I did.
You'll gain 2-3 pounds with that sort of diet.When will people learn that starving themselves isn't going to produce weight loss? Your body is going to start burning your muscles, not your fat.Also, you're consuming a terrible amount of food. 900-1000 calories in one sitting is terrible, but to have your daily "count" in pizza? T errible!Try to become HEALTHIER, not to try to lose weight.
trust me what you are doing doesn't resemble a diet at all and i wouldn't be surprised if you gained weight. try this eat healthy foods like fruits veggies and lean meats in small portions 4-6 times a day and then you might start losing weight.
formula for that is for every 1500 cals you dont intake in a week you lose a pound. So if you normally eat lets say 2500 a day and drop it to 1200 a day you save yourself about 5 pounds a week. But statistics show that though you will be able to lose weight really quick you are going to put it right back on if you try to do it this way. Dropping 2-3 lbs is less likley to double back on you and you will be less likely to binge.

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