Wednesday, August 5, 2009

2 to 3 pounds a week right?

well i have been working out for almost two weeks twice daily going to the gym and working out hard and its hard for me to see me losing 2-3 pounds a week, never happened to me. why?
It's all a matter of calories in and calories out. Cut out carbs, fats and sugars. Increase your water intake. Eat more often but smaller meals. Make sure you're burning a lot more than you're taking in. I lost around 40 pounds in 6 months a year and a half ago. I think the most I ever lost in one week was 4 pounds and that was unusual. Two to three pounds is great, but it takes a total diet and lifestyle change. Check out the book The Abs Diet (link below). It helped me. Good luck!!
2 to 3 pounds a week is HEALTHY and more likely to ensure permanent results. Twice a day working out?? Geez...
Don't pay so much attention to the scale. You need to look at your inches. Take a tape measure and get the numbers on your limbs and hips, pecks, ect. Also, pay attention to what you are eating. If your are eating like a horse or eating a bunch of fatty sugary foods, then your work out is useless. The only way for exercise to help you lose weight is to have a diet that goes along with it. Either eat better or try something like the slim fast diet. I've done that and it worked for me. Also a freind from high school was an allstar player and he worked out for a full two hours everyday and did the slim fast diet. Til this day he does that and he is still trim and cut. Hope that works for you.
Your workouts are completely pointless if you are consuming as much or more calories per day than you are burning.What is your weekly caloric defecit?

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