Wednesday, August 5, 2009

8 week weight loss?

ok is it possible to lose 35 lb. in 8 weeks if i eat 750 calories and burn 1100 5x a week and im only 15 yo old 5'8 191 lb.
Starvation is never the answer. If you want to loose the weight and KEEP IT OFF then loose weight gradually; eat small meals every three hours (sounds like alot but it has helped me loose weight). Eat plenty of lean protein (chicken, turkey) and lots of water and vegetables. Cut down on any processed foods (anything in a plastic bag or plastic container). Exercise is also very important; it speeds up your metabolism. This all sounds like common sense but the natural old fashioned way of loosing weight is the way to go... when a person starts to eat like a bird, the body goes on preserve mode, thinking it is starving and holds on to the fat but uses muscle for energy. Being healthy is a state of mind, dont think of it as a diet, diets die. Good luck with your goal!
Oh dear God. Please do not do this. Talk to your parents and doctor immediately. If you diet this way you could die.
You want to lose fat, so therefore eating less amount of calories is not a good approach to achieving your goal. A good diet/routine will get you on your way, most importantly the diet part. Eating that many calories is not good for you and losing that much weight may also not be a good thing for you at your age.Read and follow this, also if you have any questions please feel free to ask:
u will lose only water weight and u will gain it back so fast u dont even know.
u are anerexic if u only eat 750 calories a day.
plus arent u in the right weight range anyways??
That sounds ridiculous.You should be on 2000 calories. You need that to get and keep your body working. When it is working, then you exercise and lose weight.If you go down to 750 calories, your body will go to sleep. It won't burn any calories because you eat so few. So everything you do eat, gets converted straight to well. eat a lot. never go hungry.Eat mostly vegetables and some fruit, a smaller amount of meat.
i wouldn't recomend eating 750 calories a day cause my best friend can't lose weight any more. she is 153lbs 5'4" and she's STUCK in that weight since she was in a very low calorie diet and she would exercise 45 min everyday. Your body will go into starvation mode if u do this and then u'll be like my friend, you won't be able to lose more weight. Eat a 1200 calorie diet and exercise everyday.
Surely you can lose weight visit below given website and follow the steps given. Click adlinks to know more informations about weight loss and diet. Surely visit it will be very useful to you to lose weight. Check ads to know more.Scroll and visit full page so u can know more detials from links too.

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