Tuesday, August 4, 2009

2 all of u out there , book worms 2 b exact ....?

i know harry potter is great and all . yeah i read the books once . but my crazy sister reads them over and over again . i mean the words are same . it's not like the plot of the story is going 2 change . i was just wondering is there any1 out there who reads the same book like 5 times .
i find it very irritating ?
c' mon people !
i've read some many times, but i think there's nothing wrong with that. sometimes some people really have to read it again because they've forgotten about it. For ex. that harry potter series, some read the previous series just to freshen up their minds of what had happened before proceeding to the next. Just be patient to your sister.
actually, it's more like 10 times. Nothing wrong with reading a favorite over and over. No offence, but this isn't a diet question, either :)
if you read something oever and over you look at it differently, so it helps you understand it a little better
completely normal symptoms..for a major nerd

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