Wednesday, August 5, 2009

4"11 and a half, 91.5 pounds?

I feel so ashamed for my weight all the time, is this okay? Is my weight average? I'm eating right most of the time and 45 minutes of daily activities everyday. How am I doing?
Well that's wonderful! You are doing just the thing to keep you healthy! I'm guessing you are still at a young age? So just keep it up but just don't go over board and make sure your getting the vitamins we all need.
Yes you are fine and i hope your not trying to loose more weight.That's a average weight and height.Good job doing activities and keeping fit...Keep up the good work
you weigh 92 pounds!! What r u worried about?!
your fine my sister is 4'11 and weighs about 100 pounds. jusst stay healthy and you will be alright

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