Saturday, August 8, 2009

A sin tax on fast food?

What do you think about this idea?
It comes down to this. I don't want to pay more income tax, property tax, sales tax, etc. Yet, the country's infrastructure is falling apart and we have no way to pay for it. Maybe you are on to something here. I could live with sin taxing bad food. Now all we need to do is build more casinos and all will be perfect. Always double down on 11!
Its a horrible Idea
yeah fast food it bad for you
but it is a godsend on long roadtrips
why not? they sin tax cigarettes and alcohol .. fast food may not be as bad (i mean they do have salads) ... but it sure isn't great for you either.
Never heard of it. But fast food is getting better, and its a choice, so, no.
hell yeah!!
Dont you think that the damn goverment already taxes us far to bloody much without finding another excuse for them to take our hard earned money!
No. If you need taxes then just be straight forward about collecting it instead of playing games.
If a new fast food restaurant had healthy fast food (i.e. Tokyo Joe's), would you have a sin tax on that too? Even if the fast food is unhealthy, living in a democracy means that people should have a choice on what foods they eat (good or bad).
If you don't eat to much. You don't get any??
Who's telling me what a sin constitutes? If tax is needed for an item alright. Just don't assume that it's considered a "SIN" by me. Too many damn taxes anyway. It's a sin I tell ya.
Bad idea. The reason its constitutional to sin tax cigarettes and alcohol is because those are both luxuries than no one needs. Food, however, is a need for survival and there are many people who already can't afford anything but fast food (which is why its so popular). Sin taxing fast food increases the risks of people going hungry.

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