Wednesday, August 5, 2009

5'1 & 102 lbs... healthy, underweight, overweight!?!? help?

you are a a healthy weight becuz at 5'0 you should weight ABOUT 100 lbs.
no worries 鈾?
you're very healthy, no need to worry. :)
Your doing great, keep up whatever you are doing! You are at a great weight.
you're kidding right?
it depends on your muscle mass and bone structure.In any case, It doesn't seem like you're at any health risk. What really matters is if you are comfortable with what you look like. If you feel too big, lose a couple pounds. If you feel to small, them put some on. Whatever you do, don't go overboard!
Your doing great! Perfect weight! maintain and you will do fine. Theres alot of emphasis on weight these days and the pressure seems to be on. Please don,t be anxious over your weight. It can become a compulsive disorder. eat healthy and don,t get to thin or obese and you will be very healthy. keep up the good work!
you're at a healthy weight. But for future reference you can figure it out by going to a search engine and typing in figure out BMI or something similar and then go from there.
You're BMI is what tells you healthy, underweight, or overweight. BMI stand for Body Mass Index
You are at a healthy weight (but thin) if you are a teenage girl, and slightly underweight (probably) if you are a woman.
healthy . . . at the low end of the healthy range

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