Wednesday, August 5, 2009

5'4" and 156 pounds and i am 16 years old?

Can somebody give me a weekly routine??
I want weight lifting and running.
And can somebody please help me with what i should eat i Am trying to be healthier.
And i am really focused on my abs so if somebody can also give me a routine for that also that would be great.PLEASE!!Oh i dont drink cokes so thats not a promblem!!
wow. Im right there with you girl. That is practically my measurments as well. Im sorry, i dont have anything to answer, but if someone could answer this fulfillingly, they'll be help two people out :)
Just so you know your abs muscles will never show unless you burn the fat that is covering them. So unless you loose that fat don't waste your time with crunches. You loose fat by doing cardio. Runing is good. and incorporate weight training and you should be set! I do an hour of cardio every other day. 30 min cardio and weight training every other day. As for eating, I completly cutt off, soda, candy, fries, hamburgers, and all that junk. Most impotantly EAT!! Just watch what you eat. Make sure you have breakfast. I do 3 meals and 2 snacks a day . There are lots of websites out there for ideas on what to eat and what excersises to do. www. is the one that helped me the most. By doing this, I lost 10 pounds in 3 months. and have kept it off by continuing this routine. If you want me to be more thurough just let me know.
Good luck.
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um before i satart ne chick that lifts hott lol second of all get an old/cheap back pack and put sweight in it(weight plate dumbell ne thing) then find a hill and just run up it then walk down as a cool down, for abs sit on a decline bench and hold a weight on your chest and do sit ups, but right before your lower back hits the bench hold your self up its a killer for abs, another ab workout, lay straight on a bench with ur legs hanging out over the end, w/e your ready put your legs straight up in the air, then have a friend push your feet to the ground and your job is to keep your feet from touching the floor lol . . . . whooo i hope i didnt lose u there well i hope i could help, sorry if u just confused the hell out of u
CARDIO... nd lots of it... run with small weights..for your abs, crunches with a small excersise ball or pilates or you can buy the ablounge. its like 100 dollars at walmart.

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