Saturday, August 8, 2009

A simple exercise that works out stomach and lovehandles areas?

i need help figuring out how to flatten my stomach and at least minimize my lovehandles with a simple exercise that i can do either at home or with the machines at my gym. i just want to know if the treadmill, elipticals, etc. will do anything or if i have to do different things. i'm really quite clueless in this area. thanks!
Best is crunches- look them up online for pictures and how to do them correctly- you do not want to hurt your back if you do them incorrectly. Also go out to your local mart type store (Wal, K-mart, Target etc) and pick up a silly fun workout video that specifically says for abs and tummy. Nothing for the pro's just fun looking. Dance type videos are fun, cardio striptease is way fun! Try it once a week, make sure the video looks fun otherwise it will just collect dust.
Make sure you are eating healthy too, exercise will make you tight and firm and sexy, but only if you are taking care to eat healthy.
Best of luck!
sit ups for the stomach and love handles don't know
Try turbo jam. Hip hop is so fun, and most of all makes you feel sexy!
Run outside and sweat, also limit portion size. If you eat enough for 2 people you will be the size of two people. That ratio holds true for all portion sizes.
sit ups!
wedge you feet under a sofa or the end of the bed and do 100 everynightstart doind 25 at first or something and work your way upive been doing them and i notice the difference
for love handles strecthe yo body 4rm side 2 side, left 2 right
You can do belly crunches and the bicycle!!!
Lying Flat On You Back With Legs Straight Out An dHands Straight Down To You Side Palms Facing The Floor Lift You Legs Only Using Your Lower Body Up And Down In reps Of 10 With A 1 min Pause In Between It Really works I Do Them And I learned Them From Fit TV On Direct TV Sattelite
for love handles try swaying your hips from side to side but fast.
tummy.. cruncheslove handles.. crunches while twisting (or situps.. left elbow touches right knee.. down.. up again right elbow touches left knee)
Are you from Cuba? I lived many years in Habana. Anyway, the best exercise that I have ever found for this is simply "crunches". In fact, do them till it hurts, take a day off and then do them again.
Viva La Habana, Viva Cuba
this is simple, and it works for me: lay on the ground on your back, with your knees to one side on the ground, so you're a bit twisted. do some crunches like that, and then switch your knees to the other side. works on abs and obliques. have funn!!
Cardio, Cardio, Cardio! Good Luck!
I bought a pilates dvd that has all different areas of workouts and the very first one is for the stomach and it works every part of the stomach and its not hard. It has Pilates for Abs , hips and thighs , strength(includs small hand weights), pilates burn, and pilates for flexibility. Each one is 10 mins long and not hard to do. It actually works.
There is a type of crunches that is extremely helpful for all regions of abs and somwhat for the back/lovehandles. It's a v-shaped situp. You dont need any equipment, just floor space!Start lying on your back with your knees up and feet on the ground, evenly placed. This is just your basic situp starting position. Your hands should be about at your heels if they are on the ground as well. That is just to make sure your legs are at the right distance. Then put your hands behind your head. You're ready!What you do to begin the exercise is lift both your legs and head (including shoulders!) off the ground at once. Imagine you are going up from the ground and forming somewhat of a V-shape. you can do this with your legs bent (you can do more repetititions this way, i like it better) or with your legs straight to make a true "V" which will work your lower abs more.It looks like this: with 3 sets of 25 crunches each, working up to 100 a day! You can vary the type of crunches but make sure you're doing at least 100 a day and are feeling the burn.
allright u should def. jog and do cardio 3 times a week and there is this exercise that goes somn like this:lay down on ur back with knees bent and feet on floor, then take one leg and rest the foot on the knee, so it kinda looks like ur just relaxing, then put your arms behind your head, and have your elbow touch your knee thats pointing out, kinda like opposites you know...ummm...i dont know how to describe this, but.umm...okay how about this, lay down flat on the floor, then with your legs make like a 4...just what it looks like, one leg over the other like a number 4.arms behind your head, kinda like you're in the field enjoying nature or somn, then bend the straight leg as if ur were looking at it from the side it would look like this: ^ . and then bring the left elbow to the right knee, then switch legs and bring the right elbow to the left knee...u know...lemme know if this makes sense lol
KEEP doing those machines that you have, but add in stomach exercises...Crunches, side crunches (where you lift one elbow to your opposite knee), and leg lifts will help (where you lie flat, and lift your legs, without moving your upper body off the ground, to straight up in the air.)Also, but more advanced are bicycle lift your legs with knees bent at a 90 angle, then raise your elbows to meet your stationary knees,,,,,don't move your knees, move your torso. DONT cheat and bring your knees in to you closer, that is not targeting what you need to do..Do as many as you can, then build up to doing sets of 100 or so. Hopefully those tips flatten your tum out...A great cardio workout means doing AT LEAST 20 minutes per day, 3 times per week. That is you on those machines for that long, PLUS do the stomach work, and you should see a difference.
Pilates classes 4x per week, you can go to a class at a gym or the YMCA. Or you can go to ROSS dress for less and get DVD's cheap there. Maybe ebay.
This one works really quickly for me - kind of a modified plank/dolphin yoga pose. Get into a "push-up" position but rest on your forearms instead of your hands. Tighten your abdominals and hold for 30 seconds. Do 5 sets.

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