Wednesday, August 5, 2009

6 packs (abs)?

im only like 14 years old and i want 6 packs b4 school starts. please tell me how and quickly. i want them in less than 2 months or so. advices plz?
Doing crunches, sit ups, and leg lifts ( lying flat on your back and lifting both legs off of the ground a few inches-not all the way up- and holding them there for a few seconds) will help you develop your abs. However, don't be discouraged if you don't get the results you want. At 14, your ability to build muscle may not have reached its fullest potential. Growing up, I always was ahead of everyone else in growth ( I was about 6 feet tall then) but when it came to building muscle, I was way behind everyone else. In fact, I was 17 before I actually started to be able to pack on the muscle. So go ahead and work towards a six-pack, but don't get to worried if you don't get the perfect set of abs by the time school starts. It takes time.
do sit ups.
I'll let you in on a little secret. You already have six packs. They are under the fat in your mid section. You are gonna have to lose the weight to see them. Sure you can make them larger and more ripped but if they are covered by the fat you'll never see them. Even if you are just a little overweight you may be carrying all the fat you have in your mid-section. Males tend to carry most of their fat there and it is the last place that you''l lose it if that's the case for you.Start jogging and watching your calorie intake. Here's the formula - (Calories consumed- Calories Burned ) divided by 3500 = lbs of fat lost or gained over a given time period. There is 3500 calories in a pound of fat. Don't limit your calories below 1500. Your metabolism will slow down and burn fewer calories because your body thinks it's starving. The 1500 is an aproximation. Oh yes, and make the calories count. They should come from nutirious food. Definitely not junk food and stay away from most fast food.
You;re gonna have to pay the price if you really want the "look".Gain muscle all over. Muscle and your brain are the major calorie burners. If you make your muscles larger all over your body you will burn more calories during other dalily activities including sleeping. Run and jog everyday at least 30 minutes. To build the abs up you need to do crunches. Three sets of 20 3-4 time a week is plenty. Put a dumbbell or a barbell weight on you chest if they are too easy. Do the same amount of leg raise or as many as you can do up to 3 sets of 20. I see a lot of people doing hundreds of crunches and 30-100 reps on an ab machine at the gym but I've never seen their ab muscles because they haven't lost the fat.Don't be unhealthy trying to achieve a certain look. Get famaliar with Body Mass Index and make sure you stay in a healthy range. A little fat is not that bad for you. How you look is determine mostly by your genes. There are a lot of people that won't ever have some of the six packs you see on TV without being unhealthy.

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