Wednesday, August 5, 2009

20% body fat!! help!?

how should i lose weight?? I exercise daily, but i don't eat right, my mom thinks i need to GAIN weight but i found out today that my body fat percentage is 20%!! She won't buy me anything fat free! What should i eat, that we probably have at the house?? Please help. I already tried talking to my mom, but she doesn't understand!
Women are supposed to be about 20-25% body fat. Where do you think those beautiful curves come from ?My wife is up at 35%, curvaceous, and gets hit on all the time. She'd be happy if she could get to 30%.She should get some low fat things just because it is healthier for your heart. At 20%, eat as much as you want as long as you don't lose weight.
20% body fat is not bad its normal, thats what mine is too..., i'm sure your fine but, if your really wanting to lose the body fat though don't eat as much fatty foods and keep doing the exercising
if you are not an athlete than 20% is consider low. if it continue to get lower you might become anorexia later on.

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