Tuesday, August 4, 2009

18 year old female, always tired, lost 10-15 pounds in a year...is that bad?

I'm 18 years old, and I have been feeling very tired even after 9-10 hours of sleep. Lately people have been telling me that I'be been losing alot of weight. I don't really see it, but I guess other people do. Ive been skinny my whole life, but now i'm down to about 109. This time last year i weighed about 120-122. Is this too much weight to be losing and weird for me to be feeling so tired?
I agree with the need for a physical. Being always tired is not normal for anyone. Ask for a CBC, complete blood test and start with your iron levels
You need a complete physical to determine the reason for your weight loss and exhaustion
go tell a doctor this could be an issue
This happened to me when I was about your age. I weighed the same, about 120, and got down to 102. I was concerned and went to the doctor and was tested for everything under the sun--diabetes, over-active tyroid, etc.
They couldn't find anything wrong.
I'm now 24 and I weigh 106.
I'm very interested in other's answers to this question! I could have asked it myself!
Well I think I can help you. Lets first talk about your fatigue, I'm just going to tell you what I did. I was very tired because I was toxic. It happens from not going to the bathroom properly because of all the chemicles in our food. So I suggest that you go to any health food store, I like super supplments, go ahead and ask about their whole body detoxes. What this will do is pull out all of the toxicity out of your blood, organs, and clean your intestines and colon, you need this. And then after you have detoxed (as many times it takes to feel better) Get Iron in liquid form, this will build your blood back up and give you proper energy, it seems like your deficent. And also B complex vitimans, make sure all your vitimans are " whole food based" if there not, then don't expect to feel any better, the human body will reject it, and make you more tired! And another thing, Green Vibrance, this is all your greens and oils and deep sea vegetation that the body thrives on.And one other thing, Sam-e, this is a mood booster and it helps your joints and cleans the liver also, very important! Its all over the counter safe. Please do these things, it WILL help you. it did me.And as you do these things everything else will fall into place. And please make sure you eat organic as much as you can.
To that Pat person, you shouldn't have posted since you didn't bother answering her question. About the weight lost and being tired, you should definitely go to the doctor but in the event that they don't find anything, which is most often the case, you might look at what you are eating and how often. If it is all junk, that could be the problem. When we are young, we don't realize what the food we are eating does to our bodies. I'm not just talking about weight gain. Some of it makes us feel run down and low energy. If you are not getting enough of all the nutrients and vitamins your body needs, it can make you feel tired. You might need a nutritionist more than a doctor. Ask your doctor about that. Write down everything (and I mean everything) you eat and drink in a week to see if you are getting enough of what you need. What others think about how you look isn't as important as how you feel and what YOU think.

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