Saturday, August 8, 2009

A question for exercise professionals...?

well,i am in pretty good shape %26 i love to exercise but im scared i will get too "bulky" a teenage girl i wouldnt want to have a bunch of manly muscles...i dont lift weights but i do ab-crunches %26 aerobics...will this make me bulky?i want to be fit but without bulky shape is pretty small...but u know,will i get bulky if iexercise 2 much?
Unless your are on some type of anabolic supplements or have some crazy genetics, you will not get big. Women DO NOT produce the testosterone needed for big muscles. You can lift weights, heavy even, and will not look masculine. I train a few female clients and they gain nice, shapely, toned muscle from lifting.
Crunches and aerobics do NOT build large muscles, anyway

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