Saturday, August 8, 2009

A fitness question, please help!??

Actually a couple of qs!?
I want to gain weight and become a faster sprinter as well as having greater endurance. Any ideas on what i could do? what should i eat and how do i achieve all of these goals?
any websites dedicated to specific exercises also? thanks for your time and help. HM
Take up a very physical based Martial arts.
Get small hand and ankle weights and go running. The added weight will make your muscle more endurable, also making you faster when you don't have them on cause of them being use to the extra weight.
go two your local libery and find a book named physiology of fitness by ewald e. selkurt third edition that should help you
I recommend looking in a magazine for the title "Runner's World." It's a really good magazine, and it shows you how to stretch and things. If you can't find that, it's okay. Here's what you have to do. (I run)...
1) Go to the store and get reallly good tennis shoes that fit perfect. Even if they cost more then you hope, they will last longer and make you happier anyway.
2) You should stretch out all your muscles, but specifically your legs before you go out to run. you can sit down on the couch with your legs out then just plunge forward, hold for about 30 seconds, no longer or it does weird things to your muscle memory. Then you can do standard "PE" stretches, lunges, and other things like that. When you are done with stretching out you should be much more energized.
3) You should eat before you work out. I think it's a mind of matter thing where you have more incentive, but someone might have proven somewhere along the line it's more efficient.
4)Overall, it's just great to eat healthy. And last but not least, it never hurts to get a personal trainer at the gym or at least enroll in classes at the gym. If you want to go to the gym solo, that's fine, but usually not as efficient unless you really push yourself.
Ok, let's go by parts.In order to increase your endurance while running, you need to create the fundations and learn the basics. From what you are saying, it seems that you have some experience already, so construct the way to higher endurance and speed. Running skills are often described as building a house. The Foundation of your house is what we call body conditioning. Basically it is the process where you warn your body that it will go under a different type of stress. This process is the one that takes longer, and generally when you can run 5 Ks in less than 40 mins, you have achieved this first stage.The second part are the walls of the house, or the distance. Having a healthy, balanced diet rich in grains and proteins helps you to build muscle tissue as you replace the fat in your legs. Drinking tons of water, allows you to become a more resustent runner, all of this will eventually result in more endurance (combined with your basis training).Try to also do other type of training besides running, it is good to hit the gym once in a while, and focus on your abs, as the core is the most important part of good endurance skills. Pilates, Yoga and other type of fitness activities are great too!. Finally comes speed. Once you have masteres a certain distance and can run it without further trouble, you can focus on speed!, Hill training helps as it will make your muscles stronger,. get a running group with a moderate speed pace and train with them.You just need to create a strategy, a realistic time, and support.speed, and distance are the results of your training.Btw. if you want to gain weight, consider that running burns tons of calories, so try to have a high protein diet and do weight training at the Gym.
Join your local running/athletics club, they will give you all the help you need.Intervals and wind sprints, endurance work plus focused weights sessions will all help. And keep stretching.
Training, training and training. This will require lots of power on your mind. Coming along, eating correctly, stretching and weigth lifting. To achive your goals, this is the way. To follow it, you have to decide, a coach or reading and studing about. The best magazine about running is Runner's World. There you can find serious articles about all the areas related to running, and the best indications about books. You can also try
Good luck.
Right. To gain weight and become faster you need to add muscle mass and improve your endurance, 2 separate goals.To add muscle mass you need to train hard with heavy weights, but only a few reps. Pick a weight you can only lift, curl, press etc 5 times. Then do 3 sets of 5 reps with it. After you have finished the last set of 5, drastically reduce the weight, then continue doing reps to failure. You'll find even with a light weight you'll only manage about 10, embarrassing if people are watching you only at that point!!To increase endurance, try interval training. Get a 200m circuit and break it into 50m stretches. Jog for 50m, sprint as hard as possible for 50m, jog for 50m then sprint again as fast as you can for 50m. After a week or so, increase the sprinting sections to 60m and reduce the jogging sections to 40m. Keep doing this til you find yourself sprinting the 200m as fast as you can. Then do it again for 400m.It forces the body to use oxygen more efficiently, thereby increasing endurance.For both of these training routines make sure you eat lots of carbs and get lots of protein through protein shakes.Good luck with both your goals.
Try running with a resistance parachute.This can be used fully unfurled to build explosive power (for sprinting), or partially folded to add some drag while you build endurance.A lot of trainers will tell you that because explosive power and endurance are opposites, training for each will interfere with the other. This can happen, but it depends on how narrowly you define 'endurance'. Training regimes for long-distance running and for sprinting certainly clash, but if your endurance work is not running-specific, you can improve both capabilities simultaneously. Alternating your training every three months is another popular strategy, and it can be useful in several different ways.If you are content with moderate gains in each capability, then there is less of a problem. It is only if you want the fastest possible increase of growth and speed, while also improving your stamina as quickly as possible, that the training regimes start to contradict each other.

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