Wednesday, August 5, 2009

6-wk into wk-out-I feel great, but look the same, now what?

I appreciate that I feel better inside, but I never felt bad to start with when I decided that now is the time to lose weight 4 good. PPl say if you feel good your doing something right %26 to give it time- but how long should I wait 2 c results-or to know if my routine is not working?I started working out %26counting cals b/c I wanted to BE THIN not to just "feel good". I am doing it the most healthy way that I have been instructed by doctors, research %26 you fine ppl on here, BUT I either need to see some results soon or its like im being tempted to eat less %26 less to see results more immediate- im on the edge of this, im frustrated. Ive come to far to give up, I want a lifestyle change but I need the lbs to drop now. 6 weeks is alot of time, what else can do? Heres what Ive been doing:1200-2000 cals per day
min 20min- 1hr max cardio 4-6x wk w/tredmill @ hm
weights -4lb ers @ hm
stretchesmy stats
im 5' tall
Keep up the good work. There are so many more muscles in our bodies that we do not even know of. After approximately 6 - 8 weeks of continuous workout you begin to feel better, sleep better and thus more energetic. At this point it is time to increase the level go from 20 min to 30minutes. This is a very slow process but the rewards can be tremendous. After you reach your goal it is easier to maintain. Less will equal more. Also, alternating slow fast slow program works better.
Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
I think that you should just give your body sometime to adjust. And you may not think that you look different because you see yourself everyday and you don't see the change. Try asking family members or friends to see if they see a difference.
All you can do is be patient. If you want faster results, don't cut back your calories, up the intensity of your workouts a bit. DO NOT GIVE UP!!! Remind yourself how far you have come. The scale is not the only indicator of success. Do your clothes fit better? Are you sleeping better? Do you have more energy? Do you not get winded as easily?
Keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat- that is probably why the numbers aren't dropping. But don't stop strength training- building muscle helps you burn fat!! Don't bow down to the almighty scale, look to other sources to see how far you have come. And again, DO NOT give up! It sounds like you are doing a wonderful job.
1600 cals,water,fruits,vegies,
pilates , more water
and 9 h sleep!max 2lbs a week is healthy
I am not a professional but i am someone who lost 18lbs when i started my diet. I never ate as much as 2000 cals. I would keep it down to 1000. Even though im not on a diet n e more i still didnt eat 2 thousand cals. it definately sounds like u are exercising enough. maybe u should try to boost metabolism by drinking green tea. that can help a lot. drinking water is good for metabolism too. try not to eat too much meat and carbs. and duh, stay away from the sweets
I would have been inpatient too. it only took me 2 months to lose that 18lbs.
DON'T GIVE UP! You're doing great, and you will start to see results very soon. Here are some tips:1. Don't do more than 40 minutes of cardio at a time -- you risk burning muscle instead of fat if you do. You can, however, walk as much as you want. Walking is good because it burns fat almost exclusively.2. Eat breakfast every day within an hour of waking up -- people who don't are 450% more likely to be overweight.3. Eat six small meals or snacks per day (every three hours or so). Eating too much at one sitting causes your body to store the extra calories as fat, but if you eat smaller meals or snacks more often throughout the day it'll give your metabolism a boost.4. DO NOT EVER eat less than 1,400 calories per day. Eating too little will force your body into starvation mode. Your metabolism slows way down and your body greedily hangs on to every last bit of body fat that you have. Not good.5. Try alternating your calorie intake. For example, you could eat 1,400 calories one day and 1,800 calories the next. Be sure to eat a little more on the days that you do any type of weight training, and you can also eat extra on the days that you do the treadmill. Just mix it up.6. Give yourself one "cheat meal" every week where you can eat and drink whatever you want -- just don't stuff. Bodybuilders and professional athletes do this to help keep on their eating/training regimen and their physiques don't suffer for it.7. The rest of the time you need to cut out trans fat (partially or fully hydrogenated oils), high fructose corn syrup (found in almost all soft drinks), and you also need to keep your saturated fat to a minimum. Mono-and-polyunsaturated fats are your friends. They aid in weight loss, they help your body metabolize vitamins like Vitamin E, and they help keep your cholesterol levels where they need to be. Best sources of these "good" fats are: avocadoes, eggs, fish, fish oil, flax seed, flax seed oil, nuts (any kind), and olive oil.Good luck, and remember -- YOU'RE DOING GREAT, so don't give up.
I completely sypathize with your situation. I have been there, I am there again. stay stong if you give up, you will find yourslef doing it all over again later anyways. Good lUck

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